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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I just watched Our Idiot Brother. I was expecting it to be shit, given that it boasts a pretty high-profile cast (Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks, Zooey Deschanel) yet I'd never heard anything of it. But I was pleasantly surprised. I suppose it's not the most commercial of films, but it's a really nice comedy-drama. One of my favourites of the year, I reckon.

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Tried to watch the prequel/remake of the Thing last night. I fell asleep during it and I never fall asleep during films. Shit CGI, bland characters and no suspense.


I like JFK, its not real, its how Oliver Stone sees the world, has some cracking performances from an all time great cast and both versions of it are good films


CGI? I had heard that they were doing physical fx for the remake.


Gutted :(


from reading the article in Empire this month, they used alot of practical effects and then used CGI to supplement them.

(I haven't seen it yet, waiting for the cinema)

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Tried to watch the prequel/remake of the Thing last night. I fell asleep during it and I never fall asleep during films. Shit CGI, bland characters and no suspense.


I like JFK, its not real, its how Oliver Stone sees the world, has some cracking performances from an all time great cast and both versions of it are good films


CGI? I had heard that they were doing physical fx for the remake.


Gutted :(


from reading the article in Empire this month, they used alot of practical effects and then used CGI to supplement them.

(I haven't seen it yet, waiting for the cinema)


What a load of shite. Good fx don't need CGI. I was really looking forward to some good, old-fashioned latex mastery.

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Cowboys & Aliens. I really enjoyed it. I don't see why people had such a problem with it, yes it has it's holes but come on, it's not like it's supposed to be taken seriously. The name of the film is Cowboys & Aliens ffs. I thought it was a no nonsence, not your typical action flick. I'd certainly watch it again.

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JFK is fantastic. I think it's Oliver Stone's best film. Try and watch it like it's a piece of fiction (some would say it is anyway)


I like JFK, its not real, its how Oliver Stone sees the world

I get that, but it's still just too insane.


Anyway, I watched Star Wars for the first time ever - the first of the original trilogy, from 1977. With the legacy it's acquired and due to me losing my Star Wars virginity later than most, I was expecting it to be uber geeky, which is not in any way a bad thing. But what struck me is just how much all-out fun, straightforward and black-and-white it all is; underdog everyman hero, purely evil empire, save-the-princess. It's impossible not to enjoy. Just in the opening few minutes, you've already had a decent amount of action and pretty good comedy from the odd-couple R2D2 and C3PO.


Maybe it's because, again, I'm watching Star Wars at this point, but I different on the wider reaction to two characters. For me, Hans Solo is a little too cocky to be so adored. And I liked C3PO better than R2D2 because I get a kick out of an ultra polite and overly neurotic robot.


The only other thing is that the effects, etc. that have been added for this cleaned-up version of the film, such as the giant lizards, stand out by a fucking mile.


But, overall, excellent stuff. Wish I'd have watched it sooner! The Empire Strikes Back tonight.

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I tracked down a VHS rip of Navy Seals (1990) the other day. Its a generic 80s/90s action film starring Charlie Sheen, Michael Bien and Bill Paxton and has every cliche in it. It also randomly jumps into being a 10minute recruitment video for the American Military about halfway through with a training montage that has nothing to do with the film. I will always remember it more fondly for the Amiga game



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I tracked down a VHS rip of Navy Seals (1990) the other day. Its a generic 80s/90s action film starring Charlie Sheen, Michael Bien and Bill Paxton and has every cliche in it. It also randomly jumps into being a 10minute recruitment video for the American Military about halfway through with a training montage that has nothing to do with the film. I will always remember it more fondly for the Amiga game



Why a VHSrip its been out on dvd for 10 years at least. Cracking actioner of its time tho, still worth an occasional watch.

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I tracked down a VHS rip of Navy Seals (1990) the other day. Its a generic 80s/90s action film starring Charlie Sheen, Michael Bien and Bill Paxton and has every cliche in it. It also randomly jumps into being a 10minute recruitment video for the American Military about halfway through with a training montage that has nothing to do with the film. I will always remember it more fondly for the Amiga game




How brilliant were Ocean at movie to video game conversions? They didn't care if the film was any good or not - they just got on with making a great game and trying to get some levels as close to the film as possible. They are one of Manchester's great forgotten institutions and contributors to popular culture, for me.

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They made some cracking games, every other movie tie in seemed to be from them at one point. I loved the Batman and Total Recall games.


Hyperion: I wasn't intentionally looking for a VHS rip but the UK release of Navy Seals is on the MGM classics range which are notorious for having shit transfers and random edited versions on them :thumbsup:

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Their Robocop game on the Spectrum was great. The bit where you have to shoot the rapist using the woman as a human shield was quality.


Yes! Great mirror of the film, that. I liked The Untouchables, especially the level where you had to escort the runaway pram down the stairs.

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Robocop and Navy Seals were amongst some of my favourite games ever to grace the Spectrum.


It was a real loss when they got bought by Infogrames and dropped the Ocean name. They've ended up being called Atari now, I think, but honestly the Ocean name has more value to me for good games than Atari does.


However they did also make this:



Terrible tie-in.

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