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quote the raven

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I do enjoy switching off my brain and watching a good old floppy flippy flip match. Hence why I probably am the only person on here that likes Jack Evans :love:

That's another one of the (thousand or so) things that get me about that walloper; he isn't even a good flyer. The one thing he's hyped up at excelling at is a myth. Every spot or dive he hits is as ugly as sin. And looks like the impact would be akin to running up to his opponent and giving him a tickle. There are so many great high flyers and bare faced flippers out there, and the messy, contrived shit that he comes up with is just pitiful by any standards.Even if you are just an unashamed spotfest fan, there's a hundred or more better guys to watch for that kind of thing before you would check out Jack Evans. A good number of them even know how to work.
He was one of the first 'indy' talents that I ever discovered though. Hence why I also like 'Sick' Nick Mondo. They are both as sloppy as hell, but I only remember their big spots which simply blew my mind back in 2003/2004 as I had never seen anything like them at the time and when it comes to them, nostalgia clearly forms a big part of my opinion (bare in mind I was around 14 when I first saw them!)
That's about the one thing I'll give him. When I first saw him bust out that Phoenix 540 in TNA back around that time, I think it might've been in an X-Cup or something, it was something to behold. That's his lot!
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Fucking hell, Sick Nick Mondo. Still watching Nick Mondo's matches is wrestling's equivalent to still listening to Papa Roach. Each to his own, though. I was big into early 2000s indy wrestlers. I remember liking his is documentary.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The classic Silver Vision intro. Someone I know swears blind around late 92 there was another version of this intro. Bollocks or not?
I think was. Same music, but I remember certainly the end still frame being different, with Savage pointing at the WWF logo in the aisle, rather than Hogan freeze framed with his fist in the air. Does this ring any bells for anyone else?
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Whatever happened to Sick Nick Mondo, did he have to retire and how come he has never returned to CZW like all the others that have gone and then returned like Lobo, Wifebeater etc.

He lives in Japan and has done for a few years now. He retired mostly due to injuries suffered in CZW's Tourament of Death 2 in 2003, as well as a few pre existing injuries and his desire to get out of wrestling and into filmmaking. I'd imagine the reason he never returned is that he's pretty ashamed of his past in deathmatch wrestling.
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I do enjoy switching off my brain and watching a good old floppy flippy flip match. Hence why I probably am the only person on here that likes Jack Evans :love:

That's another one of the (thousand or so) things that get me about that walloper; he isn't even a good flyer. The one thing he's hyped up at excelling at is a myth. Every spot or dive he hits is as ugly as sin. And looks like the impact would be akin to running up to his opponent and giving him a tickle. There are so many great high flyers and bare faced flippers out there, and the messy, contrived shit that he comes up with is just pitiful by any standards.Even if you are just an unashamed spotfest fan, there's a hundred or more better guys to watch for that kind of thing before you would check out Jack Evans. A good number of them even know how to work.
I say this a lot, but Evans is just aggrevating whatever he's doing. If by some miracle he learned how to work he'd still look and walk the way he does. He gets right on my wick does old floppyshite. I don't even mind spotfests. I was thinking that the other day while watching the TripleMania tag, it won't be my favourite match on the card when I finish it but it has its place on a card like that, and even while thinking that I still thought "oh fuck off Jack Evans, you're not even good at this!" There were two guys from WWL who either didn't want to work that style of match or couldn't (probably the latter) who I preferred watching over Evans pretending he could. I can comprehend why spotty guys are over with certain crowds even if I don't always like them myself, I cannot comprehend why people don't feel like punching Jack Evans repeatedly in the face when they see him. I mainly posted this just to rant about how much I hate Jack Evans again. We should have a Jack Evans Hate thread that I can post in whenever I get angry at him.
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The classic Silver Vision intro. Someone I know swears blind around late 92 there was another version of this intro. Bollocks or not?
There was definitely another version. It was the same music but I think they took out the bloke talking over it. You know the one who went "so if it's body slams, suplexes, clotheslines, dropkicks and powerslams that you're after...'. It was just the music and was updated with the roster of '92ish with Flair and stuff. I forget which tapes it's on. Maybe air_raid will know, I want to say 1992 Year In Review but I'm not sure. Edited by wandshogun09
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The classic Silver Vision intro. Someone I know swears blind around late 92 there was another version of this intro. Bollocks or not?
There was definitely another version. It was the same music but I think they took out the bloke talking over it. You know the one who went "so if it's body slams, suplexes, clotheslines, dropkicks and powerslams that you're after...'. It was just the music and was updated with the roster of '92ish with Flair and stuff. I forget which tapes it's on. Maybe air_raid will know, I want to say 1992 Year In Review but I'm not sure.
It is on that one, it's basically just PPV clips of Summerslam 91, Survivor Series 91, Rumble 92 and WM8
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At the start of that SV video, what event are those massive tag matches from? I've always wondered. It seemed like every side of the apron was filled with wrestlers

I'm sure it was the early survivor series when they did 10 on 10 tag team matches.
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At the start of that SV video, what event are those massive tag matches from? I've always wondered. It seemed like every side of the apron was filled with wrestlers

I'm sure it was the early survivor series when they did 10 on 10 tag team matches.
Survivors 88
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At the start of that SV video, what event are those massive tag matches from? I've always wondered. It seemed like every side of the apron was filled with wrestlers

I'm sure it was the early survivor series when they did 10 on 10 tag team matches.
Survivors 88
And one of the best WWF matches of 1988.
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Fucking hell, Sick Nick Mondo. Still watching Nick Mondo's matches is wrestling's equivalent to still listening to Papa Roach. Each to his own, though. I was big into early 2000s indy wrestlers. I remember liking his is documentary.

Do you happen to remember Ric Blade? Now he was a shit spotmonkey if I ever saw one! I don't think I have ever seen a match of his where he didn't botch a couple of moves. His kicks were super shite as well. Although I will say he did perform some absolutely insane stunts so I'll give him credit where it's dueVamp, here's a Jack Evans clip you'll enjoy..
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