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Does anybody know of any good Twitter software? All I want it to do is to send my tweets, when I type them, to Twitter. The new Twitter site takes forever and a day to load here.


Thanks a lot!


Tweetdeck. Excellent client. I use it plenty, friendly interface too.

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I'm just wondering if anybody can help me with the name of a film - I can't remember too much about it though but for some reason I've spent today trying to work out which film it was.


It was about a guy who gave a lass he met his number by writing it on a dollar bill. She let the money go and said that if it was meant to be, she'd find it again. Anyway, whatdayaknow she finds it and they meet on an outdoor skating rink at the end and live happily ever after.


It was set in America and was a romantic comedy - the term 'comedy' being used loosely.



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Love Cusack. Wasn't there a similar film with Nic Cage about a lottery ticket?


That was It Could Happen To You with Bridget Fonda where he offers her half a lottery ticket instead of a tip and he wins (mediocre Rom-Com shennanigans ensue)

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Not sure about that but my Mum and Dad didn't get married till 1997 I was about 11 at the time someone always died or something along those lines. They got "Married" on a beach in the Caribbean but they found out it's not worth the paper it was written on sham marriage. They have been together for like 35years though so a piece of paper don't mean shit really.

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Anyone else heard the new single by The Wombats?. It's called Anti-D and it's possibly the worst song I've ever heard.

Jesus. You're not wrong. What a hilariously awful attempt at, well, I'm not sure what.


Here it is, if anyone wants to hear the musical equivalent of getting your bollock trapped in a drawer:


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Anyone else heard the new single by The Wombats?. It's called Anti-D and it's possibly the worst song I've ever heard.

Jesus. You're not wrong. What a hilariously awful attempt at, well, I'm not sure what.


Here it is, if anyone wants to hear the musical equivalent of getting your bollock trapped in a drawer:



Fuck Off! The term worst song ever is such a fucking cop-out. Not even close to being the worst song ever. In fact here is 3 worse songs without trying


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Did this guy ever host Soccer AM, or am I imagining it? Thanks!





A former Brookside actor has been charged with murder after a man was shot dead outside a Liverpool pub.


Brian Regan, 53, of St Mary's Road, Garston, who played Terry Sullivan in the soap, has also been charged with perverting the course of justice.


Bahman Faraji, 44, was killed in Aigburth on 24 February.


Two other men, Lee Dodson, 42, of Logfield Drive, Garston, and Edward Heffey, 40, of Beloe Street, Dingle, have also been charged with murder.


Mr Regan and Mr Dodson are due at Liverpool Magistrates' Court later.


Mr Heffey appeared before magistrates earlier this month.

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