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Mr McMahon Netflix doc Thread

Hannibal Scorch

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2 hours ago, IronSheik said:

To avoid being pissed off, I went in with the mind set that it's a Netflix documentary designed for the masses and not aimed at a typical knowledgeable wrestling fan. 

I've watched a lot of it now, and it's exactly this. They've tried to tell the story of the mad puppeteer and the world he created to an entirely new audience.

Wrestling fans seem to have got the hump because it's not full of new information aimed at them, and it hasn't given them more information about the allegations.

But it seems like the show was never going to be about the former, and the latter has complicated the brief entirely. You get the impression this was never meant to be a hit job at all, and was intended to be a neutral-to-positive portrayal of a slightly sinister, whacky ringleader who created the world's biggest circus. 

So I think, again, to people who already know too much it's both annoying that it's not new, insider information AND it's totally jarring because you go in expecting a true crime piece about a Wrestling Savile.

I thought what I saw was fine, I won't carry on but mainly because I'm not the intended audience. 

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This doc had been in the making for a long time. Bill Simmons had talked about how he's wanted to do one on Vince since he was still at ESPN working on 30 for 30 over 10 years ago. Started to seem more likely after the Andre The Giant doc. It was just going to be another lore building exercise.

When it became apparent they hadn't scrapped anything and started again after the allegations, I knew exactly what to expect. What would otherwise be spent on their animation budget would be pulled to cobble together a new last episode. The coverage seems to have confirmed that feeling of nothing changed apart from the ending. Which is why I will never watch it. 

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I mean, in their defence had they gone back to Netflix and said 'the commission has changed, we're going to a documentary solely about a man not everyone has heard of and the allegations against him that have yet to reach their conclusion in the courts' the show would have been canned entirely.

Basically, this is Vince's (hopefully) final swansong as nature's best 'mad old bastard who can literally ruin everything just by being'.

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I think everyone needs to remember this is a completely different audience so it's not old ground for the Netflix audience.



It's just we've seen this countless times across countless documentaries they've produced.


I imagine it'll give an insight for regular viewers .

It's also been in the works for years.I t's still the Vince documentary; not an expose on the allegations.

That however would be one hell of a documentary. I could see it as  maybe 2/3 episodes of Dark Side Of The Ring.


Let's hope that's next by someone / anyone 

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1 hour ago, IronSheik said:

Has Vince ever admitted the female referee rape allegation was "consensual"? That was a bit of a revelation.

If you've not listened to it, SCG Radio have a series running through the WWF from 1990 to mid 1994 (so far) and have covered the steroid and sex scandals in great detail. It was in old source material, probably the Observer but maybe the car crash TV appearances Vince made on Donahue and Larry King, that Vince didn't deny sleeping with Rita Chatterton, just that it wasn't consensual.

The whole series is well worth a listen, far more than this doc. I recently went back through it, including the Titangate episode on the allegations pre-WM 8. They did an incredible job. The story itself is harrowing. I'm absolutely ashamed that I ever watched a minute of this shit after all that went down. Shuddering now at the thought.

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His comments on the Rita Chatterton accusations, fucking hell. Nothing that comes out of this reprehensible cunt’s mouth should really shock us at this point but going from saying it was consensual to then saying even if it was rape, the statute of limitations had ran out anyway. He could’ve just stopped at the ‘it was consensual’ bit but it genuinely felt like he wanted to flaunt it in everyone’s face that he thought he was untouchable. The Owen stuff always pisses me off as well. I’ll never get the arguments for continuing the show and this new excuse of basically saying ‘well the lights were off, nobody saw it’ was absolutely pathetic. 

No surprise Prichard and Heyman came off as complete and utter slimeball arse lickers. Never been able to stand either of them but somehow came out of this disliking them even more. Austin’s CTE comment convinced me he indeed has CTE. Listening to Hogan retell his fantasy version of the Andre at WrestleMania III story for the 12 millionth time made me wanna pull my own ears off. Meltzer and Bret were the only two talking heads I had any time for really and even then I could’ve done with Bret putting the boot in a bit more. 

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17 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

The Owen stuff always pisses me off as well. I’ll never get the arguments for continuing the show and this new excuse of basically saying ‘well the lights were off, nobody saw it’ was absolutely pathetic. 

Yeah, this for me as well. They might not have seen him fall, but they saw paramedics working on his lifeless body and Jerry Lawler pacing around looking like he'd seen a ghost. The clip of that Jarrett/Debra interview immediately after does not got any easier to watch. 

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Been having one of them changing seasons colds so burned through it all this afternoon.

The alternative title for it could have easily been "Vince Isn't Your Real Dad", which was a sort of running joke that went into the ground here years ago but actually sums up the real scum of this industry and the dregs that fence around it as (sometimes) inadvertent enablers. 

The whole thing just seemed to be an endless cycle of:

*Horrible shit happens*

"You know I learned so much from him"

*Horrible shit happens*

"Man that guy was there for me every step of the way"

*Man's son jumps off a twenty foot cage*

"I finally got that hug from him. Felt so good, man"

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