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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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What is the Great Khali up to these days? He should be pushed like the absolute monster he is. Don't know why, but I'd love a Rock vs Khali match.


He's still about, but has been a comedy character for ages. His knees appear to have been shot for a while too.


I have no idea if you're being serious about wanting a Khali monster push but he is a prime candidate for most worthless in-ring wrestler in WWE history, in terms of longevity. Hasn't done anything remotely notable that I can recall in years. Surely the only reason he's still around is for the Indian market.

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Opinions and all that, but you're dead fucking wrong about Khali. Everybody is. Giant Gonzalez, now there was a piece of shit. Man's Man Steven Regal fucked off his nut on pills and ale fighting Goldust on Raw in 1998? Legitimately horrific.


Khali's got no legs, fair enough, but he waddles out there looking like a giant, and does giant spots. When he hits his chop or big punch, people go flying, the crowd believe it, and it's good stuff. When somebody pins him, it counts for something, and when people get to do their finisher on him, it gets everybody talking and we all go to Youtube to catch the clip from Main Event or Superstars just for that very moment. Unlike over half the roster, what happens to, around and with Khali tends to actually count, even if it's not for much or a title or owt. If Khali/Brock was promoted and Khali was kept strong in the build up, that would draw and people would then go out of their way to catch the F5 after they read about it.


And, once, he squeezed Ric Flair and Batista's heads at the same time like he was a DJ and they were the decks. And he arm wrestles with broken glass if his (excellent) feud with HHH is anything to go by. He's hard as fuck. Khali should never get sacked and is an extremely underrated member of the roster, and the fact he gets so many disparaging end-of-year-awards represents a loud-mouthed small minded majority of fans who pile on blokes that can't do a particularly tight headlock or wear trunks and pads. Great Khali's so topper he never even needs a monster push. If they just decide he is one for Smackdown, that's how he'll behave, no bother.

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Khali's got no legs, fair enough, but he waddles out there looking like a giant, and does giant spots. When he hits his chop or big punch, people go flying, the crowd believe it, and it's good stuff. When somebody pins him, it counts for something, and when people get to do their finisher on him, it gets everybody talking and we all go to Youtube to catch the clip from Main Event or Superstars just for that very moment. Unlike over half the roster, what happens to, around and with Khali tends to actually count, even if it's not for much or a title or owt. If Khali/Brock was promoted and Khali was kept strong in the build up, that would draw and people would then go out of their way to catch the F5 after they read about it.


And, once, he squeezed Ric Flair and Batista's heads at the same time like he was a DJ and they were the decks. And he arm wrestles with broken glass if his (excellent) feud with HHH is anything to go by. He's hard as fuck. Khali should never get sacked and is an extremely underrated member of the roster, and the fact he gets so many disparaging end-of-year-awards represents a loud-mouthed small minded majority of fans who pile on blokes that can't do a particularly tight headlock or wear trunks and pads. Great Khali's so topper he never even needs a monster push. If they just decide he is one for Smackdown, that's how he'll behave, no bother.


Great read. But you're wrong. Khali isn't convincing as a human being, let alone a wrestler. I don't care if he can do a headlock or an armdrag. But I do mind that people stand around waiting for him to deck them when it's pretty obvious he can't even move.


I put up with a lot of shit in order to watch wrestling. I ignore a million missed punches, dodgy spots, blatant calls and all the other botchamania-bollocks. But Khali is in a different league. he makes me feel sorry for him. It's like watching someone's Grandad take a walloping.

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Know where you're coming from Rick.


I've seen Khali perform live a few times and I usually sigh when his theme music comes on.


I have had a bit more sympathy for the guy since last April. Was at Braehead on the outskirts of Glasgow for a house show. Before the show we were over at a restaurant complex about a 5 minute walk away, and on the way back to the arena / shopping centre we noticed a bit of a buzz and crowd had formed at the loading area.


It turned out the wrestlers had just arrived and were getting off the coaches. Khali gets off the coach and it was a sad sight. When you see the guy on telly or at a house show he must have done some form of warm up activity, as in "real life" he walks much slower and looks in a lot more pain than you'd decipher from just seeing shows.


How the guy can leave the house is kinda beyond me. The fact he's continuously travelling and taking forms of bumps is miraculous.


As an aside, I now feel the WWE is like a travelling circus of the Victorian ages using all sorts of oddities. Kinda makes me feel slightly uncomfortable gawping at the giant that doesn't look too well, or the medically impaired models pretend fighting. Maybe I'm finally growing up!

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Summerslam 2001 was, not sure if there were any others?


Thanks, off to You Tube I go.


I wanna say Summerslam 1999 as well.


Reason I ask is that for some reason "Chef Boyardee" has become an in joke between myself and a friend.

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Does the WON website ever put newsletters up for non-members? I'm not a member, but I clicked a link on Meltzer tweeted out, and the whole Feb 3rd issue is up there. I don't know if this is a mistake and they'll take it down, or if they do it occasionally to encourage subscribers.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Summerslam 2001 was, not sure if there were any others?


I wanna say Summerslam 1999 as well.



According to wiki, you are correct. Also Summerslam 2000 (seemed logical to check that one with it being in between the other two.)

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We all know Wrestlemania is the most important PPV of the "Big 4". What do you think is the least important PPV of the rest? (Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, Summerslam). Cheers!


These days I'm imagining Survivor Series as apart from the odd elimination match, it's a standard show and falls at a duff time of the year. Wrestlemania is always going to be Daddy, the Rumble is unique and quirky and Summerslam seems to be a big thing now with even those Axcess events happening around it. Personally I'd like to see them ditch Survivors (unless they bring back all team contests) and do KOTR instead.

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