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the press' inability to resist the temptation to fuck with the squad in the run up to a tournament is hilarious, but also a bit sad. Not that I give a shit about England; scouser innit.


is rite lad, is fuckin rite. me da says the same shit lad. asn't givin a fuck since he was a lad an now its not even a englishman as the manager, they can fuck rite off lad.

I know you're trying to be funny, but the lack of an English manager is the opposite of any reason scousers would give for not giving a fuck about England. It's that kind of xenophobic Ing-er-lund, fat cockney unjustifiably arrogant violent humourless lout attitude that puts me off personally, and I'm sure many others. England just has the worst type of fans. Booing players because they don't understand the concept of a modern midfielder. Booing the opposition's national anthem. Having shitty little car flags. A couple of awful chants. They know fuck-all about football, cause they only watch once every four years, and get their info from the Sun. They're worse than Chelsea fans.


Along with the idea of cheering alongside all the ignorant fucks in the press that slag us off all the time. And wishing the best for cunts like England's brave John Terry, Lampard, Rio, Cashley and the like just leaves a horrible taste in the mouth. All the hypocritical patriotic coverage in the Sun, when they spend the other 4 years doing their best to bring the team down. We're proud of our city, not of our country. A city that's constantly vilified by the rest of the country. A socialist city forced to endure right-wing governments. England doesn't speak for us, and it never has.


Liverpool players have always been the scapegoats for any measure of under-performance by the England team. That fucking bullshit about "They never play as well as they do for their club." Barnes, McManaman, now Gerrard and Johnson. Even before a ball's been kicked, we know that Gerrard and Johnson are going to get the toughest time from the media, and if anything goes wrong it'll be because those two didn't perform.


Lineker, Wright and Shearer whingeing at half time about what an awful boring game this is, in EVERY game not involving England, no matter how brilliant the football is.


This is why I love international tournaments, because I can watch football without any gut-wrenching fear of losing. When England play I'll want them to win, but if we lose when Rooney gets sent off and Terry scores an own goal, I wont be disappointed.

This class reply by Bobbins gets my vote.

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Im in the Wrestling game knobs, so wether you like it or not your fucking wrong. If you want to in use demeaning terminology when you are talking about me be brave enough to leave your names. Meanwhile lets think about where these terms come from "The Wrestlers" not the sad fucking marks. Who like I said only think they fucking know. Please lets know who you keyboard Warriors are before you insult any further. Also where did shoot interview come into this we are talking about shoot incidents in match's penis breath. Are you sure your heads not just full of drunkenness and your just dreaming of Wrestlers. wanker.


Real professional. You got made to look like a spanner, and now you're having a period because you're wrong. Why do people need to leave names before they can call you demeaning names you knob? are you going to travel all around the country fighting with "sad fucking marks"?


Yours sincerely Tom Aitken.

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Aye, that's a good'un. So thoroughly deserved too. I'd have thought a wrestler of all people would know that "shoot" has come to mean many different things in wrestling parlance.

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Aye, that's a good'un. So thoroughly deserved too. I'd have thought a wrestler of all people would know that "shoot" has come to mean many different things in wrestling parlance.


Yes and no. I worked a summer of camps with Phil Powers, and I found that the broader meanings of what were once traditional wrestling terms still haven't reached most of the older wrestlers who work the circuit - probably because, for the larger part, they don't bother with Teh Intarweb. They pretty much use the terms as was, with seemingly little variation. In fact, I've never heard guys like Powers ever use the words "heel" or "face", preferring to use the more traditionally British "villain" and "blue-eye".


Doesn't excuse the Guv'nor's outburst, though - he's been on here a while, so you'd think he'd recognise that flexibility, but maybe he's just set in his ways and refuses to do so. Quite a number of vets are.

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  • Paid Members
Aye, that's a good'un. So thoroughly deserved too. I'd have thought a wrestler of all people would know that "shoot" has come to mean many different things in wrestling parlance.


Yes and no. I worked a summer of camps with Phil Powers, and I found that the broader meanings of what were once traditional wrestling terms still haven't reached most of the older wrestlers who work the circuit - probably because, for the larger part, they don't bother with Teh Intarweb. They pretty much use the terms as was, with seemingly little variation. In fact, I've never heard guys like Powers ever use the words "heel" or "face", preferring to use the more traditionally British "villain" and "blue-eye".


Doesn't excuse the Guv'nor's outburst, though - he's been on here a while, so you'd think he'd recognise that flexibility, but maybe he's just set in his ways and refuses to do so. Quite a number of vets are.


Makes you wonder why British wrestling died in the eighties, really. (Yes, yes, obligatory 'Brit Wres proudly lives blah blah' bit goes here).

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Yeah, they're always getting accused of rat-eating in Buckinghamshire eh?

David Beckham went rat eating in Buckinghamshire, though Posh prefers to call it cunnilingus.


Not sure how that got no-sold in the thread, big-up yourself Rick that was tremendous.

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Im in the Wrestling game knobs, so wether you like it or not your fucking wrong. If you want to in use demeaning terminology when you are talking about me be brave enough to leave your names. Meanwhile lets think about where these terms come from "The Wrestlers" not the sad fucking marks. Who like I said only think they fucking know. Please lets know who you keyboard Warriors are before you insult any further. Also where did shoot interview come into this we are talking about shoot incidents in match's penis breath. Are you sure your heads not just full of drunkenness and your just dreaming of Wrestlers. wanker.


Real professional. You got made to look like a spanner, and now you're having a period because you're wrong. Why do people need to leave names before they can call you demeaning names you knob? are you going to travel all around the country fighting with "sad fucking marks"?


Yours sincerely Tom Aitken.


QUE? :confused:

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Im in the Wrestling game knobs, so wether you like it or not your fucking wrong. If you want to in use demeaning terminology when you are talking about me be brave enough to leave your names. Meanwhile lets think about where these terms come from "The Wrestlers" not the sad fucking marks. Who like I said only think they fucking know. Please lets know who you keyboard Warriors are before you insult any further. Also where did shoot interview come into this we are talking about shoot incidents in match's penis breath. Are you sure your heads not just full of drunkenness and your just dreaming of Wrestlers. wanker.


Real professional. You got made to look like a spanner, and now you're having a period because you're wrong. Why do people need to leave names before they can call you demeaning names you knob? are you going to travel all around the country fighting with "sad fucking marks"?


Yours sincerely Tom Aitken.

I'll third this one.


And give this one from the "say something nice about Kane" thread a shout:


He's not Matt Hardy.


He's not Dillikid.

He sure ain't.

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