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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Someone really needs to sit Judd Apatow down and tell him that comedy films are supposed to be about 90 minutes, no longer. That arsehole thinks all his comedies need to be as long as Lord Of The Rings and it completely ruins all of them.


What's worse is now everyone thinks that. Everyone running movie studios, anyway.

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Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star


How the holy fuck did this pile of shit even get the greenlight to even be made? It has three jokes in it. Pubes, funny teeth, and someone going "Hrrrrrrnnn!!".


Lazy, lazy writing, fucking awful acting, and jokes ripped off from not unknown sources (such as a rather well known sitcom called Friends). I wish I'd noticed that it was written by Adam Sandler as I would have avoided it like the plague, as the whole thing is like all the gags that were considered too shit for the massive piles of shit that were The Waterboy and Little Nicky, and stuck together - shittily - in a shit attempt at a shit narrative. I'm fed up of - mostly American - comedies from people who don't understand how jokes work. Saying something LOUDLY, or just in a stooopid accent does not automatically qualify something as a joke. Fucking cunts.


Not even Christina Ricci and her intriguingly proportioned head is enough to make this even close to watchable.

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Watching episodes of The Twilight Zone for the first time ever on Netflix and I'm loving it so far.


Original series? There was a thread a while back about it, some fantastic episodes in there


Yup the original series.


Watched three episodes so far and they have all been highly enjoyable.

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I've no problem with a comedy being two or three hours long if it stays funny and interesting for the duration.


I can't think of a funny comedy that is longer than say 1 hour 45 minutes. I just feel that comedy movies have to have a momentum to them that other movies don't, and it's incredibly hard physically to laugh constantly and stay focused for longer that 90 minutes.

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The Muppets- Really enjoyable and at times a riot. Lots of what you would expect in self-referential, fourth wall breaking down of (?) and cameos from contemporary television and film. Could have done with less of the tweeners and more NPH, Donald Glover and John Krasinski but that is just me, though the Jim Parsons one was brilliant. Also one minor gripe is that at times Amy Adams seemed really self-conscious during her "Me Party" song, which I thought was a bit cringe worthy, and did't half throw herself into it as she did in the magnificent Enchanted. Jason Segel and Amy Adam's ongoing story was kept to a minimum, even at one point literally sending them home, and though the theme of adults letting go off their childhood was done in the last Toy Story film in a much better way, it still worked here and was even helped by the fact that this seems like a personal project for Segel. There were some great one-liners like the 'celebrities are not a people' one and in fact that whole exchange is gold. I would say Segel did a great job overall and it makes a nice change for the samey animated films that come out now.

Edited by dharmabear
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Can anyone think of any decent quality films that are similar to Punch Drunk Love, Lost in Translation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?


Inspired by the question I watched Lost in Translation the other night as I'd gathered it was like a lot to the movies I usually go for. You'd think as at it sounded my sort of thing I would've watched a lot earlier but I had a sixth sense telling me it wouldn't be that good. It was right. The point of isolation was continually laboured throughout the film, getting the way of the relationship between the two main characters, whose interaction and dialogue seemed minimal. As though the writer had an idea of what type of film they were trying to make but didn't have enough conversation to execute it. For me exemplified by the ending which I gather a lot of people find gloriously enigmatic, but for me just another sign that they couldn't come up with anything interesting.


Much superior films of the genre are Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, In Search of a Midnight Kiss and Garden State. Before Sunset is as close to perfection as you'll get and a note on Garden State - it needs Natalie Portman to turn uo before it gets any good. Although Jim Parsons makes an appearance, which is nice.

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I went to see Journey 2 - The Mysterious Island. I really enjoyed it - completely daft, but very entertaining, despite one massive plot hole. They crammed it full of references to Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Lord Of The Rings, there are loads of allusions to classic literature, Vanessa Hudgens looks good, and The Rock carries the whole thing splendidly.



Basically, if you ever wanted to see The Rock and Michael Caine sitting round a campfire singing 'What A Wonderful World', this is the film for you. One of the most surreal, but immensly enjoyable, scenes I think I've ever seen.

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