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What was your first ever wrestling video ?


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I was just wondering what was everyones first ever wrestling video they bought ? , mine was Summerslam 88 still remember it now, i wonder what was the first ever wrestling video released in this country.

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Think it was Survivor Series 1998 for me. Fantastic first video to get. Hadnt been following wrestling back then and was gutted that the back of the video ruined the ending!

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WrestleMania 7 was the first wrestling video I ever owned.

Mine was the Sting "Back In Black" VHS, followed closely by WrestleMania VII, and the 1990 and 1995 Royal Rumbles.


What were the first ones released over here? I seem to remember a batch of about five, including Summerslam 88, Hogan and Warrior compilations, one that was something like Wrestlemania's Greatest Matches, and possibly High Flyers. I think it would have been one of those, although my parents had loads on Betamax they'd taped from telly in the 80s like Wrestlemanias 1-5, stuff like that.

Mine was the Sting "Back In Black" VHS.


Don't forget the Sid doc on the same video.



Mine was Starrcade 90, perfect starting tape.

First WCW video I owned also. Big issue for me back then was that the commercially UK released WCW videos were often edited, and most were missing several matches. Starrcade '90 was the one exception in that the card was complete and no matches were cut from the video.


I think the first one bought for me and my brother as a kid would have probably been Survivor Series 1989. First one I physically bought myself was Best Survior Series 87-97 I think it was. Having drifted away from wrestling for a few years between about 94-98 due to lack of sky etc some of that was mighty confusing, especially Goldust :laugh:

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The Best of Hulkamania.


It had the Bossman cage match with the superplex, which was repeated move for move on SNME, albeit with minor differences like a juice-job and a Zeus run in, and consequently exposed the business to a young me.


Survivor Series 1988 bought from our local ASDA in mid-1991 around the same time we got SKY.


Great opening match that holds up to this day, and I re-watched the main event & Warrior's match dozens of times.

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SummerSlam 89 for me. Still one of my favourite events. The Demolition and Hacksaw Duggan vs Andre and The Twin Towers match was memorable as fuck as a child. A load of big people sitting on each other. The Warrior vs Rick Rude match was brilliant as well, and it was probably the night they realised how big Warrior would become. He was mental over in this match. And the main event was everything that is good about WWF/WWE. Hogan and Beefcake vs Zeus and Savage with Liz and Sherri getting involved. Still have my copy. I've gotten rid of a lot of WWF videos but I cant part with that one.


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