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11 minutes ago, Tim Healys Chutney Spoon said:

The thing with Penta, for me, was summed up at All In and the Stadium Stampede. Comes out as Penta then disappeared off for a bit then his music hit and he came out in different clothes and carried on doing the same thing! Seemed to change character, but did nothing different at all to previous. 

The oddest thing about that was he started out all in black, then changed into bright red to indicate he'd become Penta DARK (Oscuro). 

And then a couple of weeks later, started wearing the all red outfit as Penta el Zero Miedo. 

I like Penta as a singles, but I've never been a big fan of the tag team (for many of the reasons Pat outlined I much better than I would). 

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5 hours ago, mim731 said:

I'd guess this is the most likely for Danielson and whoever costs him the Owen is who he'll face at All In. No idea who, mind. 


Imagine he gets up from the desk to interfere and costs the clam digger his Final Shot. I’ll explode.

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As someone who's actually been in the ring with Nigel McGuinness... I get it, I do, and for a small amount of us this would be a fairytale. But will most people feel the same? He's not wrestled in thirteen years. If we're potentially only getting one Bryan Danielson match at Wembley, I'm not sure this is the one i'd go with. It'd be like having one of the main events of WrestleMania be Roman Reigns vs. Corey Graves.

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21 minutes ago, Daaaaaad! said:

As someone who's actually been in the ring with Nigel McGuinness... I get it, I do, and for a small amount of us this would be a fairytale. But will most people feel the same? He's not wrestled in thirteen years. If we're potentially only getting one Bryan Danielson match at Wembley, I'm not sure this is the one i'd go with. It'd be like having one of the main events of WrestleMania be Roman Reigns vs. Corey Graves.

I wouldn't be exited at all. I dont think many would be.  Danielson v osprey 2 would be amazing I think. 

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I love Nigel as s commentator but have zero interest in seeing him wrestle. If he did wrestle Danielson at All In it'd probably piss me off to be honest.

Side note, but as we're speaking about commentators - I recently found out the reason AEW hired Kevin Kelly was because CM Punk had heat with Excalibur and didn't want him on Collision. Is there anyone that bloke didn't have heat with? Incredible. I've met Excalibur and exchanged a few emails back and forth with him years ago and he was incredibly friendly. Though his handshake feels like your hand is caught in a bear trap. A deceptively strong man.

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The Roman vs. Graves comparison only works if Corey Graves had spent over a year being the funniest commentator in the business, constantly slagging off Roman, building an eventual match. And Wrestlemania was in Graves’ home country. And they had an extensive video library that detailed the history of Roman vs. Graves in their formative years.

Don't get me wrong; I wouldn’t argue against Danielson headlining the whole thing and winning the World Title in a Sting-style retirement run. He’s my favourite wrestler ever, it’s pissed me off no end that he’s always been willing to lose to everyone in AEW and didn’t get a run as top banana, and the idea of being there live to experience an atmosphere similar to Wrestlemania 30, doing the Yes chant as he raises gold? Sounds fucking amazing.

But still. It’d be a huge shame if Nigel’s constant slagging didn’t lead to anything. He’s done a phenomenal job building that up, letting it quietly simmer. It’s something we see less and less of now that both companies are a content farm with a million hours of TV to fill and a pay per view every few weeks. But when we do get them? They hit like crack. Those special, rare, endlessly teased matches, where just finally getting the graphic or hearing the bell ring blows your mind. Hangman vs. Omega. Sami vs. Roman. Cody vs. Roman 2. CM Punk vs. DM Hunk. Matches that reward you for watching and following for months, giving you the big crescendo rather than instant gratification. I’d stick Big Nige and Danielson in that list. I long for the day Danielson is brawling at ringside during an episode of Collision and suddenly turns to Nigel with a, “what the fuck did you just say?”

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I think inherently the problem from a story perspective is that the insults are so silly and over the top, most know both are real life friends, McGuiness isn't seen as a genuine heel by the fans that there's just no heat there. This isn't Daniel Bryan and Michael Cole where you were desperate for Bryan to shut that little cunt up. Nigel is loveable and funny and his digs are so ridiculous they're impossible to take seriously. 

From a business perspective, Nigel as a wrestler doesn't really have the reputation or "legend" that his return would actually feel like that big of a deal. It'd feel like a 3rd match on a PPV, not a selling point.

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2 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

From a business perspective, Nigel as a wrestler doesn't really have the reputation or "legend" that his return would actually feel like that big of a deal. It'd feel like a 3rd match on a PPV, not a selling point.

From a Tony Khan perspective though? He'd be finished before the bell even rang to start the match.

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12 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Side note, but as we're speaking about commentators - I recently found out the reason AEW hired Kevin Kelly was because CM Punk had heat with Excalibur and didn't want him on Collision. Is there anyone that bloke didn't have heat with?

Loads of people. Just unfortunately very few of them worked in AEW and neither he nor the people he was working with dealt with that well. 

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Posted (edited)

Going back to the Bryan v Nigel matches from Ring of Honor and they're fucking amazing but yeah, I don't actually imagine that too many AEW fans were watching the events during that time. There's a very, very small clamour for Nigel to get back in the ring.

But I also think Tony would have a red rocket over the idea.

Edited by Merzbow
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