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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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If Fury gets back to what he was, I think he beats both A.J and Wilder. 

Fury sparred with Lucas Browne yesterday, and rumour has it that he did very well. It's just sparring obviously, but if the rumours are true then the signs are promising. 

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On 06/03/2018 at 6:05 PM, Egg Shen said:

I do guess its a sign of the times, but when im reading on twitter that people are no longer supporting the bloke because of it  and that hes shown his true colours i just cant help but feel its all abit ridiculous.

I guess it depends on the person and where their moral compass is at, doesn't it? It's easy for a male who likes watching grown men punch each other in the head to dismiss it all as minor, but Joshua's appeal and fanbase seems to stretch further than the boxing crowd, which means that he'll have fans who support him based mainly on his stature as a role model and suchlike.

Some of those fans will be women who maybe don't take kindly to the kind of stuff he said. 

Personally, I'll still watch him fight because I'm a boxing fan, but if someone finds his comments enough of a turnoff to stop watching or supporting him then I wouldn't judge them for that.

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This dirty meat excuse is a load of bollocks. Luis Nery failed a drugs test after beating Shinsuke Yamanaka last August. His said it was because of the meat he had eaten, so the WBC allowed him to keep his belt. The pair had a rematch last week. The bantamweight limit is 118lbs, Nery turned up at the weigh-in at 123lbs and immediately lost the belt. He blasted Yamanaka out in two rounds mainly because he was about the same size as a lightweight.  - If the boxing governing bodies heavily fined anyone who fails a drugs test because of these stimulants. They would switch from eating beef & pork to chicken. If that was even the case and they're not just banging down PED's.

The Mikey Garcia / Sergey Lipnets fight should be a good scrap. Garcia is looking to be the 3rd fighter to win world titles at Featherweight, Super Featherweight, Lightweight & Light Welterweight. Juan Manuel Marquez & Manny Pacquiao are the other two, not bad company. The fight I want to see is Garcia v Lomachenko. Those are the best two at the lower weight divisions.

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Great win for Oscar Valdez. Outclassed Scott Quigg with speed and movement. Quigg's got a big heart, big cut over his eye and a broken nose but he kept coming forward trying to apply pressure. His face was a real mess by the end.



Mikey Garcia / Sergey Lipinets was another good fight. Lipinets punches very hard and was taking some bombs from Garcia but wasn't moving. He's a bit like a mini Golovkin. Garcia has all the tools to be a legendary boxer, he can punch, take a punch, read an opponent and make changes on the fly. I thought the fight was marginally close. Lipinets did get dropped in the 7th from a swift, sharp left hook he didn't see coming but he was fighting a great boxer. There is no-one at that 140lb limit that can challenge Mikey Garcia. I think Lipinets could also beat anyone in that class too

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Just watching AJ-Parker: The Gloves Are Off.

Nothing explosive as you'd expect with these two but I always like to watch these. Nothing too much to read into this one though. Both seem to be playing their cards close to their chest and not giving much away. Both seem confident. I particularly liked this exchange; 

AJ: I want him to tell me he's gonna knock me out. 

Parker: What round do you want? 

Simple, and I can't see it happening, but it got the old goosebumps going. I see Joshua catching him though at some point in the middle rounds. 

As an aside, does Parker have a grappling background of any sort? Never noticed it before but he's got a bit of cauliflower on the old lugholes. 

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I would guess at Rugby considering where he is from. I watched the Whyte/Browne one this morning, was ok. The drug issue was brought up before Johnny swiftly moved the conversation along.

this looks quite interesting, a bit sad as well. Not sure when it’s out.


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Cheers I'll check that out.

And yeah, Rugby would make sense, that'll be it. 

Edit - the Joe Joyce fight is on 5 tonight at 10:30pm as well incase anyone doesn't know. 

Edited by wandshogun09
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