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All I ask is for something that doesn't look dodgy at a glance should somebody clock it on my screen when I'm at work.

Totally. Even Pat's 'pulsating' attempts. Anything that doesn't make me scroll down like lightning when I'm looking at work, for fear of being outed as a massive racist.

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  • Awards Moderator
Hello, would anybody be able to advise me how to post pictures on this forum from my phone? I have been going through my old maazines and there are some great pics for the photo thread.

Thank you for your help.


All images have to be remotely hosted. You'll need to upload them to somewhere like imgur first.

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Relating to the cookie issues - I can't replicate this no matter what I do. When I log in I stay logged in - am I special? Can anyone using Chrome try Incognito mode for a session or two and tell me if it happens then - I'm thinking particularly of the people who say they get logged out while clicking reply.


Also it would be good to know what devices people are using, and what ISP. It's possible this is related to your IP being changed by a proxy.


As far as guidelines for a logo would go, I would say something like the following:


* Simple colour scheme

* Not embarrass anyone viewing at work - ideally not look like a BNP logo(!)

* A landscape type ratio - Current one is 259x86 - totally arbitrary but it doesn't take up much vertical space which is a positive

* Created in a vector format (so it can be resized later without losing quality)

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  • Paid Members

I use Chrome all the time, Moo, and the only logging out issues I've had have been infrequent and actually not so much in the last few weeks. They tended to happen overnight when I'm not online, actually, and only when I navigated away from UKFF in a tab or switched a UKFF tab off completely.

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  • Awards Moderator
Relating to the cookie issues - I can't replicate this no matter what I do. When I log in I stay logged in - am I special? Can anyone using Chrome try Incognito mode for a session or two and tell me if it happens then - I'm thinking particularly of the people who say they get logged out while clicking reply.


Just tried an Incognito session. Worked fine for a while, then after about 40 mins I was logged out.


I'm on TalkTalk, using Chrome across multiple devices (Windows laptop, Android mobile and Nexus). I initially attributed it to switching devices but then it happened with only one device switched on and leaving it a while.


As far as guidelines for a logo would go, I would say something like the following:


* Simple colour scheme

* Not embarrass anyone viewing at work - ideally not look like a BNP logo(!)

* A landscape type ratio - Current one is 259x86 - totally arbitrary but it doesn't take up much vertical space which is a positive

* Created in a vector format (so it can be resized later without losing quality)


Can I also add things that don't have lots of Photoshop layer styles from 2001 please? It also doesn't have to be red white and blue you know.

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I'm using Internet Explorer on AOL on my personal laptop and a mix of Chrome/IE on my work laptop (not sure who their ISP is). Having the same problem on both, only started the last few weeks. Like I said before seems to be a time element to the problem for me. Can close down the entire browser and open it back up and still be logged in, but close it and leave it for any length of time and I'll be logged out the next time I open the site.

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When it happens at home, my isp is Sky. This happens on my Nexus 7 tablet, Samsung Galaxy S2 phone, ASUS Laptop and even my Nintendo 3DS. It also happens at work using my desktop, fuck knows the isp there.

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It's not just that you get logged out, it's that it doesn't remember my login details any more, which is always used to do both on Safari and Chrome.

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  • Paid Members
Using Chrome on Windows 7 on works laptop and it's logging me out every minute or so. Tried removing all ukff cookies too.


I'm on the same connection and it's been stable for the last 10 minutes or so, no change to my settings or anything.

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