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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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A prime (ho!) example of how some films NEED a budget or they have next to no chance of working.


It's a great idea for a film, with a couple of science nerds accidentally stumbling across a way to time travel. I didn't even mind all the ridiculously complex technical jargon they spout throughout the film. But unlike with, say, Star Trek where you just nod and agree and wait for something to happen - nothing actually does happen here.


The problem is that it's a film that is proudly smart and intellectual but almost feels as though it would be compromising that by actually taking the time to explain plot points and have it actually make sense. It's a good idea but an absolutely rubbish film that could probably have been very good if it wasn't 70 minutes long and refuses to make anything even slightly easy or accessible.



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I would say is that what you said to the mrs to get her to watch it with you, but you review grot for a living so it might actually be good. I still doubt it unless there's at least one of the following in it Car chase/bare chested knife fight/massive explosion/shootout/gory death scene. I know it's got the bikini frolicing/lessing it up covered.

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