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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Currently on Season 7 of Dexter. It's somehow massively shit but watchable at the same time, except for Season 6 which was just massively shit.

Season 1 was pretty great, mainly due to the tone of it and how unique it was. 2nd Season was all about Doakes, played by the blackest actor in the world. Season 3 wasn't all that memorable, and Season 4 was carried solely by John Lithgow. 5 was a half good/half bad Season and 6 was just the worst. 7 is doing alright so far, but you can see why 8 is the last one. There's nowhere else to go and all the characters are exhausted out.

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Watched all of Luther over the last few weeks. I've dismissed post-watershed British cop shows as throwaway toss since the days of Robson Green and Martin Kemp. And Luther is still that, really, but it's alright. Loads of plot and logic holes if you look for them, but a good thrill ride every episode. Some moments that I'd put up against great American TV, though Luther generally isn't a patch on most good stuff from the states. The writing could've done with being better and some of the performances aren't the best -- the woman who plays Erin Grey is shockingly bad, just like she was in the BBC's Survivors a few years back.

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Did anyone catch Run on Channel 4 last week? Got them recorded and watched the first one so far. It's very good, Olivia Coleman in particular is good in it. Very gritty British drama, which Channel 4 seem to do better than anyone.

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I've been wondering about that, too. It's like a popcorn horror ride type thing, and not a serious drama at all. And yet, there is a bit of me that wonders if they realise that.

They must know. Half the performances are cartoon level, and the fan favourite character is a comic relief psycho Catwoman type.

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Did anyone catch Run on Channel 4 last week? Got them recorded and watched the first one so far. It's very good, Olivia Coleman in particular is good in it. Very gritty British drama, which Channel 4 seem to do better than anyone.


That's the best episode. Unfortunately the other three are rather unremarkable.

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Orphan Black - It's fucking dreadful. Two episodes in, I don't think I'll continue with it.


It's got rave reviews but I also gave up after the second episode. The main girl is alright but the supporting cast are the biggest bunch of wankers ever. The gay bloke providing "comedic relief" needs a fucking curb stomp. And because it's made by the BBC it has that "made on a budget of about 20 quid" feel that nearly all BBC dramas have.

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