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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I dug out Glengarry Glen Ross again last night after it being mentioned on here. Its an acting masterclass and the dialogue is just beautiful. How Lemmon wasn't even nominated for an Oscar i'll never know (Pacino got a nomination for the film but lost out to Gene Hackman in Unforgiven)

His and Michael Shannon's Oscar ignored performance in Take Shelter pretty much sum up for me how meaningless the Oscars are. Lemmon could easily have won 10 Oscars in his career. Glengarry Glen Ross, The China Syndrome, Missing, The Odd Couple, The Fortune Cookie, The Apartment, Days Of Wine And Roses, Some Like It Hot, Dad (terrible film, mind, but still a great performance) and The Front Page. Could and perhaps should have won for the lot. A truly, truly great actor.
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I dug out Glengarry Glen Ross again last night after it being mentioned on here. Its an acting masterclass and the dialogue is just beautiful. How Lemmon wasn't even nominated for an Oscar i'll never know (Pacino got a nomination for the film but lost out to Gene Hackman in Unforgiven)

His and Michael Shannon's Oscar ignored performance in Take Shelter pretty much sum up for me how meaningless the Oscars are. Lemmon could easily have won 10 Oscars in his career. Glengarry Glen Ross, The China Syndrome, Missing, The Odd Couple, The Fortune Cookie, The Apartment, Days Of Wine And Roses, Some Like It Hot, Dad (terrible film, mind, but still a great performance) and The Front Page. Could and perhaps should have won for the lot. A truly, truly great actor.
He is one of those very rare actors that has amazing comedic timing and delivery and can put in truly dramatic performances. Him and Matthau were genuinely amazing
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Glengarry Glenn Ross is one of my all time favourite films, as others have mentioned it has some truly great performances. I used to work in sales, nothing near as bad as the real estate environment that these guys are in but it's easy to relate to the Alan Arkin character and his increasing desperation.

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Watched The Dictator today. If you liked Borat/Ali G/Bruno, you'll like this. So many hilarious moments, I cant remember the last time I was in a cinema where people were actually crying with laughter.

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Seen a few things in the last couple of days. Safe is good Stathe action. I'm a big fan and he kicks some arse pretty dang hard in this one. Could have done with maybe one more hand to hand fight sequence but maybe I'm just being greedy. I do wish he would permanently retire his American "ascent".Saw American Pie Reunion today and it was fun. Maybe not has laugh out loud funny as I expected but it has a warm and fun tone which makes it good watch and a more worthy sequel than American Wedding. PossibleThen tonight I watched Mimic the Directors cut on Blu Ray. Where has this film been all my life? I love a good monster horror movie and it was a tremendous one. I really thought I'd seen the theatrical cut back in the 90s but have no recollection of it and watching the DC it didn't jog my memory at all so maybe I didn't. Going to watch the special features tonight. Apparently they go in depth about the issues they had making it. I might have to track down the theatrical cut as I believe its quite different. If you fancy a creature feature you could do much worse.Interesting topic actually extremely different Directors cuts etc. I've got the Blu ray of Ransom which has both the theatrical and DC and its near enough two completely different films. Completely different bad guy and everything. I've also got the Producers ciut of Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers which has around 50 minutes of alternative footage I think. Haven't got round to watching it yet though. I hear its the same for Highlander 2 but I haven't seen either version of that.

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I've also got the Producers ciut of Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers which has around 50 minutes of alternative footage I think.

I can't get my head around anyone actually demanding to see more of Halloween 6.
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I've also got the Producers ciut of Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers which has around 50 minutes of alternative footage I think.

I can't get my head around anyone actually demanding to see more of Halloween 6.
Not more Its 50 minutes of different footage. Practically a whole different film and for all I know it could be a masterpiece. Could be but I doubt it. At least it will hopefully make a little bit more sense. How Paul Rudd had a career after that film is beyond me. He's shocking in it.
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I hear its the same for Highlander 2 but I haven't seen either version of that.

Highlander 2 has got a few different versions. They're all shite. The key difference between them is that the flashback/setup takes place on the planet Zeist in the the theatrical version, but takes place on Earth in the prehistoric past in the Renegade version. Neither makes sense or fits with the original Highlander.
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Watched The Dictator today. If you liked Borat/Ali G/Bruno, you'll like this. So many hilarious moments, I cant remember the last time I was in a cinema where people were actually crying with laughter.

saw this as well. much better than bruno with 2 absolutly brilliant sequences and some great silly lines to boot. only really the one bit that i myself found really offensive but its good to see cohen back on form and John c Reilly is really great as always
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Went to see Avengers yesterday afternoon. Weekday daytime showing, no one there - perfect way to go to the cinema.There's nothing really to add to what anyone else has said - good fun film with a coherent plot. Really happy they managed to not make a total mess of it. RDJ and Ruffallo were the best things in the film. I can't decide whether it's just Hemsworth's terrible acting, or Thor is just a total dick. But either way, Iron Man's "drapes" zinger was one of my favourite moments.Oh.. the guy who plays Loki is real good too.So who else is looking forward to The Raid? I had heard nothing of this until I saw a trailer for it on Youtube yesterday. Must be the first time I have ever seen an advert on Youtube that didn't make me angry and I didn't skip it as soon as I was allowed to.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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So who else is looking forward to The Raid? I had heard nothing of this until I saw a trailer for it on Youtube yesterday. Must be the first time I have ever seen an advert on Youtube that didn't make me angry and I didn't skip it as soon as I was allowed to.

I said how great it was a couple of pages back. You will not be disappointed, it is just relentlessly badass.I saw The Dictator last night, it's nothing amazing but pretty funny in places. It was a smart decision to make a more conventional comedy film and it hits more than it misses without ever going further than it probably deserves to. Worth a watch anyway.
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