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Bellenda Carlisle

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Saw the midnight screening last night:

It's great! I don't think it's as good as the first one though - the first one felt like a culmination of everything that had gone before and had a natural flow to the story, but this one, at times, felt more like it was setting things up for future films and trying to do more than maybe it needed. However, there are some brilliant scenes - the opening attack on the Hydra base it completely brilliant, as is the scene at the end where they're all fighting together and the camera keeps spinning round to catch them all, and Ultron's first attack is pretty intimidating. Of the new characters, Scarlet Witch is great, Quicksilver does what he needs to, and The Vision... Well, The Vision is just weird. I liked the Widow-Hulk dynamic too, and the fact Hawkeye got a bit more to do. Overall, well worth staying up late for and a solid four star film!

Great Stan Lee cameo too.

I also got an ace metal popcorn bucket with the Avengers on that will be my new bin for my desk at work.

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You see it yet, Chokester?

Went to see it last night. Thought it was fantastic. I'll post a proper thing about it when I get home but my love of James Spader continues to grow.



I think he got the best line in the film:



Towards the end when Hulk jumps into the plane he's flying:


"Oh, for God's sake!"


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I'm not sure if I liked it. There were definitely bits I really liked and nothing I particularly disliked, but it... I dunno. It just didn't sit right with me. This was the Phase 2 film I've been least hyped about and I'm still left underwhelmed. I've got tickets booked to see it again on Saturday, I'll have formed a full opinion by then, I think.

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First official pic of Jared Leto as the Joker. I was really excited by this casting and he looks pleasingly psychotic. Wasn't sure about the body art at first but whatever, he looks great and the more I look at it the more I like it.

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I mean, they've cast Jared Leto as the joker. They knew the audience they were getting, may as well pitch for it.


I'm guessing on-screen it won't look half as glossy and, importantly, it won't stop him giving a good performance.


My worry, and admittedly I'm jumping the gun based on one picture, but it looks as if they're pitching the Joker as overly 'manic'. I'd hate for him just to come across as annoying.

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Loved Age of Ultron. I used to eat my lunch in the

'New Avengers Facility' most days in the early 2000s. The 'filming in Norwich' aspect had completely slipped my mind, so it felt utterly bizarre to see it pop up at the end.


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I mean, they've cast Jared Leto as the joker. They knew the audience they were getting, may as well pitch for it.


I'm guessing on-screen it won't look half as glossy and, importantly, it won't stop him giving a good performance.


My worry, and admittedly I'm jumping the gun based on one picture, but it looks as if they're pitching the Joker as overly 'manic'. I'd hate for him just to come across as annoying.


Really this Suicide Squad film has so many characters in it I can't see how it isn't going to be a right fucking mess anyway.


On a different note, here's a really good video about what if Man Of Steel was in color: https://youtu.be/Du-eYiD9OfM

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On a different note, here's a really good video about what if Man Of Steel was in color: https://youtu.be/Du-eYiD9OfM

I can't stand modern colour manipulation. Particularly in horror films these days. They are so homogenised, drab and lifeless. I've long suspected it's a way to placate the MPAA. It really doesn't do the cinematography justice. I watched Blood & Black Lace last night on Blu-ray. It's had a restoration done by Arrow and it's SO much more visually interesting than the Platinum Dunes era dirge. What's sad is like with Man of Steel take that colour manipulation away and you more than likely have a much more striking and engaging film.


EDIT - Joker doesn't have Tattoos. I just don't see the logic. Plus they are crap. Hopefully he is wearing a straight jacket or something the whole movie to cover the bulk of them.

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Yeah not a fan of Joker's crap tats. I think they've gone for something to totally seperate it from other portrayals of the character and completely overshot as a result. The Damaged forehead tattoo is the worst of the bunch. I don't want to take a guess as to what the stomach tattoo that's been cropped out is

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