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Astro Hollywood

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It'll soon come round! Looking forward to it but I don't think I'll ever truly conquer this one like I have previous GTA games. GTAIV came out when I was 19 and in College and I had so much more spare time/time to waste in that period. I'll be edging close to 25 when this one arrives and I'm getting too old to play massive games like that in the same depth. Old yella :(

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GTA 4 was a big step up in gameplay and graphics but the story was very dull.


For me GTA is about climbing up the criminal ladder, starting up in the gutter and ending up in the Scarface mansion with helicopter on the roof, supermodels in your pool and a fleet of sports cars in your garage. I think they perhaps tried to tweak the morals by making 4 a revenge story, but when I was playing I was never sure who I was trying to get revenge on and why. I just felt like a lackey being used by a series of dislikeable generic mobsters.


Gay Tony was magic though, added some much needed thrills and bling to the game. I like to think the developers have learnt their lesson there.

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Speaking of Scarface, did you ever play the Scarface game?


Although it was essentially a GTA clone it was done brilliantly. It's one of my favourite games ever and I think it was really under-rated. One of the things it did really well is what you're talking about that - it really made you want to get all that money and power. Something I always felt a little bit lacking in GTA - I never really found much I wanted to spend my money on.


Also, the more you acquired the harder it became to maintain the lifestyle. Bigger shipments, more cops after you, other gangsters all trying to get a slice of the action... it escalated with a very smooth curve to keep you going. Captured the vibe of the film very well in that respect.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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If the graphics haven't aged too badly then you're in for a treat!


There's also a really awesome Giorgio Moroder track on there that didn't make the film soundtrack called Disco '79 (it is up on youtube and Giorgio's soundcloud if you don't want to wait though), and an amazing Black Uhuru track that's not on any of their albums.

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What a disgusting piece of human detritus. You can see the moment the walls of his heart burst at around 2.21 minutes.


Christ. That vid has got meme written all over it. It'll be everywhere by next week.


What a dick though. At 1.30 I was expecting his head to explode.


EDIT: watching some of his other videos, he's clearly created a character. He seems to break Kayfabe here:


Edited by Chilly McFreeze
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