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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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I would normally say to save Ricochet vs Lio Rush, but his match against Kyle Fletcher was not an impactful or memorable first Dynamite outing. It was fine but didn't make him feel particularly special. I'm not convinced Sammy Guevara is going to give him that showcase either. Ricochet and Rush can do some of those viral animated gif type sequences that other pairings can't do.I know they're not everyone's favourite thing, but if you're building to Ricochet/Ospreay then that's kinda what he's been hired for.

Against Fletcher he didn't do much that we didn't see from him when he was in WWE, aside from the match being a harder hitting affair. If they're promoting that he's now unburdened by the limitations of "WWE style" and is here to remind everyone how amazing he is, getting him in there with an opponent where he can do all the bonkers shit he couldn't in RAW filler matches should be a top priority. 

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AEW will always AEW. Really solid couple of weeks. Two phenomenal pay per views. TV that felt tightly plotted for the long term. And then they somehow manage to announce the dream Danielson vs McGuinness match in the messiest, most unsatisfying way possible.

Danielson is too injured to defend his belt, so they do Darby vs. Mox instead. But then a segment later it’s announced Danielson might actually be healthy enough to wrestle on that show after all, so he’s fighting Big Nige. Poor Darby. I’d be going straight to HR! Mugged right off!

Who is booking this? Jim Bowen and the Bullseye team? “Here’s what you could’ve won!” Way to take two guaranteed big matches in Mox vs. Darby and Nigel vs. Bryan, but announce them in a way to somehow undermine and dilute both.

I wonder what happened. Is Danielson more fucked than anyone realised, so they’re rushing to the McGuinness match sooner than planned? Did everyone shit themselves at how bad the Arthur Ashe ticket sales have been? So weird.

That Orange Cassidy angle looked absolutely rubbish. The coins barely caused any damage to the car. Chris Jericho, man. Couldn’t help himself. Watched Swerve’s brilliant segment last week where he had to sell the house being burnt down, saw what a positive reaction that got, so immediately did a similar thing a week later. The shittest, most desperate performer in the game. They should put a PayPal address up on screen. I reckon enough people would chip in to get Chris his seven grand, if it means he fucks off for a bit. Thoughts and prayers to The Conglomeration. Vortexed, but not forgotten.

The Big Bill side eye was the only good thing about that segment, but history has taught us it’ll either never lead anywhere (see Danny Garcia), or by the time something does happen nobody will care anyway.

Sammy Guevara upstaging Ricochet. Not sure that was the intention, but here we are. Has anyone looked less different jumping from one company to the other than Ricochet? You can see the idea is that he’s now freed from the shackles, but he’s having the exact same matches, doing the exact same stuff. I think Tony’s EWR save is out of date.

On a more positive note, the difference between a motivated and an unmotivated Jon Moxley is extraordinary. He’s like a different person when he’s doing something he’s in to. He felt like a huge star on this show, super dialled in, which hasn’t been the case in ages. Looks really healthy, too. Holidays work!

The Casino Gauntlet didn’t quite Casino Gantlet as much as previously, but the pops for MXM and the Outrunners were brilliant and Ospreay and Fletcher should give The Young Bucks their best match in forever.

The result of the Casino Gauntlet also clears the path. 20,000 seats to sell? I don't know what you're waiting for, now. MXM vs. The Outrunners is right there. Irresistible Forces meet The Immovable Objects. Does Arthur Ashe Stadium hold 50,000? It will that night.

Best thing on the show was Hangman walking around backstage, kicking off on everyone like The Wealdstone Raider. Got a genuine thrill seeing him walk into The Dark Order, and the inevitable Memphis brawl with Double J will absolutely rule. I wonder if Jeff has a warehouse full of guitars for Hangman to torch. Man’s off his rocker. Don’t think he blinked once during his promo. Best character in pro-wrestling history.

Save him, Kenny Omega. You’re our only hope.

Edited by Supremo
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Those match announcements for Darby/Mox/Bryan/Nigel was patchy as fuck. No idea what they're playing at there, someone should have double checked the bandstand was double bolted on those segments.

Big Bill gave a look. Jericho is bollocks but was better than usual and I love the idea of OC carrying that photo around, plus breaking change for a dollar. Silly nonsense, Jericho is never going to go unless his wife gets nicked, but it's not Jericho/Hook for a million fucking more years.

Bucks/Ospreay & Fletcher will be a banger but The OUTRUNNERS were robbed! Delightful to hear them getting a Road Warrior pop tonight, or an Outrunners pop as I believe they do predate Hawk & Animal. I keep singing they're really catchy theme tune whilst I've been decorating. Proper earworm. 


Edited by Chili
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You know when you're at a big family gathering and there's that one family member, usually an old fussy miserable possibly racist weirdo and everyone begrudgingly takes turns to sit with them for a bit? I reckon that's how the AEW roster feel about feuding with Jericho.

"Go on, Orange. It's your turn."

"Fucks sake, OK."

Feels like there's loads going on in AEW which on paper is great but AEW have always struggled with overcomplicating things or doing things in a messy, convoluted order and that's the case here.

Best part of the show was easily Outrunners big pop and clearing house.

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The Jericho stuff can do one, but overall I really enjoyed that episode. Felt like early Attitude Era pacing, in a good way. The opening vignette, Hanger getting the stink eye from the locker room spare parts, Jack Perry leaving his car running during his entire nights work, the handling of the BCC in a way where you felt like they could have shown up at any point until they eventually did. Little touches like that always contribute to how I like wrestling shows to feel. Like they're happening in an interconnected ecosystem where all these people have to somehow share a space for two hours each week. 

I echo the lusting after Takeshita. He looks like he should be off hijacking Metal Gears when he's got that trenchcoat going.  

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Thinking about it, the way they could have spinned Nigel's challenge was that he's only made the challenge because he's confident that Danielson is not actually turning up because he's injured and this is all overconfident heel showboating. Then next week you have a pissed off Danielson turn up all fired up to accept the challenge and Nigel sells it as "oh shit, I've put my foot in it now". But they didn't really present it as that so yeah I dunno.

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11 hours ago, JLM said:

Ricochet vs Lio Rush

Jesus. There’s a parallel universe where this is the worst match of all time.

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The problem with "unleashing" Ricochet is that.. well, what does that even mean? He's been held back from doing more flips? Or was his entire personality hidden by WWE and suddenly we're going to see a guy who's fired up and ready to deliver?

If it's the latter then I'm all for it. Bring the full package. Show you deserve better. But if it's just adding a few more flips in or whatever? AEW has a massive roster full of capable talents that can do flips and tell stories and get characters over. So what's Ricochet really bringing to the table that he hasn't before? Only time will tell I guess, but he's already started responding to the haters on Twitter so that'll end well.

It's not that there isn't a place for him. He'll have some great matches with most of the roster. It's just the bollocks about him being held down and unable to deliver what he was fully capable of and all that.

If he's not careful he'll just be the male Mercedes.

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On 9/5/2024 at 4:31 PM, Mr.Showtime said:

I couldn't help but laugh at the end of the main event when the BCC challenged the Young Bucks. I may have missed a few out, but it kinda started this summer with Danny Garcia and Ospreay battling over the International title with a world title shot potentially on the line too; Darby Allin going for the TNT title when he has a world title shot; Jack Perry as TNT champ getting a world title shot; Pac going for and winning the trios titles when he has an International title shot; Pac in a face trios team but a nasty heel against Ospreay; and now the other 2 trios champs challenging for the tag titles. I roll my eyes thinking about it, for me it sucks the life out of all of the championships with no masters of any division, why should I care about anyone succeeding? And how the hell do casual viewers keep track of it all?

Think I'll just quote myself from last week - you can add a new one to the list, involving Ospreay again...

Other than that, an up and down Dynamite for me but some fun bits with the Outrunners, and I loved the Moxley opening bit. As confused as the rest of you with the Mox/Darby/Bryan situation. I think they've probably just decided on a new course for storylines with Mox and his gang, hence this switch-up and having the trios situation up in the air with Wheeler Yuta, etc.

And yep I sighed at the car being "destroyed" and Jericho's reaction, but it wasn't until afterwards that I realised that was probably the point, Jericho being an over-the-top nob and Orange just not giving a crap. It still sucked though.

I went "whoa, alright" when I saw the graphic for Sammy v Ricochet, then for some reason found it very boring!

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Nigel's challenge at least explains why they took the win/loss record off the chyron. You can't have a credible world championship challenger who has had 1 match in 12 years no matter how many times that challenger has made snide remarks on commentary. 

Ospreay And Fletcher (OAF) will doubtless drag some motivation out of The Bucks but a team that has barely tagged together winning makes no real sense when GYV, MxM, and The Outrunners are established teams who would benefit a lot more from the win. 

Jericho can still fuck off. 


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