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Guest DJM

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Reads more like a studio press release than a review.

Really?In all honesty I'm looking for feedback/ criticism at the moment on my film thoughts as I'm taking a writing course and I'm looking to be able to express myself fairly coherently, especially with films as they are something I'm interested in. Re-reading it, I can see what you mean. To a certain extent, it does look like I've copied it off the DVD case to a certain extent.
That be where the confusion stemmed from.
Just a part time course I'm doing in the evenings. Nothing specifically related to film, but working on my writing skills. Which as you pointed out with your stigma/ stigmata correction, needs some work.
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I watched The Mist last night.One word: Awful!SPOILERZZZ!!!!For some crazy reason this film has a score in the 7s on the IMDB.Sadly it wasn't bad enough to be really funny, it was just bad.A mist descends on a small town and the entire town hide out at the local supermarket. After some talk about getting the generator back up (is it me or is that one of the most overused clich

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watched starship troopers last night.I've always loved this film, can't wait to see what the third installment brings to the table. The second film was a load of shit so I'm hoping number 3 restores a lot of faith I lost from watching the second film.Anyone else have any thoughts on the film?

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love Starship Troopers, crazy ass film.i actually didn't mind the 2nd, its a big drop in budget but for a DTV movie, it aint bad...the 3rd is set to straight to dvd as well, which kind of sucks, Rico is coming back though so that's kind of cool.

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The only word I can think of to sum up this film is disapointment. Yes, it is quite a good idea for characters to be able to teleport any where in the world and it is quite a neat idea to have people who dont like others having this ability to want to eliminate them so as they cant do it. But seriously, even though it is Sci-Fi at least give some reasoning for why were actually watching people teleport?!


David (Hayden) falls into a lake and teleports himself into a library. He then realises he teleported himself (after having to ask himself if he did) and then sets about "jumping" wherever he wants, including robbing a bank! What makes it even worse is that we find out later he first "jumped" when he was 5. Well.... you'd think thats something he'd remember later on in life.


The whole film I just couldn't buy Samuel L Jackson as anything other then a hybrid of the violent, psalm quoting Jules from Pulp Fiction and the Light saber wielding Jedi from Star Wars.


The one plus I can pull from this film is that I feel Jamie Bell done an excellent job as Griffen and really did save the film a little with his one liners. Hayden Christenson struggled at times to carry this film and Rachel Bilson drew zero sympathy from me to the point where I really didn't care what happened to her at the end, I just wanted the film to finish - and thats with a run time of less then 90 minutes!!

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watched starship troopers last night.I've always loved this film, can't wait to see what the third installment brings to the table. The second film was a load of shit so I'm hoping number 3 restores a lot of faith I lost from watching the second film.Anyone else have any thoughts on the film?

Yeah gotta share the Starship Troopers love, just a really good unpretentious fun film. It's the sort of film i'd have loved when i was a little kid. Shame they couldn't get the original cast members for the sequels, its not like they're superstars or anything.
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I watched Punch Drunk Love. Mr Seven was right, Sandler is great. I'm not sure I liked the film. I didn't dislike it, it was interesting but I didn't really feel like I knew the story or the character any better by the end.I read some reviews on IMDB. I find it fascinating how people interpret films. There are people who hate it, because it wasn't the usual Sandler fare (to that point), people who thought it was amazing and can interpret the camera work, the use of music and the colours and others like me, who saw a decent love story, surrounded by lots of confusing events that didn't seem to matter all that much.I think the biggest problem was that I spent most of the film wondering what was wrong with Barry Egan, rather than realising he just had a lot of pent up anger. Also, I kept thinking about the Harmonium and the car that blew up at the beginning, which were never really explained.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I saw The Orphange on the weekend.Not a bad film, a bit on the weird side and I'm not too sure what to make of it.Although its in fucking Spanish which I didn't expect. :sneaky:

Is it that big a deal?Last film i watched was The Assassination Of Richard Nixon which was pretty fantastic with one of the best performance's of Sean Penn's career. Tension filled with a touch's of surreal comedy moments ("Zebra")Films of the year so far

1. Trading Places USA (John Landis, 1984) 10/10 Jan2. The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada USA (Tommy Lee Jones, 2005) 9/10 Feb3. Spirited Away Japan (Hayao Miyazaki, 2002) 8/10 Jan4. Finding Neverland USA (Marc Forster, 2004) 8/10 Jan5. The Assassasination Of Richard Nixon USA (Niels Mueller, 2004) 8/10 Mar*6. Sideways US (Alexander Payne, 2004) 8/10 Mar7. Blades Of Glory USA (Josh Gordon, 2007) 8/10 Feb8. Zatoichi Japan (Takeshi Kitano, 2003) 8/10 Jan9. Brewster's Millions USA (Walter Hill, 1985) 8/10 Mar10. Look At Me France (Agnes Jaoui, 2004) 7/10 Feb11. The Hidden Blade Japan (Yoji Yamada, 2004) 7/10 Mar12. Angel-A France (Luc Besson, 2005) 7/10 Mar13. The Descent UK (Neil Marshall, 2005) 7/10 Jan14. Heading South France (Laurent Cantet, 2005) 6/10 Feb15. A Hole In My Heart Sweden (Lukas Moodysson, 2004) 6/10 Mar16. Cronos Mexico (Guillermo Del Toro, 1993) 6/10 Jan17. Aim

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I saw The Orphange on the weekend.Not a bad film, a bit on the weird side and I'm not too sure what to make of it.Although its in fucking Spanish which I didn't expect. :sneaky:

Is it that big a deal?
No not really as I don't mind subtitle films, but I didn't expect it and have never experienced it in a Cinema. Where its a horror type film it doesn't really bother me as such, weird film though.
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I watched Walk The Line this morning. It's been on my pile of 'to watch' DVDs for a while now, and given its a bank holiday I decided to give it a go.


Johnny Cash's career from his early days as a door to door salesman to a troubled famous superstar in the 1960s, with the lead coming from the very talented Joaquin Phoenix in one of his most under-stated roles I'v seen him in yet. He shares screen time with Reese Witherspoon as June Carter, Cash's life partner/ best friend, with Reese finally appearing in a film which doesn't annoy the tits off me (and she does pretty well, although its certainly not an Oscar worthy performance).


The pace of the film is odd. With years flashing by at various intervals, and then 30 minutes given to one specific time period. I found this a bit frustrating at times, especially when you were just expected to accept changes in situation, context and character.


Overall, I thought this was a fine film, with a heart-warming over all feel to it which suited a bank holiday morning well. I didn't think it was the stand out movie that many people said at the time, just a good biopic.

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JUST SAW VANTAGE POINT.HERE IS MY SENSATIONAL REVIEW:Not bad, 7/10.Spoilers, tho:SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

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JUST SAW VANTAGE POINT.HERE IS MY SENSATIONAL REVIEW:Not bad, 7/10.Spoilers, tho:SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I wanna see this film badly
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Black Snake Moan


The movie is loosely based on the plot of Silas Marner. The film draws heavily from the Mississipie blues movement and has numerous references along with a soundtrack to match. Christina Ricci is a troubled young lady who is known as the town's local hussy. Justin Timberlake is her boyfriend with anxiety issues who is leaving for the army. Samuel L Jackson is a farmer type who also performs blues songs at local venues who has recently had is wife leave him for his best friend. Christina gets beaten up and left in the road one night, Samuel finds her by chance and decides that saving her will be a good way to cleanse his soul.


I thought it was a decent movie. A very bland review I know, but I can't really decide on it. I've seen it absolutely slated and I've seen it praised heavily... I just felt that I hadn't wasted my time, Samuel was awesome, the tale was kind of heartwarming but also rather difficult to believe, the blues stylings were cool but I didn't feel compelled to watch it again or recommend it too highly.


Samuel in a grizzled blues singer role is something a bit different and I thought he did it very well, it has been described as his best role since he played Jules and I'd certainly put it up there. I was quite impressed that he had learned to play blues guitar and his musical performances are surprisingly good. He has a couple of songs on the soundtrack CD too, which is something I'd probably recommend buying over the film itself.


Justin Timberlake was fine in his role I guess, Christina Ricci was good too, I don't know if it's complimentary to say that she makes for very convincing trailer trash, but she does.


Zidane: A 21st Century portrait


Vaguely artsy affair in which we watch Real Madrid vs Villareal at the Bernabeu from a unique Zidane-focused perspective. Not just player cam, but 17 high quality, synchronized cameras and numerous microphones all focused solely on Zidane so that you can see and hear his every movement, mannerism, word and breath for the whole game. This is accompanied by quotes from the great man put along the bottom of the screen as subtitles and a soundtrack from Mogwai that plays intermittently.


Firstly, I love football. I watch as much as I possibly can from any division and country in the world, regardless of the supposed quality of the teams or how boring the game might appear to be on paper. Despite all of that, I was half-expecting to be bored for parts of this film. This didn't turn out to be the case and I ended up finding it quite fascinating.


Every time the ball comes near Zidane you hear him take in a massive breath as if he's still anxious despite being one of the best in the world and having played on the biggest stages. When he's not directly involved he simply strolls about, yells "Hey!" when he wants attention and simply points where he wants the ball. For the first twenty minutes or so, the vast majority of his touches are so good that he gets applause for them. Villareal are awarded a suspect decision at one point, and Zizou goes up to the ref quietly, simply to say "You should be ashamed".



Better still is that he gets sent off towards the end for his involvement in a brawl, so you get some good close up action of the drama there.



It's not a film you'd watch twice, but I got it for

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