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Chris Addison has raced up the table of contenders today; he's 3/1 to Ben Daniels 2/1.I like Addison, but he'd be shit I think. I'd prefer a dramatic actor who'll have to adapt to comedy than the other way round.Miranda Hart has won another fan poll today. Seriously, she can fuck off.

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I doubt it'll happen but I think it'd be kind of fun if the next Doctor was John Hurt, at least for a little while. They are going to have to reveal the terrible thing he did at some point and it'd be a nice swerve if it happened in the near future rather than the past.Granted, the Doctor shouldn't really know about his future incarnations but considering that Smith's about to meet Tennant and he knows where he's going to be buried, it shouldn't be totally out of the question.

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I doubt it'll happen but I think it'd be kind of fun if the next Doctor was John Hurt, at least for a little while. They are going to have to reveal the terrible thing he did at some point and it'd be a nice swerve if it happened in the near future rather than the past.Granted, the Doctor shouldn't really know about his future incarnations but considering that Smith's about to meet Tennant and he knows where he's going to be buried, it shouldn't be totally out of the question.

I said to my other half today that there may be some "wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey" type shenanigans where by Smith only knows about Hurt because Tennant encounters him in the future....after Smith's regeneration.
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Ben Daniels has now gone to 28/29 with a few bookies.Only interesting because its the first time since the day before Tennant was picked that an actor has been made an odds-on favourite, apparently.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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They have indeed.He's apparently quite a serious thespian, and he's in the next Bond flick. I have my concerns about how long he'll stick it out.I've just re watched 'The Doctors Wife', and if they play Smiths death sad/emotional and he's scared/frightened/reluctant (and its Moffett, of course they will), I don't think I'll cope. My emotions are like putty in Matt Smiths hands. It's got to the point where I'm almost glad, on some level, that he's leaving; I'd hate for Who to become a burden, or an obstacle to him as I want to enjoy watching him for years to come.

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Rory Kinnear's been in at least the last two maybe three Bond films so him being in the next one is nothing new. I don't see how that has any effect on how long he'll stick around to be honest. Its a very different casting decision if its true. Maybe a sign that they're taking the series in a different direction? Its also going to be very strange if it is true and we get a scene in the next Bond movie where the Doctor talks to James Bond. Although I'm hoping people have got their wires crossed and that this is a follow up from Roger Moore saying he'd like to be in an episode and instead we've got Roger Moore as the Doctor.

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Matt Smiths number was effectively called the minute he got a role in Gosling's next project. I can only imagine what a starring role in future follow-ups to the most successful British film of all time, and theatre commitments, would do to a mans diary. Matt Smith has said that Who requires 8 and a half months full time filming, plus media. He says its brutal and would have killed him if he'd have carried in. Anyone with a halfway full calendar is going to shag themselves into oblivion.If it his him, though, I don't think it's a radical departure; they've not gone for comedy, or someone drenched in the stink of British telly, but an accredited young(ish) actor with substantial theatre experience, doing deep, intense roles. I reckon it shows Moffett is going to pursue the character heavy, relationship based melodrama that America and the world seems to love, and David Tennant/Miranda fans seem to hate. Good.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I reckon it shows Moffett is going to pursue the character heavy, relationship based melodrama that America and the world seems to love, and David Tennant/Miranda fans seem to hate.

With all due respect you do talk some utter tummy rot.
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You needn't have bothered with the due respect part. I never buy from a poor salesman.And, I think it's fair to say there's a clear divide between Moffet/Smith era fans and Tennant/RTD fans. America and the world have embraced the former, as its fallen in line with the American tropes of serial television that's so popular right now, and the British media, in particular, have bristled against it and longed for the former. I'm firmly in the Moffet camp, so it stands to reason I'd sound biased, because I am.In general, I fucking hate the reek of British telly that spoils shows. You know the reek you get from people like Miranda, Catherine Tate or that Angela bird from Holby City, or John fucking Barrowman. That's just me. There's some great British telly, but historically Britain has preferred their telly to be light on substance, gentle as a soft shit, camp as Christmas and completely throwaway. RTD era Who defined everything I hate about British television, with the good stuff buried in the mix. That era of Who made a play for the middle of the road, for people who'll watch Miranda, My Family (after Nick left, particularly) and not want to gouge out Peter Kay's shitty little eyes. That's fine, it just wasn't for me.Moffett got his faults, but his view for the show is one I'm much more comfortable with. I like series long arcs, I like the more sexualised nature of the Doctor and I like the much, much more grown up themes that the show embraces. I've said it before, I'll say it again; the Muslim girls death in God Complex, the Dr abandoning Old Amy and all of Vincent and the Doctor is some of the most wonderful, beautiful yet ultimately brutal television I've ever seen. Across all genres.I should add, for anyone getting a bit het up, that I'm generalising massively. Of course there are lots of other reasons people hold their opinions; I just haven't the time to address them all.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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