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Astro Hollywood

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Would you consider someone who uses flouride free toothpaste, not through any allergy or sensitivity but because of things they have read online on various sites, to be a tin foiler out of interest?




Not at all. I would want to check the evidence myself before jumping to that conclusion. However, insinuating that all dentists have impure intentions rings my alarm bells immediately.

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Would you consider someone who uses flouride free toothpaste, not through any allergy or sensitivity but because of things they have read online on various sites, to be a tin foiler out of interest?




Not at all. I would want to check the evidence myself before jumping to that conclusion. However, insinuating that all dentists have impure intentions rings my alarm bells immediately.


Fair enough. I do believe it is more to do with indoctrination through how they are taught, but I still don't think that is any kind of justification when it is fairly common knowledge how toxic mercury is..

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Do you guys (Chest and Coconut) wholly believe the official account of 9/11 (which by definition is a conspiracy theory as it has in no way been proven beyond reaonable doubt)?


Oh god. Please don't. Did Duane send you here?


Never heard of the man. Obviously mentioning 9/11 opens up a whole can of worms which can go back and forth for days/weeks and months which wasn;t the intention, nor something I would want to engage in as by now people believe what they believe. But I will never understand how people can think there is nothing fishy about paper passports which survive the fire which brought down the twin towers (which is another thing entirely) and landed neatly on the pavement below.



Go back to page 1 of this thread and read it through, this will teach you


1.) Who Duane is and 2) Why you should not ever bother bringing up 9/11. No one cares and your shitty rhetoric won't work here. Seriously, just don't even waste your breath. Sod off back to the Icke forums where the other dribbling morons will agree with you.


Oh and 3) Learn some fucking physics.

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Would you consider someone who uses flouride free toothpaste, not through any allergy or sensitivity but because of things they have read online on various sites, to be a tin foiler out of interest?




Not at all. I would want to check the evidence myself before jumping to that conclusion. However, insinuating that all dentists have impure intentions rings my alarm bells immediately.


Fair enough. I do believe it is more to do with indoctrination through how they are taught, but I still don't think that is any kind of justification when it is fairly common knowledge how toxic mercury is..



The fluoride thing always reminds me of those early Alex Shane articles in FSM where he'd talk about Nazi's putting fluoride in the water supplies and Triple H only climbing to the top of the ladder because of the logo on his trunks and its hidden subliminal messages.


I've yet to come across a seasoned conspiracy theorist who isn't a compete nut job. 

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 it is fairly common knowledge how toxic mercury is..



Yep. I lose at least one loved-one every year to the dreaded mercury-poisoning blight. Those evil Jew dentists. That fluoride thing will probably be the main reason why our teeth all fall out before we're 30 and we die of the associated complications. Oh wait...

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Do you guys (Chest and Coconut) wholly believe the official account of 9/11 (which by definition is a conspiracy theory as it has in no way been proven beyond reaonable doubt) 


That is not the definition of a conspiracy theory. You keep throwing in these crazy assumptions and begging the question, much like the "all dentists are impure" comment already called out.

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Would you consider someone who uses flouride free toothpaste, not through any allergy or sensitivity but because of things they have read online on various sites, to be a tin foiler out of interest?




Not at all. I would want to check the evidence myself before jumping to that conclusion. However, insinuating that all dentists have impure intentions rings my alarm bells immediately.


Fair enough. I do believe it is more to do with indoctrination through how they are taught, but I still don't think that is any kind of justification when it is fairly common knowledge how toxic mercury is..



The fluoride thing always reminds me of those early Alex Shane articles in FSM where he'd talk about Nazi's putting fluoride in the water supplies and Triple H only climbing to the top of the ladder because of the logo on his trunks and its hidden subliminal messages.


I've yet to come across a seasoned conspiracy theorist who isn't a compete nut job. 

I guess my summary is that I just don't feel it is rational for people to constantly think the best of people in power and give them the benefit of the doubt when seemingly all the evidence is to the contorary. Day after day we see instances of abuses by politicians, from financial irregularites and conflicts of interest to links with places which have a history of child abuse allegations to the aforementioned psycopathic traits. And it's strange to me that a lot of people can't even entertain the fact that some of these things are possible.

Edited by icke83
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Would you consider someone who uses flouride free toothpaste, not through any allergy or sensitivity but because of things they have read online on various sites, to be a tin foiler out of interest?




Not at all. I would want to check the evidence myself before jumping to that conclusion. However, insinuating that all dentists have impure intentions rings my alarm bells immediately.


This. I figured he was chatting shit anyway, but the second I got to the bit about dentists having bad intentions, I just stopped reading. I mean, a fucking dentist?! 


I love how a dentist is a person "in power". 


Icke83, you are insane and I'm pretty convinced you're one of the returning nutjobs we've had here before. If you're not then that's a crying shame, because it means another person similar to the likes of Duane and that other idiot we had has somehow found his way to the forum.

Edited by FelatioLips
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to the aforementioned psycopathic traits. 



And here we go... this is the classic conspiracy theorist (and general twat) strategy that I enjoy the most. Toss out some garbagey "information" (in this case, psychopathic tendencies cited from a book by a huckster loony), and then later cite it yourself, as if that actually means anything at all.


And, as Houchen said, who the hell thinks the best of people in power? If anything, the misdeeds of some politicians tars the whole bunch of them, makes them harder to trust, and creates a malaise whereby it's hard for anything to get done politically.


Damned anti-Dentite.

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I wouldn't consider the "allowing it to happen" scenario as a false flag, as nobody was attacking their own forces/allies under the pretence of being the enemy.

Ye I agree, I always assumed the primary definition of a false flag was what you mentioned, but I usually see Pearl Harbour on lists of false flags so thought maybe the criteria was broader than what I understood it to be..


Surely it gets included because there's folks out there that believe that the American staged the attack themselves, made up in yellowface and choppy chopping their pee pee?


I read about the US carrying out the attack themselves before I even knew what the internet was. Considering the Japanese admitted they did it, it's not one that I ever though held much water. Unlike the Japanese planes.

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Hey, he's just asking the questions you'd all be asking if you weren't such easily-brainwashed establishment drones, guys. He's trying to wake us up to what's really going on in the world, stop attacking him just to cling to your foolish belief systems. Icke83 is a hero.

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