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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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I'm going to reiterate what I said on Twitter earlier - One of my friends grew up near Ponty and when she started going out at 14/15 the Prophets were well known but hadn't reached the stage where they'd stopped going out at the weekend. Quite a few guys chatted her up, Ian Watkins included. I'd be a fool to think she didn't go home with any of them but whilst I know she's been back to his place in a group, she maintains she never slept with him.


He later gained quite the reputation for revelling in the attentions of teenage fans and would often turn up at clubs after gigs with girls of questionable legal age in tow.


Up in the valleys though? Yeah, it's not surprising that sort of thing goes on, hence all the teenage pregnancies. You really can't carry on with that sort of thing outside of small towns where people just turn a blind eye, especially when you're in the public eye as he is.


That all said, I still remember the Public Disturbance days and whilst I didn't know him back then, I'm ended up pretty good mates with the other guys from the band and did meet him, briefly, at a reunion gig back in 2005. He's very short, and that's from me at 5'7", so I reckon he just likes girls his own height.


So, not entirely surprising, but younger than 13? That is pretty fucked up.

i posted it in the news thread but id heard he was heavy into drugs, was skint and was on the verge of getting kicked out of the band for years. I also remember the band from back in the day, i saw Public Disturbance once, i aint sure if Ian was playing then though, it was at the time when both bands operated, Mike Lewis was definitly on guitar though.


I saw Lost Prophets almost become the house band opener in TJ's too, they supported several bands i saw there prior to their debut coming out...that was back when Ian did his American game show host schtick onstage, he was an annoying fucker.


This has still blown my mind though.

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Before I forget, just thought i'd pop in to say my friends band put out an amazing record this year thats been getting a lot of love in Year End lists. They're called We Came Out Like Tigers and the record is called 'Agelessness and Lack'. Check it out if you're into screamo, black metal, post rock etc


You can stream it HERE

Edited by lightningxlock
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  • Paid Members
Before I forget, just thought i'd pop in to say my friends band put out an amazing record this year thats been getting a lot of love in Year End lists. They're called We Came Out Like Tigers and the record is called 'Agelessness and Lack'. Check it out if you're into screamo, black metal, post rock etc


You can stream it HERE

Hah, my mate plays drums for them. Or did. They're alright, like. I prefer his old band, Goodtime Boys, but they're local so I could be biased!

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Being a metal fan is a disability!

A Swedish heavy metal fan has had his musical preferences officially classified as a disability. The results of a psychological analysis enable the metal lover to supplement his income with state benefits.

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Roger Tullgren, 42, from H

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