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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Glad I didn't bother with Pan Am now that it's been canned.


Been really enjoying the new season of Bored to Death. Just got the finale to watch. No idea when Sky Atlantic will get round to showing it though.


Thinking of waiting on Channel 4 showing Homeland, but with the reviews it's been getting, the temptation to get the jump is there - especially as there's no news from C4 on broadcast dates.

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Sounds good. He was crazy, that man.


Speaking of chess, anyone remember Channel Four's misguided effort into making it like a proper sport in 1993 with Nigel Short vs Garry Kasparov with all kinds of bells and whistles and sports style punditry?


Wonder why it didn't take off.

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It's such a terrible, terrible show, but the last five minutes were pretty great. I think a lot had to do with the amazing music cue.


I'm at that stage where I'm just sticking with it out of some weird sense of commitment now, like I was during S2 of Heroes.

Edited by Woyzeck
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I know I'm extremely late with this but, I've been on a six month journey from start to finish of Entourage. I absolutely love the programme and having watched the very last episode this morning, I find myself like an hormonal teenager after that glimpse of something new to lock away in my memory. Although greatly clich

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Not having Misfits at the moment. Loved the first two series, and I actually think the new guy Rudy is good in it. But I couldn't give a shit about anyone else. Simon's new character is annoying (I miss old, nerdy, Simon). A shame, as it was superb when it first came out.

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Aye, The Walking Dead is atrocious. It feels very much like LOST + ZOMBIES, except Lost hid much of its shiteness under mysteries for most of the run. TWD doesn't really have much mythology beyond the traditional zombie outbreak stuff, and so has always been at the level of Bad Lost. Worse, actually. Lost always had much better characters and dialogue than TWD, where near enough every conversation is the worst kind of ham-fisted shite (although the Sun and Jin bits would give it a run for its money). There was a bit with the two sisters on a fishing boat in season one that felt like The Room with slightly better actors.


Anyway, I still watch it religiously. I'm growing more involved with Shane's character, and I can't tell if it's because the actor's good or bad. And that ending was fantastic.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I was sure it was going to be Hershel's wife coming out of the barn. Great moment when it turned out to be the missing girl. When would they have put her in the barn, though? It wasn't that long after she went missing before some of the group landed at the farm, was it? Presumably Otis brought her to the barn and he died before hearing there was a girl missing from Rick's lot.


[close spoiler]

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Don't really get the Walking Dead hate. I mean, the script was shockingly bad in places (the "fishing" sequence in series 1 was the worst primetime scene I've ever seen) but generally it delivered what you wanted - post-apocalyptic zombie goodness. Is Season 2 worse then?

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Don't really get the Walking Dead hate. I mean, the script was shockingly bad in places (the "fishing" sequence in series 1 was the worst primetime scene I've ever seen) but generally it delivered what you wanted - post-apocalyptic zombie goodness. Is Season 2 worse then?


S2 has the most leaden pacing of any show, ever. The acting's pretty horrible too. And it takes itself so, so seriously. It's a fucking zombie TV show, and 90% of every episode is somebody delivering a really long, badly written monologue in a super serious way that belies how fuck-awful it is. Structurally, it makes no sense either.


And regarding the barn thing


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

yeah, they confirmed that Otis brought her to the barn. But how a 10 year old girl is supposed to have gotten infected (yet not actually killed), captured and brought to the farm in the short amount of time between her going missing and the boy getting shot is beyond me.



Shane spends every episode looking like he's caught the waft of shit on the air, although Dale's got the permanent wide eyes of a man who's currently soiling himself, so at least that goes together. It's just bad. And what the fuck did the guy at the CDC centre whisper to Rick if


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

it wasn't that Lori is pregnant?!



There's absolutely no way the writers even bothered to take a guess at what it might be.

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just polished off the first season of Ice Road Truckers, loved it. Them Discovery type reality shows are just comfort watching for me, enjoyable shit.


Season 9 of the latest season of Dexter was amongst the best in the shows history too!

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No spoilers here but Boardwalk Empire season 2 is superb. Just watched ep 11 and I'm craving more.


Watch that shit.


I think The Walking Dead picked up too recently. Shame we've got that massive break now.

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