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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Just watched Bad Lieutenant for the first time on Blu Ray. Really good film. Not usually a fan of Nicholas Cage but he was pretty fucking good in this.


Love Nicolas Cage, love this movie! So good, I wish he'd make more films that made the most of his unique style likke that one does.

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I watched Super 8 last night and was pleasantly suprised, J.J Abrams movies usually do nothing for me but i think this may be the best he's done yet along with Star Trek. The overall feel reminded me of the Goonies but in a more sci-fi setting but i wish they didn't show the Alien as much as they did as it ruined some of the suspense, though thinking Elle Fanning was kinda cute before realising who she was was a tad odd. Inb4 any pedobear images.

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Watched Resident Evil: Afterlife on Sky 3D today, Its not that good a film on its own but as far as the 3D goes its right up there for what you want from a 3D type action film. Most of the good 3d films are animation, while the rest don't really work or are not much better then upscaled 2D to 3D, resi had loads of good moments that used the 3D like bullets flying out the screen, axe's coming out, blood splatter etc etc.

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I watched Knucklehead on Sky this week. I thought it was alright. It's a better idea than most WWE films and has better dialogue. They do shoehorn in the films title into the dialogue late in the film, like Hunt to Kill. Big Show is good in it, which I expected because he shows a pretty decent range on WWE TV. The support cast are decent too. The ending is a little undramatic. The fighting sequence where they skip through the tournament is ripped straight out of Bloodsport. Scene on the bus where he needs to take a shit is immature but had me laughing my socks off. So yeah, not bad. Feel sorry for the absolutely gorgeous Melora Hardin though. Thought she might crack the big time off the back of The Office but she ends up doing shit like this and Hannah Montana: The Movie.


When I posted the other day, I knew I'd watched another film recently. The Nick Cage mentions reminded me. It was Wild at Heart. Pretty good film I thought. Cage is a manslaughterer travelling across the south with the love of his life while her Mum tries to have him killed, seemingly because she doesn't approve of him being with her daughter but actually for a darker reason. He had lots of sex with the oddly, attractive Laura Dern meets Willem Dafoe and finds his way back into trouble.

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I finally got round to seeing Watchmen last night


Thought this was pretty good although it seemed to jump all over at the start so I wasnt sure what was going on at times and the ending seemed daft to me


Never read any of the comics though so I didnt know the story beforehand


Looked lovely in HD though

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I finally got round to seeing Watchmen last night


Thought this was pretty good although it seemed to jump all over at the start so I wasnt sure what was going on at times and the ending seemed daft to me


Never read any of the comics though so I didnt know the story beforehand


Looked lovely in HD though


You think that ending is daft you should just be glad they didnt use the original ending. The film suffered from trying to get too much of the graphic novel into the film, even the Directors cut suffers from it. Its very well donr though and the Opening Credits montage is awesome.

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In the original ending Ozymandias hires a special effects company to build a giant space squid to blame the destruction of New York on, stopping the potential war between Russia and the USA in a 'We must band together as people of earth to stop the giant space squid' type of way.


There were plans years ago to film it as a miniseries but it was seen as too expensive. There is an Ultimate edition of the film out which runs even longer (215minutes)

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I was, against my will, made to watch Dear John last night.


It was pretty dull and listless, as you may imagine, though it had a few points of interest. The first is the massive switch-a-roo between the fortunes of the two leads, Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. He starts the film as a wooden, charisma-less meathead incapable of selling any emotion besides 'brooding' and she is surprisingly convincing as the lovestruck college girl, coming to terms with both falling in love and losing her love in such a short space of time. By the end, Channing Tatum had sort of blossomed, spurred along by the sub-plot of his dads death, and was convincing in the heartbroken green beret, resigned to a career in the army (and potentially an untimely death) before having an epiphany that life is awesome~. Seyfried, by comparison, had plunged to such depths that her attempt to convey 'grief' looked more like an attempt to convey 'YAY! A CAKE!' at a birthday party. Shockingly shite.


My second point of interest is sort of moot, as the film is based on a book. But the sub-plot that clearly engaged Tatum and made him less of a wet fish, i.e. dealing with his single dad's psychological problems in and around pissing off to war zones before his dad ultimately passed, was so much more interesting than the main plot. I'm not particular afraid of a bit of sop in a film, and think i'd have enjoyed a film that centred on the conflicting emotions in a father-son relationship, where the father suffers from mental illness and the son is away with the army.

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McConaughey is up there with J.T on the smoothness level. Many may disagree but i see McConaughey becoming a bigger player in Hollywood.


Haven't people been tipping him for bigger things for years though? Unless he reveals some kind of hidden Ben Affleck skill at making films I don't see him getting any bigger than he is. He does have the ability of making trashy films a little bit better though so thats something.

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so went to see Super 8 and i really enjoyed it my fav movie of the year. plot thoughts


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the kids were very good. especially the two leads. their relationship was very sweet and i cared about what happened to them so job done there. the monster and its motives will split a lot of people. like a gigantic pshyco E.T he just wants to go home and the ending is a bit cheesy but didnt really change my feelings on the film. the whole last 20 minutes does feel a bit rushed though with things going very quickly. also i think the monster looks much better than the cloverfield monster but it wont satisfy everyone. and the movie within a movie after the credits was awesome.


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the effects (especially the train crash are excellent and as its an Abrams film there is a lot of lens flare. Micheal Giacchino brings his score which is very similar to his work on lost but still has the power to emtionally affect you (especially in one scene).


people are going to be split on it and i understand why but i cant recommemd it enough a great film in the vein of all the great speilberg movies




Apes on thursday. looking forward to it

Edited by iamtheman
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