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RTD's problem wasn't turning it ino a soap, it was having no idea how to portray the complexities of a character like the Doctor and turning the show into a glorified Nickelodeon special, where a one dimensional deity ran around saving everyone and being happy about everything.


I actually like Tennant, and pre-Moffatt there were some good episodes (mostly written by Moffatt), but it just wasn't a show that appealed to me in the same way today's version does.


Moffatt has problems, too, lots of them but thematically the show is a lot more grown up with enough scifi silliness to keep a nice balance. I'd take an eternity of Moffatts over complicated smart-arsery over RTD's era any day.

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Oh, absolutely.


I've never bought that its too complicated for kids, if anything they should get it more because they're more open and not bound by the same logic.


I guess in terms of Moffatt, 'complicated' means 'ties himself up in knots, occasionally'.


He's still miles better than RTD.

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I'm with Daz all the way on this one. I'll take a million Moffat loose ends over a single RTD overblown emotional certainty.


And while we're on the subject, has anyone actually heard any kids complain about series 6 being too complicated? If so, fair enough, but I've got a sneaking suspicion it's just adults complaining on their behalf.

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I tend to come across it mostly in the comments (I know, you should never read them, I can't help myself sometimes) of Digital Spy articles, from people who liked the RTD era but have problems with Moffat. And a great many of them have words like "surely" before "it's too complicated for kids". So god knows if there's a single actual child who's found it too complicated.

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No kid finds it complicated. Because it isn't. Idiots do. So Moff doesn't tie everything up? So what? That's surely a good thing sometimes, leaves a bit of mystery and to come up with your own theories. Also not everything is neat. He's a time traveler, things would go mental.

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That's a very good point. A lot of people say it's confusing for kids...but how many 10 year olds are watching an episode of Dr Who and then going to the internet to try and analyse it to death? There might be some talk about it in the playground on Monday...but I imagine that's it. If it were me, my immediate thoughts would be:

- Did you see the monster in Dr Who, wasn't he awesome and scary looking?

- I wish I could time travel.

- Why doesn't he eat fish fingers and custard anymore?


As much as people grumble about there being loose ends and not everything being known, I think I prefer it that way. There should be an element of mystery and room for individual theory. I've seen plenty of different suggestions now about where John Hurt fits into the timeline as a generation of The Doctor. We have six months to speculate on that. Fantastic!

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To be fair the "too complicated" thing didn't come up on here until someone praising the show said something alone the lines of people may find it too complicated. Nobody criticised it for being too complicated. I, who've been the most critical, stated that I didn't think it was complicated at all, just poorly realised sometimes. I don't think children find it too complicated. It isn't too complicated. It sometimes has gaping plot holes you can drive a truck through, which is my criticism, but even that's true of Skyfall and Dark Knight Rises and Inception and seems to be in vogue at the moment to be honest. The show could have elements of mystery and be a heck of a lot tighter, personally I wish it was, and I wish more stories in series six had been allowed to stand alone, but that's about it. But if you're going to defend the show against the nasty people who raise criticisms with it, it helps, it really helps, if you pay attention to what their criticisms are instead of saying things like "So the show doesn't have bananas. Only idiots want bananas" when nobody criticising it brought up bananas.

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