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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Havent seen Lucha Underground for a bit now but follow posts on here and little bits and pieces here and there - what happened to Angela Fong and the mysterious Asian woman in the crowd thing?

She time and again proved herself to be a gullible idiot and now she's a murderer.

Care to elaborate a bit?

She went to kill cuertos brother but was kidnapped by dragon azteca, who tried to train her up but she wouldn't listen, then she just wandered into the temple without backup. When chavo came in to protect her he immediately sold her out. Then while locked in a cage beside matanza (cuertos brother) cuerto told her dragon azteca killed her parents, so without even questioning it, she murdered him when he came to rescue her.


What a cunt.

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Vampiro's match was great for the novelty of it. I dont care for matches like that on a regular basis, but it was a change of pace from the norm. Michael Schiavello was pretty good as well. I imagine if there's a season 2, it'll be him and Striker with Vamp doing an onscreen role.


I actually remember years ago in WCW, Christopher Daniels was going to be revealed as Vampiro's master in a similar storyline, but (as usual) it was dropped the very same show. They even filmed a skit with Daniels in a hood telling Vampiro how shits going down.


I wasn't sure if I should look or look away, it was brutal. Probably worse than the Grave Consequences match. I think if those guys are cool with it then it's okay. I mean at least they aren't Abyss jumping in tacks every week or whatever.


Texano vs Blue Demon let it down for me. Just dull, but they managed to make Chavo Guerrero (relatively) interesting so you have to give them that.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
Morrison certainly looked like he was part of the deathmatch too. Also Melina! Crazy.


Also Catrina  :wub: and that end video package! Arguably one of the cheeseist/coolest video packages in wrestling, ever. Come on Season 2!

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It was my favorite show of the year and I don't see anything beating it. I pray to God there is a season 2. For years we've needed a proper alternative to WWE, this is it. Fuck TNA and fuck ROH. Lucha Underground is a proper alternative and utterly unique. It makes me love wrestling again. It's so much fun. That 37 hours in 37 minutes video shows you all the crazy, exciting and intriguing stories they've told. It shits all over WWE's booking.

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Thing with this is, its cost more to produce this TV show than it does Raw. And there's no tickets or merch coming through. Its both a crying shame and very understandable if this goes away, because how do you make money from it? I honestly believe, though, if this was on a network with any type of reach, it would be doing great viewership. Its revolutionized the business for me. Its so far and away different from anything else in the last 2 decades. To be the alternative, you need to be drastically different from the number 1 promotion. And this is more than different.


What's mental is, that 9 month show was planned out in advance from 9 months ago. Everything they had previously done was planned from the start. Long term booking isnt dead.

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Yeah this should have TNA'S old spot on Spike. I bet they would do great numbers. I don't know how El Reys deal works but maybe they could chuck it on Netflix? Barely anyone in the US has El Rey.

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That's got to be show of the year for me. The Blue Demon/Texacano match was fine for what it was. I'm not a massive fan of either so wasn't expecting much and it acted as a breather before the main event.


Loved Alberto/Mundo, just an aggressive and energetic grudge match that made you really brought me into it. Vampiro didn't seem very mobile so all the shortcuts were understandable and it made for a dramatic match. I don't think they could have had a better straight singles match.


The closing video package was amazing. I don't think a single promotion has ever had so many characters I'm genuinely invested in

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Caught up with the show last night, great entertainment! I hadn't been paying much attention to the main eventers before this show but the lengthy match kept my attention. I also hadn't watched a "deathmatch" in a long time so the Vampiro bout was something different for me. I loved the ending after the bell. The opener was fun too. Top marks from me!

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That season-ending coda was absolutely brilliant. The wrestling has been so-so a lot of the time, aside from a couple of genuine mega stars, but the presentation has been stunning. If Vince still thinks he makes movies, he might want to give this a look.


Mortal Kombat meets Stars Wars. A reveal about an odd couple team that adds another layer to the whole group. ACTUAL dragons and Power Ranger rocket men. Aztec tribal mafia killer monster shenanigans. Marvellous.

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That ending video made Marty "The Moth" looks a billion times better than anything he's done in the ring so far, I'd found him to be a bit annoying with his quirky act but now he seems like a proper fucked in the head horror villian. Will be interesting to know who his "sister" is, if we ever do find out.


The Cero Miedo match was perfect for what it was, plus I don't view LU with the same expectations as any other US company anyway. Things that would piss me off watching WWE don't here, these guys are all superheroes and villians fighting within a fantasy world that's far removed from the reality of most wrestling, it's a completely separate entity to me.

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It's a real life No Mercy patch for Def Jam Fight for NY.


I'd forgotten about the Marty the Moth twist. If they had that planned, that's quality storytelling. The guy's been sex-pesty from the off, but the slow build and big sting turned him from jobber to major threat. That final image of him flapping like a demon in the light with Sexy Star in that rope 'cocoon' was properly chilling.

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A recent bit from the executive producer of season 2:




I hope this helps...I have this one already typed... this is obviously why they asked me to be here, so I’ll answer it very honestly and then you all can go back to work. Let’s break it down into parts - “If” and “when” and “where”. There is very little doubt in my mind about the “if”. I’d say its a 99.9% chance that a second season is happening. LU is a partnership, and each of the partners are committed to making season 2 happen. The “To be continued…” at the end of UltimaLucha was not just us trolling you, it was more of a promise.

The issues about money and production costs are indeed real, although vastly overstated. We didn’t spend $20 Million - not even close. El Rey is the one of the best networks I’ve ever worked with, but what they have to spend doesn’t quite cover the costs of a show like Lucha Underground. So our choices are to either 1. Raise the money from another source, or 2. Make the show cheaper.

We are currently looking for a second broadcasting partner - either a streaming service, or even an additional broadcast network. We are also aggressively going after foreign sales, sponsorships, and integration partners. Those deals take time to secure, and that is why there has been a delay in announcing an official pick-up. The “when” of this is what’s up in the air. Of course we’d like to be back on the air in October, but realistically that date is likely to push. I’d put January of 2016 as the latest date of our return.

The “where” is also being debated and is part of option 2. LA is expensive. As much as we all want to stay in Boyle Heights, we may need to investigate a different location for season 2. There are other locations with tax incentives or where resources are cheaper. Of course story-wise we can make anything work. We all saw Dario leave the temple and where he ends up is anyone’s guess.

TL;DR Yes, but not sure when or where.


So that's good news mostly! As much as I love the Boyle Heights temple I think the idea of season 2 being in a new location is so awesome and original I'd love to see it happen. Also that season 2 will come out in January...I think because of the WWE model we're used to wrestling being every week and never ending but Lucha Underground is so different and not really even comparable that I like the idea of it being a one season-per year thing closer to a normal season of TV.

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