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What are the chances of Labour stopping us selling the Royal Mail to a Czech billionaire if they come into power?

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2 hours ago, Merzbow said:


55 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

I kind of feel that should be in outstanding names

Well, it stands to raisin

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2 hours ago, Merzbow said:


I shat myself then realized it's likely because parliament has been dissolved..

Ha, I got that notification too! Thankfully I’d already seen her insta post about clearing out her office. She’s in a hyper marginal but hopefully her constituency work will increase that. At least we’ll always have that time she had to face a reselection ballot and the likes of Lee Kern, Egg, and Wallis Simons salivating at her losing. Then making excuses like “But this was Dave Nellists ward, she’ll lose the next one” as she won each ward convincingly. 

Faiza Shaheen was on Newsnight last night talking about how she found out she was barred from standing. Grim. 


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1 minute ago, deathrey said:

Labour really seems to be pushing for a white male parliament. Really representative. Really makes me want to vote for them.

I dunno. There’s a lot of white women too on their front bench. 

I know you’re all smarter than me and don’t subject yourself to the weekly misery, but tonight’s Question Time features Wes Streeting, Nigel Farage, and Piers Morgan. Right Honourable Jimmy Corkhill MP for Brookside North gif

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Incredible how Kieth is just burning down the left wing in the hopes that a) he'll get enough of the right to vote for him and b) the left wing will then step into line when he's in power. 


He can get fucked. I'm not voting Labour after this, combined with the way Diane Abbott's been treated and the way they've all come to suck the boot of the puberty blocker ban. Fuck Labour, fuck the Tories, and fuck anyone who says "yeah but if you don't vote for Labour you're letting the Tories win again." 


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Posted (edited)

The way Starmer is leaning and taking the party, if there did happen to be a hung parliament, the most suitable party for him to form a coalition with would be the Tories.

Edited by Doog
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I'm with you @NexusI've pretty much always voted Labour as they were the most likely to get elected Vs the Tories but in all good conscious, I just can't do it this time. They don't represent me anymore.

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Posted (edited)

They've done their electoral calculus and have clearly decided they don't need or want our votes. Like Nexus has said, anyone who tells you you have to vote for Labour to get the Tories out can get fucked.

I've never voted for a winning candidate in my life anyway, and I guess that won't change in this election 🤷.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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37 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I've never voted for a winning candidate in my life anyway, and I guess that won't change in this election 🤷.

Me either Chest. It's the Tory shires here. My MP is still predicted to win by 5% Labour vote will be unchanged but her majority will be reduced by Reform voters. Even in the great Tory wipeout of 97 the tories still had an 8 thousand majority here. Can't really see that changing. If it does I will have to try and not grin too much at the count. To be honest at 18 quid an hour I hope there is a recount. 

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1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

They've done their electoral calculus and have clearly decided they don't need or want our votes.  

You've hit the nail right on the head here. Not only have they made a conscious decision to alienate a large section of the electorate, but they've calculated that by doing so they'll ingratiate themselves with voters who are already pretty well represented, and have been for decades. I don't have much time for the "jam tomorrow" argument either. I actually wonder to what extent this ruthless, cynical manoeuvring will manifest itself when this lot have their hands not just on Labours levers of power, but on Britain's. I'm not suggesting they'll usher in some form of sinister authoritarianism, but they've demonstrated how they deal with perceived threats. Tony Blair didn't seek to completely dismantle the left of his party, but this was a time when it was hard to imagine a figure like Jeremy Corbyn avoiding the wooden spoon in a leadership contest. The current Labour party are doing everything in their power to make sure someone like Corbyn never happens again, and they won't stop until they've cemented their grip on the party. Corbyn wasn't a perfect leader by any means, but he's in the position he's in now partly because he resisted the option of adopting similarly ruthless tactics to strengthen his own position. There'll be some who are now wishing they'd played the faction game as mercilessness as Starmer when they had the chance, but even with foresight of what was to come I doubt they'd have stooped to this kind of bullshit. It's not a binary choice of victory with this kind of approach or defeat with anything else either. Any competent, united opposition with fiscal credibility and a clear policy on net migration would wipe the floor with this Conservative party. This bogus, performative shift to where they claim the country sits is a complete con. 

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