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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I tried watching season 2 of American Horror Story but had to stop due to how annoying and stupid it is.


Hannibal season 2 on the other hand is bloody spectacular. Best looking show on TV currently without a doubt. Although the gore in the past few episodes has been some of the most extreme I've ever seen and genuinely made my stomach turn. Mads Mikkelson is wonderful and Michael Pitt is joining the season later on so it looks like it's really turning out to be something special.

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I've also started The Wire, currently four episodes into the first season.

Good man


Any one recommend American Horror Story? It's on Netflix so might give it a bash


I have seen, and enjoyed, Seasons 1 and 2. Season 2 is significantly better than Season 1, though.


Season 1 is actually mental. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it's decent.


American Horror Story are some of the most infuriating series I've watched in a long time. They have some fantastic ideas and performances and they just fuck it up. The first series descended into utter shite after a really promising start.


The second season had a far better set up and some great atmosphere and a top notch cast but was a confused mess. It really did seem like they had 3 or 4 ideas and just threw them all together to see what happened.

How hard is it to fuck up a ghost story in a mental asylum.

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The first episode of the new series of Game Of Thrones will be broadcast at the same time in the UK and the US.


In America, season four of the HBO show will air at 21:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Sunday 6 April, with Sky Atlantic broadcasting it in the UK at the same time, 02:00 BST on 7 April.


The UK channel will then repeat the show at 21:00 BST on Monday 7 April.


The simulcast was announced at the UK launch of the fourth series at London's Guildhall.


The new series carries the tagline Valar Morghulis, which means All Men Must Die, with two trailers released earlier this week.


Directors for the series include Michelle MacLaren, who has worked on Breaking Bad, and West Wing producer Alex Graves.


Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss, Gangs of New York's Roger Ashton-Griffiths and Homeland's Pedro Pascal are some of the names joining the cast.


At the premiere Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark in the series, said the show's pilot was rejected by HBO and was reshot before being put into production.


However, Game Of Thrones has gone on to win numerous awards and nominations, including a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for outstanding drama series in all three seasons.


It was also named the most pirated TV show ever in 2013, according to TorrentFreak, with nearly six million people using file-sharing sites to download last season's finale.


Liam Cunningham, who plays Davos Seaworth, said he knew the show would be a success.


He said: "I read it [the script] and went, 'Jesus this is really cool'. I have no interest, genuinely, in fantasy and dragons and all that sort of stuff.


"I had no doubt it was going to be really good and people were going to be all over it."


Game of Thrones author George RR Martin hinted last week that the TV adaptation of his novels may end with a feature film.

"It all depends on how long the main series runs.


"Do we run for seven years? Do we run for eight? Do we run for 10?


"The books get bigger and bigger. It might need a feature to tie things up, something with a feature budget, like $100m (

Edited by KingOfMetal
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Must admit, I watch The Following. I would not say it is shit, although it's obviously ludicrous.


I watched Season 1 but haven't bothered with 2. I kept watching in the hope it would get better, but it didn't then realised there was only about 4 episodes left so decided to stick around til the end.

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Anyone been watching Hostages on channel4? I've stuck with it as it started off well but has then been dragged out beyond belief and there's still 4 episodes to go (taking it to 15 in total). You could have easily cut it by at least 6 episodes


It's so bad. I gave it the first 3 or 4 then gave up because it was clearly going to be awful. There's no way to sustain a premise like that over so many episodes, and it was dire from the beginning.


Was I the only one who watched Black Sails? I saw zero talk about it. Lazy critics have called it the new Spartacus, because it's historical, also on Starz, and filled with blood and knockers. It's closer to a more accessible Deadwood. It's not five star TV yet (the first season just ended), but still really watchable. And it looks absolutely incredible. Unlike Spartacus, which was all green screen, it's all shot on location, and the Bahamas pirate island where most of it takes place is like nothing you've ever seen before, with bustling, grimy shanty towns below the bluest skies; just gorgeous.


The music (by Bear McCreary) is fantastic too. Just look at the opening credits.



I've also been watching From Dusk Till Dawn, the series, a thing which honestly has no reason to exist. It's on Robert Rodriguez's new TV network, and he's written and directed half the episodes. It's... actually really fun. The first season's going to cover the story of the film, so you're seeing an expanded version with a bunch of new stuff. The guy who plays Clooney's character has really got the mannerisms down, although Tarantino's character is a bit too on the button as far as being a weirdo, as I love how subtly creepy he is in the film. In the series, he's not just a sex offender, but he SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

has visions

. In fact, it's no longer the thing of straight-up crime drama for the first half, then supernatural, as the supernatural element is there from the beginning. It's an interesting take on the vampires too, who this time around are SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Mayan snake gods or something





Some of the scenes are shot-for-shot remakes. Oh and Robert Patrick is in the Keitel role.


I've also been watching Review With Forrest MacNeil, where incredibly underrated comedian Andy Daly (the school principal from the first season of Eastbound and Down) reviews experiences and rates them, things like 'being a racist'. It's great, and you should watch it.

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I'm glad somebody else thought From Dusk till Dawn was good. I was thinking there was something wrong with, or my standards were slipping unbeknownst to me, but it is really, really enjoyable.

I don't think anyone will ever outcool Clooney's Seth Gekko, but my word, that muscular beefcake in the role puts a good case forward.

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