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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Bully Ray is on the shit list. Devon isn't, though. They paid the Dudleys to stay home before their contracts ran out. They fucking hate Bully Ray. And all the young lads who were coming up when Bully was a big fat cunt pushing everyone around are now on top and hate him. Orton especially cant stand him. The Dudleys left in 2005. I wonder if that had anything to do with that year spell when Cena, Orton and Batista got on top?


The best chapter in Batista's book is about how much of a dick Bully Ray is.


Because that's the only chapter people remember.

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Did Chase Tatum ever make any headway in WCW?stumbled across an old match between him and Dave Taylor on Youtube,had never heard of him before but he had a great look/size about him.

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Did Chase Tatum ever make any headway in WCW?stumbled across an old match between him and Dave Taylor on Youtube,had never heard of him before but he had a great look/size about him.


He was a big shit roid monkey sadly. Not very good though he had a brief run with the No Limit Soldiers. He was a staple of WCW Saturday Night though, on that all the time.

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Did Chase Tatum ever make any headway in WCW?stumbled across an old match between him and Dave Taylor on Youtube,had never heard of him before but he had a great look/size about him.

Didn't do much after the "No Limit Soldiers" at all. Died in 2008 of an apparent drug overdose. Only 34 too.

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What's everyone's daftest thing they've ever seen in a ring in a major promotion? as in stupid moves? I'm not including any of the mickey mouse minor league promotions but WWE, WCW, TNA


Mine's still Austin taking 10 (TEN) German suplexes off Benoit, Austin's one of my favourites of all time but that is one of the most insane (and not in a SICK! way) things I've ever seen, how the fuck they managed to get through I don't know, without exagerrating I can imagine that took a fair few months off Austin's career (which obviously was on borrowed time anyway to be fair)

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Angle did an insane, top of the cage moonsault in the SAME match as that Benoit one. Both in a throwaway Raw match, which makes it miles worse. For example, that Jeff Hardy/Edge spear bump from Mania is completley crazy, but at least it happened at Mania. Austin piledriving Angle (of all people) on concrete is unthinkable these days.

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Angle repeatedly trying to belly to belly Shane through those glass panels at KOTR 01,with Shane bouncing off them and landing on his head a few times before they broke was pretty fucking insane.

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Does anyone remember who the commentators were on the New Japan Pro Wrestling broadcasts that used to be on Eurosport about 20 years ago? Think they may have been American.


In fact, can anyone remember anything else about these shows at all? I just remember Liger and Brutus Beefcake (as Ed Leslie) being on it.

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Does anyone remember who the commentators were on the New Japan Pro Wrestling broadcasts that used to be on Eurosport about 20 years ago? Think they may have been American.


In fact, can anyone remember anything else about these shows at all? I just remember Liger and Brutus Beefcake (as Ed Leslie) being on it.


One of them was Oliver Humperdinck I think - perhaps with Craig DeGeorge

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Yeah, it was those two if I remember correctly. It was branded as WSW as well, for some reason.


Follow on question from that, why did they use different names for the wrestlers on it? For example, they'd call Scott Norton something like Colt Bolton or whatever. Any reason for this?


EDIT: Sir Oliver talks a bit about the NJPW/WSW tapes HERE

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