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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I'm starting Sons Of Anarchy tomorrow on Netflix. Its something I've meant to get round to watching but never have for some reason.


I've decided to do this this weekend coming. I'm all up to date on Parks and Rec and I haven't really gotten into a new drama since Breaking Bad ended, although I do have season 4 of Justified and season 4 of Boardwalk to watch.


Actually, maybe I'll do Justified and Boardwalk at the weekend...

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I'm very late on this one, but I started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia over Christmas and I love it. I watch a couple of episodes every day and its fast becoming my favourite show. I seem to have developed a bit of a thing for Charlie, who knew illiterate, borderline drug addicts were my type...

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  • Paid Members
I'm starting Sons Of Anarchy tomorrow on Netflix. Its something I've meant to get round to watching but never have for some reason.


I've decided to do this this weekend coming. I'm all up to date on Parks and Rec and I haven't really gotten into a new drama since Breaking Bad ended, although I do have season 4 of Justified and season 4 of Boardwalk to watch.


Actually, maybe I'll do Justified and Boardwalk at the weekend...


Started Sons Of Anarchy last week. Just started the second season now. So far I'm liking it, Its a lot like a biker version of The Shield in its tone. Charlie Hunnam is a terrible, terrible actor though

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Midway through Season 5 of Buffy on Netflix. Only watched bits and pieces of the first two seasons on BBC2 back in the day so good to go through the whole thing. Such a fun show. Really glad Riley seems to have buggered off now, he was just so wet. Couldn't stand him. Is it worth watching Angel or is it not as good as Buffy?

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  • Paid Members
Started Sons Of Anarchy last week. Just started the second season now. So far I'm liking it, Its a lot like a biker version of The Shield in its tone. Charlie Hunnam is a terrible, terrible actor though


I've been on the fence about whether to start watching this or not, that's put me over the edge

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Midway through Season 5 of Buffy on Netflix. Only watched bits and pieces of the first two seasons on BBC2 back in the day so good to go through the whole thing. Such a fun show. Really glad Riley seems to have buggered off now, he was just so wet. Couldn't stand him. Is it worth watching Angel or is it not as good as Buffy?


For me, there were times where I preferred Angel to Buffy, and there were also times when it wasn't quite as good. There's some great characters in Angel (Fred :love: ) and a few of the existing characters get a lot more interesting with more time devoted to them, Angel and Wesley particularly. Season 4 was probably my least favourite, and the last season felt a bit at odds with itself at times, but when Buffy hit a low patch (or had an episode focused on Dawn) Angel was something you could look forward to.


Jeremy Renner was in an episode in season 1, too.

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Midway through Season 5 of Buffy on Netflix. Only watched bits and pieces of the first two seasons on BBC2 back in the day so good to go through the whole thing. Such a fun show. Really glad Riley seems to have buggered off now, he was just so wet. Couldn't stand him. Is it worth watching Angel or is it not as good as Buffy?


The first two seasons of Angel were really good if I remember correctly, better than Buffy at the time but it went rapidly downhill in to a shitfest. I think the first two reasons are worth watching as a standalone.

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Started Sons Of Anarchy last week. Just started the second season now. So far I'm liking it, Its a lot like a biker version of The Shield in its tone. Charlie Hunnam is a terrible, terrible actor though


I've been on the fence about whether to start watching this or not, that's put me over the edge


As a warning, whilst it has similarities to the Shield (Kurt Sutter, the SOA showrunner was a major writer on the Shield) it really lacks the depth and clever writing of the Shield. Even Sutter simply claims the show is a "testosterone driven soap opera", seems like without Shaun Ryan the show becomes far more about the big nasty set pieces and less about the underlying tragedy (in the storytelling sense). Even so, seasons 1-2 are very entertaining and there are more good bits after, although it eventually devolves into 'top this' shock moments and little else

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anyone catch the first episode of True Detective? don't think it's on over here yet but it's online, looks like its gonna be some good shit.


The first episode had me absolutely captivated. Especially Rusty Cohle.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

It looks like he's gonna be the main catalyst for a lot of what we're going to see.


A lot of questions coming out of it, mainly about the relationship between the two leads more than anything about the killer, although it's clear Cohle is a suspect already, and how that unfolds should be interesting. Cohle also has a lot of questions following him. How did he end up in Louisiana? What happened to his daughter exactly? What happened 10 years previous to the present day events, and who did they catch in 1995?


I've always liked Matthew McConaughey but by god, he's unreal in this. Harrelson's great too. They play off each other well, especially when Cohle starts opening up to Hart, and Hart is none too impressed by this. Also the tension between them is insane. Clearly not going to be some buddy cop story.


Edited by The Cum Doctor
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Having missed it the first time around, I've spent the last week blasting through Rome on TV On Demand. It's perfect for getting my teeth into while waiting for the new series of Game of Thrones, campier in parts than GoT but also really dark at times, with some great, compelling characters. I'm just sorry there's only two series to work through, but I do fancy reading up on Julius Caesar and co. once I get done with it.

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