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Is there a way to hook up your laptop to your PS3 and capture gameplay footage without a capture card?


Yes but it depends how much you want to spend. If you dont mind it not being in Full HD you can get a phono to USB adapter quite cheap online, Quality will vary depending on what you buy. If you want it in HD through a HDMI then you'll probably end up getting an external capture device and the price will go right up

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I have, but its not mutated enough that its so overly apparent and I'm afraid trying to trim it will probably fuck it up. I'll leave it a month or so and see if it improves. I prefer to look like a scruffy student that can't afford a razor anyway.

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Anyone got any experience with flash video lagging? It started happening a month or so back when I was using Windows XP. It'll play fine for a bit, then CPU usage rockets up to 100 CPU and the video just kind of freezes and plays one frame every five seconds or something while the audio carries on sometimes fine, sometimes skippy. Happens in all browsers (well Chrome, Firefox and Opera are the three I've tried).


I've cleared out the cache, I've disabled hardware acceleration, I've removed flash protection as per their instructions, disabled pepper flash in Chrome, I've even formatted the computer and upgraded the OS to Windows 7 64bit. And the flash video problem persists.

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Anyone got any experience with flash video lagging? It started happening a month or so back when I was using Windows XP. It'll play fine for a bit, then CPU usage rockets up to 100 CPU and the video just kind of freezes and plays one frame every five seconds or something while the audio carries on sometimes fine, sometimes skippy. Happens in all browsers (well Chrome, Firefox and Opera are the three I've tried).


I've cleared out the cache, I've disabled hardware acceleration, I've removed flash protection as per their instructions, disabled pepper flash in Chrome, I've even formatted the computer and upgraded the OS to Windows 7 64bit. And the flash video problem persists.


Graphics driver mayber? Do you have a dedicated gfx card or is it on board? Worth checking if you haven't already, even on board gfx drivers get updated sometimes. How much RAM do you have? It seems weird for the CPU to be maxing out if the RAM is good and plentiful. Try reseating the sticks maybe. Could it be your internet connection? Are you on wired or wireless? I sit 8ft away from my wireless router and it still can't hack even low res flash videos sometimes. Steppy video sounds like graphics drivers or memory issues to me. EDIT: I know that with HP, you can download a diagnostic CD, and boot from that and it runs a fuckton of tests on all the components. Whoever makes your machine might have something similar. Bit of a last resort that.

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Anyone got any experience with flash video lagging? It started happening a month or so back when I was using Windows XP. It'll play fine for a bit, then CPU usage rockets up to 100 CPU and the video just kind of freezes and plays one frame every five seconds or something while the audio carries on sometimes fine, sometimes skippy. Happens in all browsers (well Chrome, Firefox and Opera are the three I've tried).


I've cleared out the cache, I've disabled hardware acceleration, I've removed flash protection as per their instructions, disabled pepper flash in Chrome, I've even formatted the computer and upgraded the OS to Windows 7 64bit. And the flash video problem persists.


Yeah, I've had it a few times, whereby the CPU goes, f'ing nuts when playing video like that. V-Ram and Hard disk space could be to blame as your computer is doing all that it can to process the vid etc but hasnt got the power to so the V-Ram is used. However if you havent got much free Hard Disk space, it will freeze up the computer. If you open Task manager and see all processes when you are trying to play a vid. System Idle may take up most of your CPU stuff (Trying to use V-Ram, afaik) causing the snarl up.


I got around it by upgrading what RAM I had and seems to be fine now

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Cheers for the responses, guys.


It's a fairly shite NVidia graphics card, GeForce 6200. Dual core 2.2GHz processor, 4GB of RAM, wired connection. But my laptop (dual core 1.6GHz, 2GB of RAM, even worse graphics card, wireless connection) doesn't have the same problem, despite also using the same version of flash and the same browsers. It can't be a hard drive space issue now as it's a fresh install so there's next to nothing taking up space. Considering the same issue is occurring now as it did on the XP OS, I'm assuming that it's just a hardware conflict. Either the RAM, graphics card or hard drive is probably just fucked somehow. But disk check and memtest didn't find any problems last time I ran them and I don't know what diagnostic tools to run for the video card -- I bought this computer second-hand about five years ago and the guy I bought it from built it himself, so there was no all-in-one system disc.


I should probably just clean the case out and reseat everything, but I'm wicked and I'm lazy.

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I cleaned out the innards as best I could, and it seems to be performing better now on video. Using Speedfan to monitor temperatures, I'm noticing that the GPU starts at about 65 degrees, then climbs to 75-80 after a bit, regardless of any intensive video activity. I wish I'd thought of checking Speedfan before getting some of the dust out, in case it was about 150 degrees before.

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Sky have taken over BE broadband and I'm not sure I fancy it, so looking to move. Are there any really shit-hot broadband deals at the moment? Need unlimited usage (no throttling), not too fussed about speed as long as it's about 5Mbps or so. Seems the best option at the moment is BT unlimited at

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