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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I'm sure he's just trying to get a rise out of the old UKFF that witty bastard.


For my sins I'm still watching The Walking Dead, I persevered with Heros till the bitter end so this is nothing in comparison. They seem to have settled into a formula where nothing at all happens in the first half of a season whilst they have done meaningless sub plot then any of the good shit all goes down in the latter half. The most recent epidode wasn't too bad and Andrea is long dead so it's instantly more watchable but yeah, although I'm in till it's cancelled I don't particularly look forward to watching it.

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I've started watching The Legend Of Korra. I'm not quite sure what inspired me to do so but I'm really enjoying it. I haven't seen any of Avatar: The Last Airbender so the odd thing is lost on me but overall it's bloody great fun. Kids TV these days is a lot better than the shit that was on when I was a youngster.

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Is Adventure Time worth watching?



My little girl is now past the age of watching mind-numbing shite like In The Night Garden and has started sticking Cartoon Network on whenever she's watching telly. Tell you what, I'm impressed with the shows they have on there. Adventure Time and Regular Show in particular are brilliant, and very funny. Adventure Time is probably the better show altogether, two very good lead characters, but I'd say Regular Show is funnier. Muscle Man is one of my favourite characters on TV at the moment.


Some of the other shows are ok as well, The Amazing Adventure of Gumball and Johnny Test aren't bad.

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Oh my goodness, take that back! In the night garden is amazeballs!


Upsy daisy here I come, i'm the only upsy one, i'm the only daisy too, ipsy upsy daisy doo!


Not as good as the Rhyme Rocket though, that is the shizzle, and Rasta-mouse! So good...

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Is Adventure Time worth watching?


Definitely. It's bloody amazing. The sweetest, most colorful, fun and funny show on TV.


Finished Boardwalk Empire season 4 this morning. An incredible and brutal ending to the darkest and most nerve-wrecking season yet. Really good stuff. I'm sure the ending will have a lot of people up in arms though. Can't wait to see where it goes next.

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It's only Family Guy but some people might like it enough to want to see it happen and be surprised so...


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Brian was killed off last night. And in a way that they might not actually bring him back. The episode ends with them having a new talking dog called Vinny.




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It's only Family Guy but some people might like it enough to want to see it happen and be surprised so...


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Brian was killed off last night. And in a way that they might not actually bring him back. The episode ends with them having a new talking dog called Vinny.





Initial thoughts were meh, haven't watched a massive amount of Family Guy since the season opener where SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read


goes on the rampage and kills some cast members and then gets killed.


The death mentioned by NEWM, is neither here nor there, they are the 'Lisa Simpson' of Family Guy to me in so much as they I dont care what they get up to, they are just there.

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Sure Brian is foil for Stewie, but anyone can do that in theory. The rps with Frank Sinatra JR and pretty much anything involving Brian's love life are so dull it's untrue. Hope he stay's dead


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Christ, I feel like the polar opposite of people here. I gave Yonderland a few goes and it's unfunny toss, full of those rent-a-comic-actors who think acting weird will make people think the script has jokes in it. That council scene in the first episode went on forever and went nowhere. Yes, it's a world of nonsense, but I don't need every bloody character telling me so every scene. You might as well have the speccy one from The Inbetweeners in an inset in the corner saying "bit [whatever it blatantly is]" after every line.


And I really enjoy The Walking Dead. It's not been an easy watch - season 1 was good because the formula was intriguing, seasons 2 and 3 were all over the place, dropping characters and plots in and out like '90s Horsemen. But season 4 seems to have hit a stride. Every episode has several moments that become meme-worthy, and just about every character now has had a chance to settle and get some good moments. Hershel has been a revelation this season, and his battle against the returning infected was quality. The pace feels faster too, which is no bad thing, considering how much things dragged around the farm.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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I reckon you'll throw people off the scent there Pat, so they'll end up having to read the spoilers. I can think of better comparisons to your Lisa example this the deceased character we're not naming too, I think it's slightly unfair on them.

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