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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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If we're talking about how antiques programme presenters are in real life, I met Paul Martin when they were filming Flog It at work last summer, and he was great. Very friendly, took a lot of time to speak to the tourists who recognised him in between filming bits, got on really well with his crew etc.



If we're talking about 'real' programmes being rehearsed, one of my staff was on 'A Place By The Sea / In The Country / whatever' programmes a few years ago, and she said that whenever they went to look at a house, they had to film their 'first impressions' dozens of times so they could get it from all the different angles. So for a shot where they walk out of the back door to look at the garden, they do it for real the first time, then have to try and remember how they did it all the other times so it looks similar enough to splice together. Most of the time, the scene you see has no reality in it at all, it's probably the eighth or ninth time they've done it, and they're probably bored out of their minds with all the fake enthusiasm.


I hate those kinds of programmes anyway, but if I didn't, hearing how they actually make them would have ruined them for me.

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That's the rumour. I couldn't tell you if it's true though. Part of me thinks that's a bit shit, but part of me thinks, who cares? Unless you're following the tour and had seen it all, who does it effect? I doubt the "fully rehearsed" part the most. If it was the case that the bits where part of the show, then I bet my bollocks that they were genuine fuck ups in the first place that got big laughs and then were kept in. In the same way that a comedian has sections of their routine that that can improvise around, but by the time it gets to the London run they've got that shit nailed down to whatever got the biggest laughs in the provinces.

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Come Dine With Me got ruined for me when I found out every single convosation and put down is rehearsed and performed just how the TV crew wants it


Doesn't make it any less enjoyable as a viewer though.

You'll struggle to find anything on TV these like CDWM that isn't rehearsed before its shot, It would just be a massive clusterfuck otherwise.

Edited by Mr Stu
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Has anyone been watching Pan Am ?




I'm really enjoying it. Very easy to watch and some likeable characters. It also helps that there are some gorgeous girls dressed as stewardesses for 95% of the show. The other 5% they seem to be in their underwear. It's a tough watch :sneaky:

Donna from Neighbours :love: it's already been canceled.

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I used to really enjoy it till Nathan left, the first two seasons were great. I gave up the current run after 2 episodes, just didn't find it amusing any more.


See, I dont miss Nathan as much as I thought, cos come the xmas special he was a complete cunt of the highest order rather than mildly amusing.

Watched the 1st two of this series, but not really interested. The new powers and they have really shot their load so to speak its become almost a parody of itself and is a shame, will catch up the rest probably, but not expecting great things

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Just going back to the Come Dine With Me thing, Gareth from the Coventry show (the magician with the guns) rents my house from me. He said some things are staged, such as when people arrive and in what order, but the conversations are not staged. However some things are prompted.

Edited by Keith Houchen
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