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Astro Hollywood

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I've been disappointed in every GTA game since Vice City

You ARE joking, right? San Andreas pisses all over Vice City. And, in my opinion, every other game made.


No. San Andreas was too much. The eating, the gyms, all the stuff that pulled you away from just having a good time.


I also can't connect at all to CJ and the setting - all that stuff up there, where you guys are wanking over Radio X? Not my scene at all. Chest had it right with Espantoso :cool: Vice City captured a mood, a very particular vibe just this side of naff/cool.


And it's worst crime was the stuff where you had to haul arse across the map to stop a takeover. So annoying.


Also see here. Vice City outranked San Andreas by ten positions according to, well, you lot.


While GTA III was great
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No. San Andreas was too much. The eating, the gyms, all the stuff that pulled you away from just having a good time.


I also can't connect at all to CJ and the setting - all that stuff up there, where you guys are wanking over Radio X? Not my scene at all. Chest had it right with Espantoso :cool: Vice City captured a mood, a very particular vibe just this side of naff/cool.


And it's worst crime was the stuff where you had to haul arse across the map to stop a takeover. So annoying.


Most of that stuff you mention was stuff you didn't actually have to do, though. The gang takeovers especially.


I think San Andreas is a masterpiece of gaming. An amazing achievement. And like with most things of that calibre, it might not be apparent from the start but when I really got into it I realised just how awesome it was. Absolutely brilliant. Always something to do, a great range of places to go, I love it.

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I'm glad a bit of distance is making people view GTA4 slightly less orgasmically. Once the thrill of that big city wore off, I found it pretty tedious and repetitive. Plus the main character was a twat.


This one looks a lot more varied and crazy. And hopefully they've learnt lessons via Red Dead and improved the combat system, which was honestly terrible in GTA4 though.

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I think San Andreas is a masterpiece of gaming. An amazing achievement. And like with most things of that calibre, it might not be apparent from the start but when I really got into it I realised just how awesome it was. Absolutely brilliant. Always something to do, a great range of places to go, I love it.

I think this current generation has produced more shit hot games than any other, for me at least anyway (Fallout, Skyrim, Red Dead, Far Cry 3 etc). But that said, when I re-played San Andreas earlier this year I was blown away with how good it still is, and I think I've said it loads of times on here, but it's true. It's still the best game I've played, if you can look past the outdated graphics and cope with the slightly dodgy control/gameplay, which I found surprisingly easy to do given how good the game is.


All that will change, though. GTAV has a very real chance of topping SA at last. Fuck, I'm pumped. Seriously I'm losing sleep due to anticipation.

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GTA is the only game I ever buy. I play FIFA the odd time round at mate's houses, and maybe Madden now and again if I can pick up a cheap old copy, but I do buy GTA straight away. But what's the best way to get it this time? Pre-order to collect, pre-order to deliver, just go into Tesco's on tuesday etc. The last new game I bothered with getting was GTA 4, and I think it was even my brother that dealt with getting it and I just gave him the money.

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I never bothered with San Andreas, largely because of the setting being unappealing to me compared to Vice City. I'm quite racist like that. And whenever I've seen anyone play it, it's been my depressed mate joylessly killing time by diving into the water to find a hundred oysters or whatever. Looked crap. But from reading a couple of retrospectives this week and seeing embedded Youtube videos, it looks like the missions are great fun and a lot madder than GTA 4. The graphics look shockingly dated though. I know it's been ten years and a whole generation, but sometimes the environments look like they've been built out of old bits of Starfox.

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Guardian interview with Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar and co-writer of GTA games.


Key points:


* He pretty much admits that with GTA IV they spent so much time working on the technical side of switching to next-gen consoles and HD resolution that they didn't have as much time to work on the gaming side. This time the driving force was doing more stuff in the great outdoors.


* He describes San Andreas as "three small villages linked together by some cool countryside."


* They now (starting with GTA IV by the sound of it) simply film cut scenes for both the voice capture and the motion capture with the same actor at the same time, rather than having no-names do the motion cap and have a famous person add the voice later. "Now, it's not like they're shooting a big budget Hollywood movie, they are."


* One of the villain kids in Bully is the only character in the Rockstar series that's directly based on a single real person.


* He's not a fan of game reviews that break it down into different categories like sound, graphics, gameplay etc -- he thinks the only thing that really matters is how it fits together as an overall experience.


Part 2 coming on Monday dealing with the specific of creating Los Santos.


Ooh, and no idea if this is true, but a commenter below the piece reckons there's a review embargo until 3pm on Monday.

Edited by JNLister
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Mate of mine just text saying his copy has been despatched from Amazon, looks like some could be getting hold of it on Monday.


A lot of people seem to be getting the dispatch email, but Rockstar have been very, very adamant that nobody will be getting them until Tuesday, so I'd bet they're just getting ahead of themselves, and there are millions of packaged copies sat on pallets ready to go out on Saturday night/Monday morning.


Incidentally, Amazon are now out of stock, so if you've not pre-ordered, you won't be getting it on release day from them.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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