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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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I'm with Chrissy B, damned if they did, damned if they didn't.  I'd also agree with Dukey Dukey Quack Quack that that is the limit of Pinochet now. I perhaps naively thought that years of running at 3/4 speed in WWE might mean he has saves some energy and that he could go full gas again, alas that does not seem to be the case. Back in the original running of that sequence they were equals, now not so much. 

Still a fun match though bar the ending which would have been considered overly contrived 20 years ago, and now looks ridiculous. 

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3 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

It's annoying because when I watch Ospreay most of the time now I feel like he has progressed past just that style and he's able to incorporate it as part of a wider performance.

This was my problem with the match, it felt like a massive step back for Ospreay, and running in place for Ricochet.  Ospreay is still freakishly athletic, but he's not the guy having mirror-match high spot-fests and dance-offs any more; he has some heft behind his strikes, a lot more power and impactful moves behind him, and is generally a much more well-rounded wrestler, and having better put together matches, than he ever had with Ricochet. This was largely them doing the greatest hits, which to some degree it needed to be, but to stretch that metaphor to breaking point, the greatest hits were ChangesOneBowie, released before he had done Low or "Heroes"; it's a greatest hits collection from an artist who was still growing, and who had arguably yet to do their best work. 

Not only has Ospreay become a much better wrestler since their last match, wrestling in general has moved on a lot; the things that stood out as exceptional when Ricochet and Ospreay first wrestled are now fairly commonplace. During the time Ricochet was in WWE, we've not only seen Ospreay eclipse him, we've seen El Hijo del Vikingo, we've seen Komander, we've seen the Lucha Bros and the Young Bucks countless times. Just this week there was a GIF from CMLL of Mascara Dorada hitting one of the most impressive spots I've ever seen - somehow clotheslining two guys out of the ring, diving over the top rope, and landing in a headscissors on someone on the outside, all in one motion. If you follow Luchablog on Twitter, you probably see a GIF of more impressive athleticism every week.

This match should have been, at least in part, Ricochet proving that he had evolved too, that he's not just the flippy movez guy he's always been. I was hoping that some of the build was leaning in that direction, with him showing a bit more edge, being a little quicker to anger than Ospreay was; my assumption has been that Ricochet was going to be more aggressive, and potentially side with Don Callis against Ospreay. Instead, we just got Ricochet. Mechanically very good, but very good at a particular style, in a company full of people just as good, if not better, at that same style. I had hoped this match was his moment to show he was capable of more than that, but maybe he just isn't. 

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33 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

that that is the limit of Pinochet now

I mean, that's fairly impressive, if horrifying, in 2024

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7 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

I enjoyed stuff on that but as a whole episode of wrestling television found it a bit unexciting. I find that on some episodes the pacing, layout of matches and segments, random bits of dead air and weird production ticks really take me out of the show. When you find yourself re-booking the show while you're watching it it's probably a sign that you're not really digging it.

I didn't really find that on this episode. Sometimes the shows absolutely die for long periods but this one was pretty well thought out with a hot opener, long main event and Hangman in the middle to keep interest. Britt & Deeb was good use of both and had several strands running through it and the post match.

Almost all of the interviews, promos and videos were really good and kept the show moving along. 

Honestly, I have no interest in Jericho, like 99.9% of the rest of the world, and I don't like anytime Chris Daniels pops up as an authority, but I thought everything else was perfectly good build for a PPV in 2 weeks, or next week's Dynamite.

I do agree with the comments about it lacking a big angle for such a momentous show. Shelty B popping up and Jay White reappearing popped the crowd but I don't think they were big enough moments. There was certainly nothing on this show which would make that Best moments of Dynamite thread.

No idea who was on it but I love that FIVE Tee that Bryan wore.

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2 hours ago, Duke said:

I didn't come out of it thinking Pinochet has much more in the tank


1 hour ago, Carbomb said:

I mean, that's fairly impressive, if horrifying, in 2024

He started it. I have a story about Pinochet, but I think I've told it before and it's not for this thread. 

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1 hour ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:


He started it. I have a story about Pinochet, but I think I've told it before and it's not for this thread. 

Who doesn't?


I confess that my mind blanks whenever I try to type Ricochet. I have no idea why, I always want to add and extra h or something, so this morning my brain just had enough and I decided to type Pinochet instead. Odds are good I'll keep it up, mostly for my own amusement.

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I had hoped this match was his moment to show he was capable of more than that, but maybe he just isn't. 

Definitely interested to see how he does at the PPV. Again, it's his chance to prove himself but will he? Or will he just get left behind?

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It's quite fitting this was an Anniversary show because it had one of AEW's oldest issues - once every couple of months they put out a show that, for all the good in-ring stuff and exciting acts, just lacks a certain energy and comes across quite lifeless.

I preferred Okada vs Danielson 3 to their first encounter (never watched the second) and quite liked the stipulation - Okada wrestling defensively with no urgency to wind the clock down during the first 20 minutes then picking up the pace after that was a nice novel way of doing things. Didn't hate the finish, either - every so often I like an out-of-nowhere finish to keep things unpredictable.

Ricochet vs Ospreay was fine and was on it's way to really picking up when they did the false-finish/interference deal. Ricochet is already fairly boring, mind.

Queen Aminata getting featured more is very welcome, and I'm not just saying that because I really fancy her.

Anyway, the biggest news coming out of this show is the hint towards Hook vs Christian Cage - I can't wait for that.

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19 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Ricochet is already fairly boring, mind.

He's never going to be anything more than a guy in the middle having entertaining sprints. That's absolutely fine by me, as long as no-one is out there pretending he "deserves better" or WWE "dropped the ball". He's a great athlete, a good looking dude and he's capable of some jaw-dropping stuff but he doesn't have the key ingredients.

Crazy if you go back about 5/6 years and look at the NXT rosters, there were a load of guys who looked like massive prospects and they've all done nothing. So many of them currently in neither WWE or AEW, on AEW's injury list or doing not much in AEW or WWE. Ricochet is probably about the best of all those guys who looked like can't miss prospects currently just purely on the basis that he's fresh in AEW and has a little bit of buzz. They weren't particularly talked about in NXT but I think Swerve and Priest were there and they've both massively outperformed the rest. 

Said guys deliberately as some of the women that were there still validate the whole NXT thing. 

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4 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Crazy if you go back about 5/6 years and look at the NXT rosters, there were a load of guys who looked like massive prospects and they've all done nothing.

The problem is that none of them ever developed past where they were at that time. That was their peak. It's no wonder guys like Swerve who just keep getting better and developing have totally eclipsed them.

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15 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:


Crazy if you go back about 5/6 years and look at the NXT rosters, there were a load of guys who looked like massive prospects and they've all done nothing. So many of them currently in neither WWE or AEW, on AEW's injury list or doing not much in AEW or WWE.


The one that always stands out in my mind is that Halftime Heat show they did in 2019, where it was Aleister Black, Ricochet & Velveteen Dream vs Adam Cole, Gargano & Ciampa. At the time the buzz was very much 'these guys are the future' but none of them have really set the world on fire (and the less said about Dream the better).


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6 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Crazy if you go back about 5/6 years and look at the NXT rosters, there were a load of guys who looked like massive prospects and they've all done nothing.

There are a whole load of people who are unfortunate that AEW didn’t launch sooner than it did, or that Vince wasn’t ousted sooner. I’m not saying I’d have wanted to see this, but if Bobby Roode had made his main roster debut during the Triple H era, he’d have been pushed as if his name were Karrion Kross. Although, to be fair, I like his theme song enough to have been fine with that. Kalisto might have ended up in AEW rather than WWE and would surely be viewed differently than he is now; and then you have people like Chris Hero and even Gargano and Ciampa, who might have been more significant players in the industry had they signed with AEW as opposed to WWE. 

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Posted (edited)

OK, so is Tony Khan still a money mark playing with his toys and play things and EWR saves? Or should we move on from that? 

With that profit I hope he buys Final Countdown 76 more times.

Edited by LaGoosh
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