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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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A question for the experts, why do men in 1980s martial arts film always have their hands in that two fingers up, two fingers down stance when they're fighting?

If you mean the thumb and little finger hand position, then it's because Bruce Lee did it.


Some martial arts (predominantly Chinese ones) do have strange hand positions, as they favour jabby strikes to the eyes and throat, etc... but in movie land it's largely just a "See my hand? It's not a fist, because I'm not a boxer. I'm a martial arts guy" thing.

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I also loved The Muppets - and the Toy Story short in front of it. Dave Grohl cameo + Swedish Chef quoting Scarface + general happiness and feelings of joy = good stuff.


Saw Hugo last night, and thought it was superb. Scorsese's absolute passion and love for cinema shines through, and after watching it, how could you not agree with him? Films are just brilliant. If you haven't seen Hugo yet, you owe it to yourself. Go!

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Submarine - British comedy drama from Richard Ayoade (of The IT Crowd). 15-year-old Oliver Tate has two objectives: To lose his virginity before his next birthday, and to extinguish the flame between his mother and an ex-lover who has resurfaced in her life. We really enjoyed this, it's 'indie' as anything & as such may irritate as much as charm depending on your viewpoint. Well acted all round with Paddy Considine adding another tremendous character to his CV as a mullet topped psychic.

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Hellboy. I picked this up on Blu-Ray when I first purchased my PS3 a few months back. I thought visually it would look great in Blu-Ray, and it didn't disappoint. I like the film a lot too. I'm not a great lover of superhero movies, but this is one of the few that I do. Shame the sequel was a pile of pants.


It also got me thinking who would win in a fight between Hellboy and Marv from Sin City.

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Submarine - British comedy drama from Richard Ayoade (of The IT Crowd). 15-year-old Oliver Tate has two objectives: To lose his virginity before his next birthday, and to extinguish the flame between his mother and an ex-lover who has resurfaced in her life. We really enjoyed this, it's 'indie' as anything & as such may irritate as much as charm depending on your viewpoint. Well acted all round with Paddy Considine adding another tremendous character to his CV as a mullet topped psychic.

Not to mention the fantastic acoustic soundtrack by Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys

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Really? I preferred the sequel to the original. I thought Hellboy suffered from a lack of real baddy leading into a big CGI mess at the end, the second outing had a better story imo.


It definitely needed a big finish, someone or something that pushed Hellboy to his limits. Other than that I think it's pretty great. Although Selma Blair just looked bored as fuck all the way through it.


I thought the sequel was a little confusing, didn't flow and dragged in places.

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Twilight- Well I watched it out of curiosity. Rather I watched it til there was some baseball game, was utterly bored by that point, so gave up. It's not uber shit, just really uninspiring and dull. Not being a teenage girl. I struggled to find any interest in it, but at least gave it ago.


It's up there with the Harry Potter Movies in so much I tried to see them (Ive seen the first three and the dark edgy one, which ever one that is) and cant see what all the fuss is about. Oh well

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Watched Blue Valentine last night, thought it was intense and rather good. Although I guess you are meant to feel equal parts sympathy for both of them (and the kid) but i found myself not really liking Michelle Williams character. Flakey, and rather manipulative...Perhaps I've got issues there! Oh dear... But as relationships go its a really true film, and watching it was rather painful sometimes. Great stuff


Also it was rather unintentionally funny, Goslings meltdown in the nurses office produced some gems.


I follwed this up with Drive which i thought was incredible, the more I think about it the more I like it.

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A little back story before I get to the film I just finished.


For years now every once in a while I would have a flashback to film I watched as a child about killer kids but not only could I not remember the name of the film but I also couldn't remember anything other then the closing shot and a little of the beginning (the god awful Giant Spider Invasion was another long forgotton film that drove me nuts for years) anyway recently I finally cracked after it popped into my head again in work and did a google for films about killer kids and not only did I finally find the name of the film but I also found it on Netflix SCORE.


Anyway the film in question is.......




Summed up three children are born at the same time during an eclipse and after fast forwarding 10 years the three of them are about to celebrate their birthday only it is revealed that the eclipse blocked out Saturn meaning that they were born "missing something" (look it's the 80's so just go with it) and have developed a taste for murder be it random strangers, the school teacher of even their own family members.


Just finished it and as I suspected it's pretty bad.


The kill count is pretty modest by slasher flick standards (though to be fair it was made before slasher flicks became a game of can you top this so it may be respectable for the time), it's pretty light on the gore front and the motive if you can even call it that is typical 80's absurdity and like a lot of horror films it ends setting up a sequel that never came.


Some good points though is that kids cast as the killers do a pretty decent job and one section of the film where the nerdy looking boy is wandering the streets at night with a gun looking for someone to kill is pretty disturbing in a Son of Sam kind of way.


As bad as it is though I still have a fondness for it since it is one of my earliest film memories and fans of little known 80's slasher flicks may very well enjoy it more then me.

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