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Mac and Me didn't have the line:

"A mystery wrapped in an enigma, squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too tight…"

Mac and Me is better. 

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35 minutes ago, Vamp said:

See, I'd argue all of the worst arcs are Moffat's. The impossible girl arc is the worst thing anyone has ever written. 

I don't necessarily disagree, but I think he was broadly spent by that point - flashes of good ideas, but not sustained - and Jenna Coleman was terrible. That didn't help. 

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Posted (edited)

Fuck sake Moffat.

I think that was probably him at his worst. He fixed a physical performer like Gatwa in place, to let his dialogue do the heavy lifting and his dialogue was full of his absolutely worst habits. Just him showing off about how clever he is, taking lame, sixth form jokes at the church, business, politics etc.


The problem when he writes like this is, all the characters end up seeming thick, sacrificed at the altar of how clever the writer is. Shite.

Also, typical bad Moffat ending; the Doctor does absolutely nothing but it all works out fine in the end.

I wanted to believe in you, Steve.

Still, at least Gatwa is very good. Literally the only thing the show has going for it.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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2 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Just him showing off about how clever he is, taking lame, sixth form jokes at the church, business, politics etc.

Should I sue him for copyright infringement?

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I actually liked it for about 75% of the episode. 


The good:

*Neat concept

*The Doctor

*It built suspense well 


The bad:

* The references to other Moffat stories got a little heavy handed

* I don't normally mind a bad resolution in Doctor Who because I think that's actually part of the show. I think the problem is that Moffat's dialogue comes across as quite self satisfied while still presenting a bollocks resolution

* I find it kind of odd that this era of Doctor Who (with its arms open to all) is also so welcoming to a writer who has a habit of writing shit female characters (to me he lost a lot of credibility with how he wrote Irene Adler)


I dunno. I wasn't very sure about RTD taking over again because I felt like the show really needed flesh blood, but I think his approach so far of introducing goblins, superstitions and gods feels fresh. This episode didn't really convince me that Moffat has anything new to offer. It's also interesting that this episode looked like a Moffat episode in the worst way (dark, dingy, drab). 

It's gonna be an unpopular opinion but I preferred last week’s. 


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Thoughts on Boom (SPOILERS):


+ Ncuti and Millie being excellent together
+ The death holograms reminded me of the Torchwood episode "Exit Wounds"
+ The suspense was nearly Hitchcock-esque
+ The episode was easier to follow

- The death holograms reminded me of the Torchwood episode "Exit Wounds" and it made me sad
- Trying to remember where I'd seen the girl who played Splice before was quite distracting
- Speaking of Splice, she sounded incredibly bored to me
- The fake-out death of Ruby. Only one Doctor Who episode has done a fake-out death well and that was Jack Harkness in "The Parting Of The Ways".

All that being said, a massive improvement on Space Babies, I give this one 4 Lori Flahertys out of 5.

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Thought it was a decent episode. I liked the tension, the twist about the enemy was a little obvious once the Doctor started talking about algorithms and profiteering. Moffatt is a good writer, but not the best showrunner, although he was showrunner when Matt Smith was the Doctor, and he's my favourite. Fish fingers and custard.

Still intrigued to see where the series is going. Apparently the lass that played Mundy is one of the companions for the next series.

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Really enjoyed this week's episode. I enjoy when they take chances and go with the Doctor lite stuff. It was Blink that originally really got my attention so this was my kind of episode and really gave Millie a chance to shine.

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Thoughts on 73 Yards (SPOILERS):



+ Oh hey, back in Wales! Finally!
+ The locals in the pub dicking with Ruby. That is, generally speaking, my experience with the Welsh.
+ A predestination paradox story done well!
+ Millie Gibson carried the episode very well in my opinion.
+ Watching Kate Lethbridge-Stewart wig out really put over the danger. Seeing someone usually so unflappable and stoic head for the hills had me like "Oh damn, this is serious!"

- Back in Wales and no Torchwood? I realise by this point they had mostly been destroyed but a cameo by Gwen would have been nice.
- Roger Ap Gwilliam was a bit of a nothing burger of a plot point. 
------- Unnecessary implied rape plot points are unnecessary and bad.
- I found myself, once again, rewinding parts to make sure I understood what was happening. Again, it's not such a bad thing for someone like me who would take the time to do so, but I think Jolene and Cletus, Average TV Watchers, wouldn't take the time to do so and write the episode off as "bad" or "confusing".

All in all, a marked improvement that needed a few tweaks, I give it 4 Glynn From Cardiff Bay Taxis out of 5!

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It reminded me of Blink. I liked the rather dark twist it took towards the end.

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