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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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"...you know what I do have? And I've always had? Home. New York's always been with me. Wherever I go in New York is mine. It's MY home! And you think I'm gonna let you come to Arthur Ashe and beat me? And end me? And end this? With MY shoulders down to the mat? YOU ARE OUT YOUR FUCKING MIND.

All of New York has my back. And I'll see you there. Try to beat me there! TRY TO BEAT ME IN NEW YORK! We're different there, brother. We're built different. We're built in the cold. We're built in the misery. Can you deal with that? Can YOU be built on misery? Nah, you can't. I give you all the credit in the world, you're a great wrestler. You're amazing. You've got the body, you've got everything. But YOU AIN'T READY FOR THE MISERY! YOU AIN'T READY FOR HOME!....I'M GONNA FUCK YOU UP IN NEW YORK MOTHERFUCKER!"


*Orange Cassidy eats a crisp*

*Hook eats a crisp*

"Hey, uh, we should...uh....do a tag match or something."


"Um....Grand Slam?"

"Let's do it."

*Orange Cassidy eats a crisp*

*Hook eats a crisp*

I've never seen a more effective pair of back-to-back promos in my life.

Rest of the show felt like a stretched-out episode of Rampage, with ROH nobodies used to fill time. A special shout-out to the much-deserved, "who are you?!" chants aimed at whoever the fuck challenged FTR for next week. But man, for that short five minute span, straddling the ad break? Kingston, Cassidy and Hook reminded everyone of how truly great this company can be. Absolute magic.

Edited by Supremo
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As the crowd chanted ‘who are you?’ at the randoms who challenged FTR, and they transitioned into a pre-recorded interview with Keith Lee in which they accidentally left in the director saying ‘take 22!’ I gave up on this show. When Shane Taylor came out and started talking about Shane Taylor promotions - a concept that I don’t think has ever been mentioned on AEW TV before - I realised I had absolutely no idea what was going on, so I switched off. Unless an episode recap sounds good, I’m not sure I’ll be back.

I did go back and watch the Kingston promo after reading @Supremo’s thoughts, but he harped on about Claudio ‘not doing business’ again and totally lost me. It’s little wonder that AEW has struggled to shift tickets for Grand Slam. Creatively, it’s a bit of a confusing mess right now.  

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They also had a clapper board in shot for the Big Bill and Ricky Starks promo later in the show.

To me, this suggests they did both of them on purpose, and it’s some weird attempt to add excitement and dynamism, like WWE have done a few times. Remember when Vince was completely spent as a creative force, so just had shit going wrong backstage, like, “fans,” running around and stuff falling over? What a shame if Tony Khan has reached this point after four years. “Shall we write some good stories?” “Nah, just make us look like incompetent dickheads.”

Or, they tried to save face after the Keith Lee one earlier by doing another later, to style it out. Like when you trip up then pretend to jog. Meant to do that, honest.

Or - and this is probably the most likely scenario - they were both legitimate screw ups because their live editor fell asleep after being bored senseless by ROH nobodies stinking up the whole show.

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You missed out on RJ City with Toni Storm, Jay White and the Bang Bang gang interrupting Andrade, a really good Jon Silver and Bowen match, new stars being given screen/match time and another great Woman’s title match. Oh and them taking the piss out of Take 22.


Sometimes I don’t know who doesn’t deserve AEW more, ITV or people on forums

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7 minutes ago, Supremo said:

They also had a clapper board in shot for the Big Bill and Ricky Starks promo later in the show.

Or, they tried to save face after the Keith Lee one earlier by doing another later, to style it out. Like when you trip up then pretend to jog. Meant to do that, honest.

Or - and this is probably the most likely scenario - they were both legitimate screw ups because their live editor fell asleep after being bored senseless by ROH nobodies stinking up the whole show.

2nd one seems intentional just because of Big Bill's acting. An intentional mistake to try and drown out the fuck up of Keith & Lexi standing there like mugs on Take 22.

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5 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

You missed out on RJ City with Toni Storm, Jay White and the Bang Bang gang interrupting Andrade, a really good Jon Silver and Bowen match, new stars being given screen/match time and another great Woman’s title match. Oh and them taking the piss out of Take 22.

Honestly man, this just reads like fantastic spin. RJ City’s segment was probably fun; but nothing else you mention sounds particularly appealing. From what I can tell after looking at the recap, ‘new stars’ can only really refer to ‘poorly introduced jobbers’; and, sadly, ‘another great’ is not a term I’d expect to appear before the phrase ‘women’s title match’ in AEW. That shouldn’t be the case, given the roster they have, I should add.

9 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Sometimes I don’t know who doesn’t deserve AEW more, ITV or people on forums

This is a strange attitude. Because I didn’t like a show and switched off, I ‘don’t deserve it’? This almost reads like deification, AEW isn’t beyond criticism, and even if the second half of the show truly was great, it’s Khan’s own fault if people switch off after a duff first hour.

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Come back Phil, all is forgiven 😔

Sunday mornings used to be a real treat, get back from walking the dog, put Collision on with breakfast and enjoy what was for a few weeks the best show of the week.

Such a shame.

Mad that they’ve moved FTR on to an angle where they wrestle people you’ve never heard of and don’t care about, when Collision was built in part on them having absolute bangers every week.

”It’s the Work Horsemen!”


Absolutely, Nigel.

Once again… come back Phil. We love you. We miss you. You don’t have to work with Jungle Jack. Or Adam Page. Or Matt or Nick. Or Kenny. Or Moxley. Or Jericho. Ryan Nemeth doesn’t need to be at the tapings. Nor Matt Hardy. Nor Christopher Daniels. We’ll do whatever you want.

How are they ever going to sell tickets for Saturday’s now? Good grief. Rubbish.

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59 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

You missed out on RJ City with Toni Storm, Jay White and the Bang Bang gang interrupting Andrade, a really good Jon Silver and Bowen match, new stars being given screen/match time and another great Woman’s title match. Oh and them taking the piss out of Take 22.


Sometimes I don’t know who doesn’t deserve AEW more, ITV or people on forums

John Silver vs Anthony Bowens isn’t the draw you might think it is. The same way Grandmaster Sexay vs D-Von Dudley or Doug Basham vs Albert wouldn’t be.

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25 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Mad that they’ve moved FTR on to an angle where they wrestle people you’ve never heard of and don’t care about, when Collision was built in part on them having absolute bangers every week.

They were going to be moving on to something else anyway. It's not like they'd be stuck wrestling BCG on repeat. Speculation on the open challenge is to lead to Grizzled Young Veterans. Which would be rather weak as most people don't know or care who they are.

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10 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

They were going to be moving on to something else anyway. It's not like they'd be stuck wrestling BCG on repeat. Speculation on the open challenge is to lead to Grizzled Young Veterans. Which would be rather weak as most people don't know or care who they are.

Sure, but ‘don’t know, don’t care’ isn’t where they needed to be moved onto.

FTR, to be honest, only really interest me when they’re having great matches. I don’t think they have the outsized personalities needed to pull off being entertaining squashers.

GYG would be such a shite end to what’s going to be an angle I haven’t got the slightest interest in.

Someone needs to send a life raft for Bullet Club Gold. Get them to Wednesday’s immediately and away from Andrade right now.

I really laughed at Kevin Kelly making a dig about them having to edit out the asshole chants. Yeah, you really dunked on Smackdown dickhead.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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4 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

They were going to be moving on to something else anyway. It's not like they'd be stuck wrestling BCG on repeat. Speculation on the open challenge is to lead to Grizzled Young Veterans. Which would be rather weak as most people don't know or care who they are.

If you’re going to do an Open Challenge, you need to make sure you have enough in the way of interesting opponents to make it interesting. AEW could do that - although there’s an obvious risk of blowing through lots of potential feuds for FTR. 

But then, it could become an exciting affair - teaming up members of stables (eg. Yuta/Claudio, King/Matthews, Darby/Wayne) and bringing in the odd external team much as they did with Cody’s TNT title run, introducing Starks and Kingston to great effect. You could reunite old teams as a surprise (Page/Omega, for example; perhaps have Roddy Strong persuade Adam Cole to team with him to further that story) and have big name singles stars team up. 

Some of this could still happen, but starting this angle off with - at best - a whimper seems like a bizarre decision.

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