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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Chest, you gave me aggro for sticking with Parks and Rec because I thought it would get good (and it fucking DID, so 1-0 to me), but I can honestly say jacking in Community was one of the best TV watching decisions I've made. That fucking programme destroyed any love I had for the characters, the stories, and anything else to do with it, that I watched episodes 1 and 2 of this season, and then just...stopped. I should have saved 20 minutes a week half way through Season 2, but I didn't. I was critical of it on here for a long time too, doing so in the face of the glowing praise it was still getting for being meta and clever and bollocks and bullshit.


I hate Community so much you know. I hate the wasted potential. It should have been a grounded sitcom that was able to be the coolest show on the air by using all the clever devices sensibly and carefully, in between jokes and actual sitcom tropes. It overindulged in everything, until nothing was subtle, nothing was clever, and nothing was fresh. The #6seasonsandamovie cult online pissed me off too. A crew of fans who desperately wanted the show to fulfill it's initial potential and went into denial overload about the show collapsing in front of everybody.


Fuck Community loads.

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Well said. I'm pretty sure if I continue to watch it it can only retroactively make the first couple seasons unwatchable by association. I should just quit and then I'll still have those.


As for Parks & Rec - I still haven't watched it despite loads of people telling me I will like it.. but it was your "the first season is shit, but watch it anyway, and then it starts to get good" that made no sense to me! I can't imagine giving anything that much of a chance to grow on me.


It's your review that still puts me off watching it really! If I start, I know I've got to at least give it at least 7 eps to find out if I like it or not..

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The first series of parks & rec is decent, the second & third series are great, I stopped watching it a couple of episodes into series 5 though. I loved the first series of community but had to stop watching it 2 episodes into the second series, I couldn't stand it. I can't imagine still watching community after reading chests updates of it getting shitter & shitter, it sounds like my nightmare.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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I only started watching Parks and Rec a month or two ago when it started on BBC4, but Chest, you really should give it a chance. The first season is okay, not great, that's true, but firstly it's only eight episodes long or something so it's not like it's a slog (not that it even closely resembles one, I actually really liked the first season), and secondly it serves as an introduction to all the characters, so that once season 2 begins - and that is loads better than 1 - you can get properly stuck into it straight away. If I'd seen it when Gladstone Devon Malcolm Small did his sitcoms list, it'd have made my top 10 for sure.


Anyway, it's great and I'm sure that you'd like it. Mind, I'm watching Vicious at the moment and quite enjoying that as well, in a perverse 'are McKellen, Jacobi and De La Tour really in this' sort of way, so what do I know...

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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I said in the shitcoms side thread that Scrubs broke my heart when it all went to absolute pot and ruined any future viewings. Community was the new version of that. It was bloody great and then they just threw it all up the wall.


Add me to the Parks & Rec fanclub. 1st season is quite good but then it just turns a corner and gets shit hot. Tremendous show (although I've only just started season 3). Chest you should take the plunge, it's worth it.

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Echo the Parks & Rec love and the comments re: first series. The first series is good, but the second series really picks up. BUT still definitely watch the first series. It is a good way to get to know the characters and it's still a good series anyway, albeit rather short. I think it might even only be six episodes long?


Just watched the episode where they went hunting, superb. Ron Swanson is the man and April is strangely attractive.

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  • Awards Moderator
Echo the Parks & Rec love and the comments re: first series. The first series is good, but the second series really picks up. BUT still definitely watch the first series. It is a good way to get to know the characters and it's still a good series anyway, albeit rather short. I think it might even only be six episodes long?


Just watched the episode where they went hunting, superb. Ron Swanson is the man and April is strangely attractive.


Ron Swanson is my new idol (though Anne remains my favourite character mainly because she's Rashida Jones). My sister even did a drawing of him



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Parks and Rec is fantastic. I started watching it last week and I'm already up to Season 4. Season 1 is good but uneventful, Season 2 onwards are amazing.

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Yeah add me to another who absolutely loves Parks and Rec, the show is really warm and fuzzy and I love all the characters, first season was good the second very good then the rocket takes off when Adam Scott and Rob Lowe join the show. I like that it's just a nice show with likeable characters rather than filled with dickheads like most U.S sitcoms, I don't think it's dropped off either iv'e loved the current season as much as the previous few.

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Raylan and Boyd's relationship with each other, Raylans father and in particular how Raylan's upbringing governs so many of his actions is fairly complex too and very interesting. In particular consider the 3rd and 4th season climaxes where it's more about where Boyd and Raylan are as characters rather than defeating the big bad or solving the mystery. For example whilst season 3 is dominated by Quarles the big climatic moment is

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Arlo shooting and killing someone who could have been Raylan (he wasn't sure)


[close spoiler]



The character stuff is subtle, so many of the characters want to portray themselves as these badasses that the emotional stuff comes out in little doses (the stuff involving a particular death in the fourth season is fantastic for tiny moments). Not to say it's always there, the show does love it's moments and cool dialogue, but to argue it lacks depth I feel doesn't give the show credit.


Yeah I perhaps talked Raylan down by saying he wasn't emotional or deep. I mean, he isn't- really- but that's part of the point, his callousness, stoicism and passiveness enriches the characters of his wife, his father and Boyd. The part mentioned in OKs spoiler is especially crucial with the relationship in question and gives Raylan and his life a lot of context yet it's almost arrived at incidentally.


Astro- Carefully treading around spoilers the fourth season does give a lot more character development for some of the main people as there isn't such a prominent big, bad villain, foil to concentrate on. Let us know how you get on with it if you get around to watching it.


He's a complete sociopath, a genuinely shallow one that bounces between personalities and ideologies with abandon, only desiring to achieve a level of power, an audience, to satisfy his vanity


Yet the beatuy of the show is we still kinda want him to pull through..

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fine.... I'll watch it OK?


You win.



If it sucks I'm holding you all accountable.

It's a YouTube link but still, I may not be safe for work.


"It" may not be safe for work. Still, I'm not either

Edited by Keith Houchen
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Chest. you'd better not stop watching Community, I'd miss your posts every time you watch it then post on here about how shit it is, I could never watch it again though even though I might like it.

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