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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Does anyone know any conspiracy people in real life? I'd love to hear a few stories about chemtrail lads in the workplace, that sort of thing. Anyone know someone in the real, 3D world who's into this stuff?


Odd's on only the most mentally insane of them ever spout their insanity in public and the rest of them just play keyboard activist, I have come across a few "9/11 was an inside job" types in the real world (their "evidence" of course is Loose Change) but never any of the Lizard People brigade.

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Yeah, a guy I used to live with & was pretty much best mates with for about 3 years is now a fully fledged 'truth seeker'. I see him very rarely these days but I understand he only really got into it after splitting up with his girlfriend & having to move back in with his mum at 34. I put it down to his actual life being incredibly boring with very little hope to cling on to so he's found solace in this shit. He's got a low paid job with little prospects, he's paying what he can to his ex for his son, as soon as he got with the said ex-girlfriend he binned all of his mates resulting in him missing peoples birthdays, weddings etc. as she wasn't keen on us all so he just cut all ties. Now he rarely leaves the house, just posts conspiracy shit on facebook and plays xbox constantly.

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Anyone know someone in the real, 3D world who's into this stuff?


Sadly a lot of people I work with are into that sort of thing.


What makes it even worse is that after stating some sort of tin foil bollocks to some other tit who's willing to listen, they always follow it up with "Oh, you didn't know that?", then proceed to reel off the usual evidence.


"But jet fuel doesn't burn at a high enough temperature.......". Seriously. It was hit with a huge fucking plane, of course it fell over.


Sadly all I ever here is about my company/the country being some sort of nazi filled, fascist state that is constantly screwing over people. Funnily enough these people are also into these crazy ideas as well.

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I worked with one of the "9/11 was an inside job" people earlier this year. He was thick as fuck so I don't think he'd much looked into it, he just liked the idea so decided it was true. He's big into James Bond and he spent most of last year diagnosed with depression and unable to leave the house or something.


One mentally-ill guy I know online was mad into it four or five years back, and he used to talk about it in real life. He posted YouTube videos of himself interviewing the one lonely, simple young lad at his college who had agreed to watch stuff like Loose Change and Zeitgeist on DVD. I think he got a job then and he seemed to stop going on about the Illuminati. He seems to be gradually becoming a religious nut now though. And he's into Tarot cards.


Actually, I know a few different nutters in Stoke who are into that scene. I think it's down to coming from a place that's got fuck all. No culture, no identity, and a most famous son who couldn't even crack Flaming_June's top 500 British albums. Mostly they just spaz up their Facebook feeds with conspiracy nonsense, but I was there in a meeting when one of them tried to explain to a group of fire service middle-management why the towers couldn't have been taken down by planes.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Yeah, a guy I used to live with & was pretty much best mates with for about 3 years is now a fully fledged 'truth seeker'. I see him very rarely these days but I understand he only really got into it after splitting up with his girlfriend & having to move back in with his mum at 34. I put it down to his actual life being incredibly boring with very little hope to cling on to so he's found solace in this shit. He's got a low paid job with little prospects, he's paying what he can to his ex for his son, as soon as he got with the said ex-girlfriend he binned all of his mates resulting in him missing peoples birthdays, weddings etc. as she wasn't keen on us all so he just cut all ties. Now he rarely leaves the house, just posts conspiracy shit on facebook and plays xbox constantly.


Shocked that a Lightseeker has an unhappy life that he needs to escape from.


I never actually got around to watching the Veitch road trip program, but BBC3 showed two others in that series recently, with creationists, and UFO believers. The UFO one had a guy who literally wore tinfoil hats everywhere he went, but underneath beanies because, presumably, deep down he was embarrassed. I just fired up Youtube for the Veitch one, and every part has an overwhelming percentage of dislikes, due no doubt to their Jewish, lie-propagating misinformation.

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Similarly to Pitcos, the only guy I know who's big into all this is also mentally ill, in and out of the loony bin, and has never had a job in his life.


It's escapism but of the kind that turns your whole life into some weird virtual reality game, from which you can never leave.

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Does anyone know any conspiracy people in real life? I'd love to hear a few stories about chemtrail lads in the workplace, that sort of thing. Anyone know someone in the real, 3D world who's into this stuff?

My mate's dad. He's not worked since he was in his forties and got in trouble at an airport in Denmark last year when he went ballistic at being told he couldn't take his opened bottle of water through airport security, went on a rant about conspiracies and opressed freedom (probably), and poured his water over the scanner, shorting it.


Unfortunately his wife begged them not to take action, and so the point when he had progressed from years of disruption and allegations about many people that I'm close to (including reporting them repeatedly to the Charity Commission to get their charity closed down because he believes all the trustees to be MI5 agents for not listening to his conspiracy theories over the years) and jumped to real-life antisocial behaviour went largely unknown, and the opportunity to take action was missed.


I could go into many, many details but I'd rather not in a public forum. Needless to say he runs a 9/11 blog and ignores anything that he once declared a fact that was proven not to be true, including writing matter of factly stating that a terrorist attack would take place in London on a named date during the Olympics.


To give an idea of what these people operate like I found a video of him chairing a meeting "impartially" with two people who produced a paper on conspiracy theories and whom he invited to give a talk. Amongst the things of note are:


- Within a minute of this video starting he's threatening to kick out a person who interrupts for "anger", which causes uproar about how he's been letting an "idiot" speak about the most fanciful things (that the government has been "murdering us" for its own profit, a speech lasting several uninterruped minutes at the end of part one) without any challenge, but won't allow someone to counter him.


- Then, at 04:10, one of the guests has to actually say to him "If you're an impartial moderator would you mind not interrupting my colleague", whilst he brandishes some paper and retorts "We have to stick to facts!"


- 24:30: "I'm sorry, Ian, if you're going to be an impartial moderator, I think making an allegation that we, what, take a straw poll of the cabinet before carrying out our research is insulting and untrue".


- 30:14: "Ian, you keep intervening in a clearly ideological way-"


- "I'm answering with facts! That's all!"


- "No you're not. We have both seen your reports about our report, which are extremely dismissive and critical, and I think credit to us two in fact for allowing you to be an "impartial" moderator when we know full well what you think about this."


*Round of applause breaks out*


Then there's the requisite crazy hair, somehow being bald but having a long basin-cut style at the same time.

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That video is absolute chaos. It must be awful for people whose family members go down that route. A breakdown, essentially, but not one you could ever convince them to go to the doctor over. It seems like there's no way back from that. Once someone goes that way, they're gone for good, unless they somehow see sense somewhere down the line. I bet there's tons of families that have crumbled under the influence of conspiracy theories on one of their number.


The best search hit I've had on my blog today is this brilliant piece of conspiracy worry:


computer broke after reserching jimmy savil
Edited by Astro Hollywood
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I actually have a friend who's into stuff like this. He's a decent guy really and only ever mentions it when he's on the weed. He loves 9/11 though he might be the most easy going conspiracy theorist going, watching documentaries feeding both sides of the argument etc.


I did know someone at Uni who was hardcore into this sort of shite. God knows what became of him. He even did instillation art pieces on some subject once. Gash.


Me, I enjoy watching documentaries or shows (in general) that go into stuff like this. I don't really believe any of it. It's all to fanciful and to some extent (Illuminati) downright impossible, but they make for an entertaining waste of an hour. It's crazy that people have those mentalities. I do love a good conspiracy theory (The Kennedy Assasinations, Area 51 and all that jazz). I remember watching Loose Change and fucking raging about how damn arrogant the documentary presentation was aa a whole. They treated it like they were exposing a magic trick and the US government was some bastard magician who said his tricks were the real shit. Rather than talking about a massive tragedy that killed thousands of people. Some of the stuff in that is fucking incredibly stupid. Bunch of bells.


I love this topic and Woy's magnetism to the tinfoilers is a joy to behold.

Edited by Chilli_Mondeo
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Why is it that all the Truthers in that video Ronnie posted, are balding? Do the tinfoil hats have a deleterious effect on head hair?


It really is chaotic, that video. Fantastic.

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The best search hit I've had on my blog today is this brilliant piece of conspiracy worry:


computer broke after reserching jimmy savil

They do think like that though. My mate's dad has several laptops and computers so that if one has unknowingly been infiltrated the spies won't see everything that he's working on but only a fraction. There's of course another one that has never been connected to the net.


One day my mate appeared on Messenger with the salutation "No, MI5 has not cut your access to information."


The dialogue went something like this:


Me: "Sorry? Haven't got a clue what you're on about, John."


John: "My dad. These are the words I've just had to say to him."


Me: "What?"


John: "He's just tried to visit a certain site, got a message saying that Firefox couldn't find the server there, so frantically dashed to the phone ..."

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I was in the room for the 9/11-Demos event on the video Ronnie posted. To clarify - the two men speaking at the front are Carl Miller and Jamie Bartlett. They work for a center-left think tank called Demos and had produced a report ('The Power of Unreason') which described how conspiracy rhetoric can be used to recruit previously moderate people to radical causes. The report mentions 9/11 Truth in passing, and notes that it is an example of a non-violent conspiracy movement.


A London-based group of Truthers (evidently run by Ronnie's mate's dad) took the report to be some kind of slander on Truthers, and so invited Miller and Bartlett to speak at a neutral venue, which ended up being Goldsmiths Uni at the behest of a guy doing a PhD on conspiracy theories there. The debate didn't much go anywhere owing to the apparently inability of the Truthers to grasp what the report was really about, and the amusingly partisan chairing of the debate provided by Ronnie's mate's dad.


I kept an eye on the relevant parties for a while afterwards by googling them now and then and came across some right mental shite. There was a youtube video featuring clips from the evening interspersed with (I shit you not) footage of the World Trade Center attacks with Carl Miller and Jamie Bartlett's faces crudely superimposed on to the towers. I recall there was a comment at the bottom saying something like 'I know Miller is a jewish name, and Jamie Bartlett must have trouble standing up straight with a conk that size'.


I also found a blog written by one of the Truthers in attendance in which he talked about going for a drink with Bartlett after the debate and surreptitiously fishing for info about the guy's background. I think it was the same fella who gets called 'an idiot' at the start of Ronnie's video, who also started shouting about how much he loved god towards the end of the meeting (I expect it's captured on the video, I haven't watched it through to the end). Bartlett showed up on the blog's comments and had it out with him, all very strange and entertaining.


I searched for Jamie Bartlett's name on Youtube just now for old time's sake, and the video with his head on WTC1 seems to have been taken down. I did find

though, which opens with a cartoon of half-dressed Barack Obama in chains dancing around under a disco ball. Given that I'm at work on a computer with no sound, an interpretation is rather difficult.
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Anyone read Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test"? There is a chapter about David Shayler and a girl who was on the tube when the 7/7 attacks took place. Basically, Shayler determined that this woman didn't exist as her blogs were too frequent and must have been written by those involved in the cover up.


Essentially, she got fed up of trying to convince them all that she was real and ended up going to one of their meetings. Cracking read if you get hold of it.

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