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  • Paid Members
Maybe he shockingly had off-forum stuff to deal with.


I think some people do forget there's a world out there. Good luck to him.


If something shockingly happened i don't understand why you would go to a forum and ask for you account to be disabled. Just seems like the thing you would do.


Very weird.


RF is a great poster though so lets hope he comes back.

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It could simply be that he was spending far too much time here and felt that closing his account would help stop that. I had the same problem with Facebook, the place would annoy me daily but I still visited the site. I closed my account and haven't been back or felt the need to go back since.

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  • Moderators
He tended to verge from greatness to white noise far too readily, akin to Butch and Loki.


I've achieved greatness. I;ve been akimbo the legs of the old woman version of Kilamanjaro, and I didn't turn away.

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  • Paid Members
Does the Forum Runner app work with this forum? Anyone know?


I asked about this a while back and it seems that we need Moo to sign the forum up to the website for it to run on the app, so currently (And most likely) no.

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  • Paid Members

Do we have a gardening / growing your own fruit and veg thread? I can't find one but I am awful at using the search function and could quite easily have missed it.

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