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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Im currently in my marathon of watching WWE TV on the final Raw broadcast in August 1995 before they take a crazy insane 3 week break of action returning in middle of September. From memory this was when Nitro started and wondered would it be best to watch Raw & Nitro's back to back from this date or should I just continue to the end of 1997 first?As ive watched all WWE tv from 1998 up to 2001 not sure what to continue to watch after this so kinda after advice on whats the best way to have a enjoyable marathon of wrestling.

You could watch Raw up until 98 and then go through Nitro & Thunder.
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You can add the Nasty Boys to the WWF/WCW/TNA list as well.

Such a list is much easier than throwing ECW into the mix as well.
On the WWE/WCW/TNA/ECW list you can also add..Scott Hallim fairly certain both of the Steiners made at least appearance In ECW also, So theyd make the list too.
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You can add the Nasty Boys to the WWF/WCW/TNA list as well.

Such a list is much easier than throwing ECW into the mix as well.
On the WWE/WCW/TNA/ECW list you can also add..Scott Hallim fairly certain both of the Steiners made at least appearance In ECW also, So theyd make the list too.
The Steiners definitely did. Ive an ECW video somewhere with them on it.
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On the WWE/WCW/TNA/ECW list you can also add..Scott Hallim fairly certain both of the Steiners made at least appearance In ECW also, So theyd make the list too.

Probably why Benny already included them in his list, in the very post where he first posed the question.....
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You can add the Nasty Boys to the WWF/WCW/TNA list as well.

Such a list is much easier than throwing ECW into the mix as well.
On the WWE/WCW/TNA/ECW list you can also add..Scott Hallim fairly certain both of the Steiners made at least appearance In ECW also, So theyd make the list too.
The Steiners definitely did. Ive an ECW video somewhere with them on it.
And it's on wwe.com
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Just popped in my head before that Austin/Taker at Fully Loaded '99 is probably my favourite match of all time and it got me thinking that it's probably the definitive Attitude era matchYou've got run ins all over the shop, a couple of stipulations that the fans were actually bothered about even though everyone knew at the time they'd never stick to them, it's a gimmick match, it's got JR going mental, Lawler on top form, Xpac doing probably the most popular run in of all timeAnyway, can anyone think of a more definitive Attitude era match?

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Backlash 2000 main event for me. Had all of the above (well, minus stipulation) but a far hotter crowd, a far better actual match, the Earl Hebner mini story continuation, returning Austin and a blown up bus coming into the arena in the aftermath.

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The Undertaker vs Mankind Hell In A Cell would have to be one of the more defining matches of the Attitude era. When you think of that era it's almost impossible for that match, as well as the Austin vs Vince cage match, Triple H vs Cactus from Royal Rumble 2000 and the original TLC stuff, to not spring to mind. Maybe Austin vs Michaels at WrestleMania as well, for the Tyson tie-in and Austin finally becoming 'the man'.

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I actually think Austin vs Kane, First Blood from the same King of the Ring as the famous Hell in a Cell is a great Attitude in a nutshell match. Features a load of its big characters, Austin, McMahon, Undertaker, Kane, Mankind, hell and Sable, nutty stips, shades of grey heel turn seed planting, blood, the cell, a screwy but developmental finish. And Royal Rumble 1999, the match itself. That is the absolute peak of Austin vs McMahon. Everyone seemed to be well into wrestling after that.But yeah, the real answers are the Backlash 2000 main event and the Mankind Raw title win. And both of them were just fucking magic.

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