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Guest DJM

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Seen a couple of films recently:Clovefield:SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
Enjoyed this one quite a bit. Theres some silly moments in it (Monster creeping up behind them in Central Park, camera survivng a nuke attack, woman not having any after effects of having a stake through her chest, etc), but on the whole, it kept me entertained. The way they handled the monster was also very well done.Rec:SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
Enjoyed this one, too. The scary moments are pretty cliched, but still managed to scare me shitless. A prime case of this is when the cameraman put the camera up the loft. As it slowly turns around the loft, you just KNOW something scary is going to happen, but even so, when it happened I still crapped myself.The story was good, as it slowly developed throughout, and then revealed all that possessed stuff at the end. Im still not sure where I stand on that. What do other people think about this stuff at the end of the film? Was it needed? Could they just have left it (a la Cloverfield) unexplained, and just as some rabies-like disease that fucks you up once you get bit? Come to think of it, I dont think Im 100% sure what the stuff at the end meant. May have to go back and watch it.Lots of scary moments throughout, and you always had the feeling of not knowing what really was going on (which was good).The end was 100% cliche territory; Power failure, pitch black, hiding from scary fuck, getting caught by scary fuck, etc. Two parts irritated me at the end. The first was why the fuck they moved when that girl was still in the room. "Stay here and she'll never see us" was their plan, so having them try and leave the rom when she was still in there was stupid. The second was the last scene with the woman laying on the floor looking right at the camera. Just looked pretty crap, and seems like a lazy way of getting the horror facials in.Shall be watching Hitman and The Bank Job tommorow.

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I watched Vantage Point this morning. This film is exactly up my street, assassinations/conspiracy etc. I won't go too much into it but it was annoying me a bit at one point but then it all unraveled and ended up being a good film. It was as good as The Shooter but I'd give it 7/10.EZ

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Ghost Rider


Actually quite enjoyed this. Seemed to get a panning and yeah, quite a bit of the acting is wooden but as a 'superhero' film it's solid enough, though seemed a little short and bereft of Peril sometimes. I'm guessing there might be a GR2 seeing as the promise he made at the end but it was just about enough of a film to be enjoyable.


Oh and the leading lady. Hot hot hot.

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Recently got into the X - Files out of pure boredom , and a yearning for something new. So opportunity struck a few nights ago when this popped up in the TV Guide...


The X - Files Movie


Very , very entertaining stuff. Pure cheese , in parts , but thats what the X - Files is for right?

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Recently got into the X - Files out of pure boredom , and a yearning for something new. So opportunity struck a few nights ago when this popped up in the TV Guide...The X - Files MovieVery , very entertaining stuff. Pure cheese , in parts , but thats what the X - Files is for right?

Sequel coming out in a few months!!
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Recently got into the X - Files out of pure boredom , and a yearning for something new. So opportunity struck a few nights ago when this popped up in the TV Guide...The X - Files MovieVery , very entertaining stuff. Pure cheese , in parts , but thats what the X - Files is for right?

Sequel coming out in a few months!!
For real? Last I read that thing was in limbo for most of this decade.
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It was OK I guess. Some nice action scenes, and most of the main characters were played well. It also has T-Bag from Prison Break and Desmond from Lost in it, so thats a positive. Maybe it was because I wasnt paying it my full attention, but some of the plot got lost on me. Mostly the part why the Secret Police were getting involved. Im guessing it was because they were part of the whole "cover up" with the doubles, and wanted the witnesses killed. That said, thats got me thinking. Was the President that 47 killed at the end (in church) the original President? The scene with T-Bag in the infirmary seems to suggest otherwise. Im getting confused the more I think about it. Was the President 47 killed at the start the real one or a double? My understanding was that it was a double. The other big thing I guess I dont get is why The Agency then wanted to kill 47. Where they in cahoots with the Pres? Meh, Ive confused myself now.

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I just watched [REC]. The basic plot is a TV crew is filming a documentary on firemen, they go out to a call and end up being trapped in an apartment building filled with zombies. Similar to Cloverfield but I enjoyed it alot more than that movie. It's really fucking balls-to-the-wall hardcore stuff and scary as hell. Great performances, direction and really memorable. Highly recommended.I also watched Planet Terror last week and really enjoyed it. Not a brilliant film but it's not supposed to be. I found it hilarious fun and would recommend it to anyone who wants a good 90 minute movie to have a ton of fun with and not worrying about anything serious.After I have my dinner I am going to watch The Orphane so expect thoughts on that later.

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Rise of the Footsoldier


I've had it rammed down my throat for months that this film is an absolute classic, and possibly one of the Britain's best ever. I can now honestly say that I will never take the advice regarding films from those that told me this awful lie seriously again.


Utter pish, non-sensical and random shite from start to finish that made me weep, I cheered at the ned because it was FINALLY over after dragging on for so fucking long.


I then watched Dead Man's Cards which restored my faith in the British Film Industry

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Hard Candy

Watched this the other day.. I really enjoyed it! Ellen Page was quality throughout (just like she was in Juno)... The plot was different to what I thought it was going to be.. I was expecting a 'Saw style' torture movie.. but it wasnt really like that.. Quality movie nonetheless.

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Rise of the FootsoldierI've had it rammed down my throat for months that this film is an absolute classic, and possibly one of the Britain's best ever. I can now honestly say that I will never take the advice regarding films from those that told me this awful lie seriously again.Utter pish, non-sensical and random shite from start to finish that made me weep, I cheered at the ned because it was FINALLY over after dragging on for so fucking long.I then watched Dead Man's Cards which restored my faith in the British Film Industry

Your not wrong there its bloody terrible! I was damn angry after seeing at the cinema. Who ever told you it was even vaguely good needs a new brain. I hate that film.
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