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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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5 hours ago, Supremo said:

Sting’s final run in AEW has been nothing short of perfect. Genuinely feel like going back and watching the Triple H and Seth Rollins shit shows before Sunday, to truly appreciate how incredible this has all been.

That’s not even the worst part for me. They had him under contract still until 2020 and he’d been telling them he felt fit enough to wrestle again for quite a while until he asked for a release so he could go wrestle again.

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5 hours ago, Loki said:

Is that the first time Kingston has been on Dynamite since he won it?  I can't remember seeing him wrestle since the tournament.


He’s defended it multiple times on Collision and at least once on Rampage

look at this handsome cheeky devil. He knows what’s up


Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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I can’t remember a match - and certainly not a three-way match - where I’m so torn on who I think should win, as well as who I want to win.

It’s the first time in a while that’s really reminded me what a mad, meta medium this is. Simultaneous to having to build the fiction and sell the match, each guy is also trying to put their best foot forward and perform to such a level that the promoter wants to push and feature them more. It’s a three-way tie right now. They’re all nailing it.

Samoa Joe rules. Most believable hard case in the business. His delivery in some of these promos has been phenomenal. A constant reminder that WWE were fools to not pull the trigger when he was showing this amount of confidence and aura when stepping up to Brock Lesnar. Plus, it’s not really AEW’s style to cut a reign this short, is it? It feels like there’s so much potential they’d be giving up on if they switched the belt this early.

Swerve’s ascension has been something to behold. From showing those glimpses of greatness as the dickhead tag partner with Keith Lee, to now. Meteoric rise. Equal to Joe, some of these promos have also been out of this world. A man who’s not only on fire, with everything clicking, but he knows it. The double turn into becoming a Stone Cold-style babyface has been amazing and it would be a real moment for him to become the first African American Champion.

Hangman Adam Page is my boy for life. My favourite character in wrestling. AEW’s greatest success story. One of my favourite babyfaces of all time, he’s already becoming an equally amazing heel in that perfect Bret Hart way of being righteous in his heelness. Swerve broke into his fucking house! Of course he’s obsessed with his downfall! If he has to lie and cheat to stop him, then so be it! I popped hard at Excalibur calling him THE LIAR when he ran down the pay per view lineup. But yeah. Hangman fucking rules. It’s never discussed enough. I truly believe half the reason AEW has been so enjoyable in 2024 is because Hangman became a main character again. He’s the best. Way better than CM Punk. ?

So yeah. I’m completely at a loss on what they should do or where this should go. However, just when I think I can’t call it, Swerve posts this on Instagram. Deal sealed. Case closed. Strap him up.



Edited by Supremo
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9 hours ago, RedRooster said:

In WWE, Raw has Cody. Smackdown has Roman as the long-reigning Champion. You have Drew McIntyre - it's obvious where he's going, and the various people in Judgement Day doing what they do. There's an obvious direction. 

That sounds pretty boring. I'll stick with AEW.

Another solid show this week with plenty to enjoy.

Opening segment was 95% great but the 5% bad kind of overshadowed in. I'm sure it all made sense when they wrote it down but in practice Hangman saying he wasn't competing then turning out to be lying about it made no goddamn sense whatsoever. I like this story overall though. Joe is under threat, Swerve wants to fulfill his destiny and Hangman wants to win the title just to stop Swerve from winning it.

FTR/Kingston vs BCC was bloody fantastic. Just nasty, scrappy fighting with fantastic in-match storytelling feeding into the wider stories going on. You could feel the hate in this one and that is so important sometimes. Perfect ending: Danielson brutalising and humiliating Eddie just because he can, Claudio looking down at the defeated Dax with a shit eating grin on his face and a "See you on Sunday". Brilliant stuff.

Ospreay came across as a massive bellend but maybe the Yanks find his cheeky Essex boy thing charming? I thought Don Callis was really good in this segment, smug about his brilliant idea to showcase his Family while trying to hide that in his hubris he's accidentally created a situation pretty much guaranteed to blow up. Takeshita looking boss as usual. He's a physical specimen for sure.

OC vs Nick Wayne was perfectly fine. Not the best use of Cage, Garcia, Best Friends and Undisputed Kingdom though. Was hoping for something a bit more chaotic to help build up both title matches. They missed an easy win here.

Video packages and a promo explaining the Jericho match perfectly and succinctly for the " BuuuTTT WhErEs tHe StOrY?" people. The match was pretty shite but I'll allow it as I thought the whole thing was a fun novelty.

Ending angle gave me goosebumps. Even Flair being an old piece of shit couldn't ruin it. Sting coming down from the rafters as Schiavone screams is pro wrestling at it's best. Loved the commentary line "they looked everywhere but they didn't check the rafters!". One of those perfect twists because I didn’t see it coming but ofcourse, it made perfect sense. Sunday will be a sad moment. Regardless of whatever criticisms can be thrown at AEW there's no denying the brilliant booking of Sting over the past 3-4 years. Legendary stuff.

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15 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

That sounds pretty boring. I'll stick with AEW.

Another solid show this week with plenty to enjoy.

Opening segment was 95% great but the 5% bad kind of overshadowed in. I'm sure it all made sense when they wrote it down but in practice Hangman saying he wasn't competing then turning out to be lying about it made no goddamn sense whatsoever.

Hear me out.

A lot of people complaining about logic “Well, what if Swerve didn’t come out?”. So my interpretation was Hangman said he was injured PRECISELY to get Swerve out. Look at what actions both men have taken and what they have said about each other over the last few months. You think with Hangman seemingly out the picture Swerve isn’t coming out to be all Charlie Big Potatoes because he now only has Joe to worry about and not the seemingly unhinged Millennial Cowboy? I thought the Mark Henry inspired twist was fantastic and I have no idea who I want to win of the 3. It’s Swerves time to win, but is it the right time or should that be at Double or Nothing?

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I can't believe they're landing Hangman and Swerve slowly turning and so almost naturally. The Texas Death Match was all about this absolute sociopath getting his comeuppance from a fiery babyface wanting to completely end him because Swerve was an absolute shit bag rat, but Page fell at the hurdle, because Swerve had a point to prove and he's a sick fuck. Now two months or so later the sociopath has through the tide of the mood of the crowd and his pure confident swagger won the crowd over, made him a tweener leaning to a face because even though he's a prick who doesn't care about you or anyone, we know being the first African American champion means THE WORLD to him. It's the little chink of light in his cold armour and it makes him somewhat kinda worth rooting for.

Then Hangman, who isn't a bad person has gone completely out of his tree because this guy, THIS FUCKING GUY who has been a relentless prick and broke in his gaff, not only beats him, but gets rewarded for it and gets in Page's mind, appreciated by fans who seem to not give a fuck about Page's issue with him. Hanger still has his supporters but they're dwindling because while he's absolutely right, he's become such a whinging twat about it that he doesn't care how it looks now. I love that it's only with Swerve that he's like this too. He doesn't act the prick to anyone else, but he's being a surly arsehole. I'm sure eventually because people can't enjoy it that they'll be some 'ughh why do people think this is as good as Austin/Bret' but it's glorious seeing it in real time. They haven't hit you on the head with it, you've just been getting good healthy story beats. Illogical or not (you want illogical, Swerve Strickland took a camera in Hangman Page's house) but who cares because it's great.


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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Chili said:

I Illogical or not (you want illogical, Swerve Strickland took a camera in Hangman Page's house) but who cares because it's great.


Illogical? If he didn’t do it on camera, how would the world know? He took that from Dwayne Johnson’s social media, because if he didn’t take a camera to the house he just bought Tamina, how would we know he bought her a house and therefore we should applaud how great he is!

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
Didn’t ffs
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9 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Illogical? If he didn’t do it on camera, how would the world know? He took that from Dwayne Johnson’s social media, because if he didn’t take a camera to the house he just bought Tamina, how would we know he bought her a house and therefore we should applaud how great he is!

Let's praise the Muscly Wally (©️Daz) for buying Tamina a house. Hopefully she will stay in it and never wrestle again. 

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10 hours ago, Chili said:

He doesn't act the prick to anyone else, but he's being a surly arsehole.

Generally totally agree with your post - but he's definitely been more of a prick recently. His whole thing about bringing in RVD to take out Swerve, then snapping at him before last week's match "If you'd done your damn job and taken him out, we wouldn't be here", while telling them the plan is to injure their opponent.

It's just that he's been such a good guy, his friends are confused rather than going 'this prick here'. And that, to be fair, ties entirely into your overall point about how gradual it's been. I absolutely adored him telling the crowd "I am always honest with you", in the same segment where he was about to reveal faking an injury. Brilliant stuff.

If Joe isn't hanging around, then I think it's got to be Hangman taking the title, to be honest. Swerve as a babyface has massive potential, and while *he's* ready, I don't think the company is just yet. And we've just had an underwhelming heel-to-babyface-turn by a champion kind of expose their lack of main event heels. The biggest problem with Swerve as a babyface right now is that he doesn't have Swerve as a heel to feud with. And also, the babyface story of him getting the title is over before it starts.

Hangman, on the other hand, can mix it up with anyone as a heel and it's all fresh. And you can continue to build stuff around Swerve so everything can catch up to him by the time he wins the title.

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2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Wait, is that something going around? I haven't heard anything. 

The TV show he's part of got picked up for a season 2. Still in pre-production last I heard with no date on when filming will start. There's the expectation he'll be gone for a bit sooner than later.

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5 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

The TV show he's part of got picked up for a season 2. Still in pre-production last I heard with no date on when filming will start. There's the expectation he'll be gone for a bit sooner than later.


He'd definitely make it work.

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5 minutes ago, Supremo said:

If they can use the jet to fastrack  Chris Jericho from some random Wetherspoons in Northampton, they can use it to fly Samoa Joe back and forth from Hollywood.

The first season was filmed summer 2022. He popped up to build to Death Before Dishonor in the middle of it. Appearances aren't ruled out. Plus when he did the King of Televsion pretapes, it's not like he had to be in the building.

As World Champion on a stacked roster its easier to speculate on him dropping the title to disappear than work around his schedule. Which is what makes the Revolution match-up so interesting.

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Wouldn't be shocked if Hangman goes mental on Swerve which ultimately makes Joe retain. Like Hangman doesn't want to pin Swerve he wants to absolutely batter him. Then have Joe pin Hangman. Keep the feud going while Joe retains, nobody looks weak and some more good stuff.



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