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Trailer for Spike Lee's remake of Oldboy


I seem to remember liking the original and I'm not that keen on Spike Lee but this looks pretty cool, good role for Josh Brolin.


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I wonder if He'll eat a live octopus?


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I loved Oldboy.

I know its not to everyones liking, but its one of my alltime favourite films. Knew back then that a remake would happen at some point, but am suprised that it has taken this long, and glad that it didn't wind up in the hands of Dreamworks (as it was expected to at one point) and have Will Smith cast, again as was rumoured at one point. This looks to be a direct remake of the movie adaptation rather than the manga series. The trailer even seems to hint that Spike Lee has directly lifted parts of the original, same camera angle for Brolin coming out of the box and the massive hallway fight scene.

Great to see Michael Imperioli too. I know hes had plenty of work post-Sopranos, but thought he would have gone onto to do much better than what he has.

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Rocky Spin off "Creed" in the works


A spin off of Rocky is in the works about Apollo Creed's grandson who "has no desire to box and yet possesses the gifts and potential of his grandfather. He needs a mentor and seeks out retired fighter Rocky Balboa who isn't eager to return to the boxing world, even as a trainer. Stallone will reprise his role in this."


I'm there, surprised to see Rocky taking a backseat but it makes sense. Michael B. Jordan is going to play Apollo JrJr


Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Bruce Willis wanted $4 million for 4 days work on Expendables 3


Sly offered him $3 million ($750000 a day!) but he said he wanted 4 million. Sly calls him greedy and lazy. Harrison Ford took his role 3 days later. Not the first thing I've read about Willis being greedy and lazy, I bet he's a nightmare to work with. All he seems to do now is cameos for a massive pay day.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Sly sure knows how to keep friends. He said something similar about Carl Weathers too. Fine, they've asked for too much, but don't air it like that.

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I find even bad Willis films are kind of watchable - Hart's War, Tears Of The Sun, Surrogates, that sort of thing. I really do like Bruce, if I'm honest.


Has anyone ever had as severe a career decline as Robert De Niro? I saw a trailer for The Big Wedding I think it was, and thought "Christ, that looks awful". Then it occurred to me I've said that about almost every film he's done in the last 15 years.

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I dunno. He has made some right crap, but also part of it is people who are used to him being serious and tough get the hump just because he wants to do some comedy or make less cerebral films.


He still puts in a good performance for what the roles demand even if he isn't making the kind of films you want to see him in.

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I find even bad Willis films are kind of watchable - Hart's War, Tears Of The Sun, Surrogates, that sort of thing. I really do like Bruce, if I'm honest.


Has anyone ever had as severe a career decline as Robert De Niro? I saw a trailer for The Big Wedding I think it was, and thought "Christ, that looks awful". Then it occurred to me I've said that about almost every film he's done in the last 15 years.


I wouldn't expect the machoness of this forum to have seen it, but he was probably the best part of Silver Linings Playbook (alongside crazy Jenifer Lawrence) and was just magnificent in that.

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I find even bad Willis films are kind of watchable - Hart's War, Tears Of The Sun, Surrogates, that sort of thing. I really do like Bruce, if I'm honest.


Has anyone ever had as severe a career decline as Robert De Niro? I saw a trailer for The Big Wedding I think it was, and thought "Christ, that looks awful". Then it occurred to me I've said that about almost every film he's done in the last 15 years.


I like Bruce, may not be the finest actor in the world, and agree with Surrogates, which had a good promise albeit poorly executed.



Robert De Niro it seems largely gave up the ghost after Copland, Ronin, Wag The Dog and Jackie Brown, in 1997. Al Pacino is another who hasn't done much of note since c 2002. For Shame!

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