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Bellenda Carlisle

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New Batman vs Superman Trailer

I'm fully on board with this film again, you couldn't cut a trailer with this much action in it from the whole Nolan trilogy. I really like Alfred in the comics and it's so good to see him contributing in a way other than standing around being ancient

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That trailer focus' more on the actual fight between the two it seems, which is a plus. Apparently the run time for BvsS is clocking in at around 2 hours 40 minutes, so the question would be, how much of the film would be them two fighting......and how much will be doomsday wrecking the place?

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Jackie Earle Haley has been cast as Odin Quincannon in the Preacher series. Perfect choice!


Interesting that Odin is going to be in season 1. Looks like they are folding aspects of the Salvation arc into the first season. I'm guessing season 1 will be quite small scale with them brining in Herr Starr, The Saint Of Killers etc. in later seasons.

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Right, now listen to me here, Muttoner coz you've given me the horn!


If you want to go back to the very start, any of Joe Kelly or Fabien Niciezas runs are worth a punt.
Fuck it, just get right in there and get Deadpool Classic Volume 14 Suicide Kings. It's easy to jump in there, and it's utterly fucking tremendous.

I'm not a big fan of a lot Daniel Ways' work on Deadpool personally, but many find him to be the benchmark and it is all subjective, but I will say his Dark Reign nailed the character and the altercations with Bullseye are wonderful.


So in a nutshell, my recommendations would be below:











There's so much more, but they're just lovely.

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Right, now listen to me here, Muttoner coz you've given me the horn!


If you want to go back to the very start, any of Joe Kelly or Fabien Niciezas runs are worth a punt.

Fuck it, just get right in there and get Deadpool Classic Volume 14 Suicide Kings. It's easy to jump in there, and it's utterly fucking tremendous.

I'm not a big fan of a lot Daniel Ways' work on Deadpool personally, but many find him to be the benchmark and it is all subjective, but I will say his Dark Reign nailed the character and the altercations with Bullseye are wonderful.


So in a nutshell, my recommendations would be below:











There's so much more, but they're just lovely.

I got given Secret Invasion & Dark Reign as a starter for Deadpool halfway through Dark Reign you realise there is another book needed still not tracked down Thunderbolts

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Jackie Earle Haley has been cast as Odin Quincannon in the Preacher series. Perfect choice!


Interesting that Odin is going to be in season 1. Looks like they are folding aspects of the Salvation arc into the first season. I'm guessing season 1 will be quite small scale with them brining in Herr Starr, The Saint Of Killers etc. in later seasons.


I think those guys will be saved for later as well. I reread Preacher a few weeks ago and it's still great, but not as great as I remembered it. The nature of TV production means it's not going to be as on-the-road as the comic was, I guess it's just set in Annville. I'm not sure how that fits in with a quest to find God and make him face his crimes. 

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You can put me squarely in Malbranque's camp re: Deadpool, saw it this afternoon and absolutely loved it.



Reviewers passing it off as simply dick jokes really miss the heart of the film, as well as the smarts of the writers. The fact that we get a Basil Fawlty reference AND a big scene/callback based on a Monty Python sketch shows a love of classic British comedy, and a willingness to make obscure references for those who'll get it rather than pandering to the masses with bang-to-date pop culture references.

The opening credits were fantastic, set the tone perfectly. The end credit scene was clever, a way to satisfy those who were expecting it while poking fun at the Marvel trope of always including one.

The only thing I'd say is that Monica Baccarin, while stunning and fantastic as always was written in such a way that if Kevin Smith had done it he'd be absolutely torn to shreds. Paper-thin, essentially Wade Wilson + Tits - Immortality. However, it didn't matter in the slightest, because she's gorgeous and played the role perfectly.

Other things, Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powers are awesome, Colossus is an idealistic heart-on-his-sleeve windbag which is PERFECT for his comic book persona, Voltron, TJ Miller, BOB, Wham!

Early contender for my film of the year, it doesn't push out Guardians as my favourite Marvel film, but it might the next time I see it.


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Deadpool was Great, I've never liked the character but it was inspiringly true to the source material and despite him only being in two good films* previously to this, I love Ryan Reynolds and he absolutely killed the role like I knew he would.


It was a bit short on surprises, it was exactly how I thought it would be but that's probably because I felt like I'd seen most of it in the trailer. I did love the fact that it was pretty concise and on a relatively small scale, it really suited it just like how Batman v Superman is going to be all the better for being a 3 hour long epic.


I loved Collossus and how he looked, he's always been my favourite X-Man.


When do tickets for BvS go on sale? It's out next month and I don't want to miss that shit.



*van wilder and the voices

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When do tickets for BvS go on sale? It's out next month and I don't want to miss that shit.

You make it sound like there will only be one showing and you have to call the box office at 9am to secure a golden ticket!

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