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The Office


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I thought we had a stand alone thread for it, but might have disappeared as it was created by someone who is no longer a poster, but I finished The Office again.

I still love it and I really loved the finale this time, I think it wraps everything up nicely.

Other thoughts: Robert California is still my most hated TV character of all time. I have to really try hard not to skip his entire series, he is completely irredeemable. 

Pam and Jim turn into quite the pair of arseholes after they get married. They are so passive aggressive with each other its mad.

I didn't like Andy anywhere near as much as I have in the past this time, but his departing song always makes me cry (as does the one they sing on Michael's last day) 

Kevin was a lot funnier, in fact possibly the funniest character.

Mose should have had more screen time. 

Rainn Wilsons performance is one of the all time greats.


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On 5/3/2023 at 4:40 PM, SuperBacon said:

Pam and Jim turn into quite the pair of arseholes after they get married. They are so passive aggressive with each other its mad.

Each time I watch the show through, I hate Jim and Pam more, to the point that Jim is quite the cunt throughout. 

As much as Robert California isn't a great character, he pales in comparison to Nelly Bertram or D'Angelo Vickers. They should have gone for the 'Finger Lakes' guy for boss.

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21 minutes ago, Nick James said:

As much as Robert California isn't a great character, he pales in comparison to Nelly Bertram or D'Angelo Vickers.

The difference being is that Nelly has quite a sweet storyline in parts, adds some value and D'Angelos appearance is mercifully brief (see also Charles Miner)

That cunt California is in 20 odd episodes and is just completely irredeemable. 

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I recently finished up The Office. It loses a lot of focus on the back end and they were really clearly unsure what to do with several of the characters but it still has some great moments. I loved Robert California as a character though, and had no major issues with Jim and Pam's story. There's only so much you can do with character growth and keep everyone in the same office and I think they did a good job with them. 

Will Ferrel was just Will Ferrel and had no place in the show. I would say that Nellie was easily the worst late addition.

Andy is the biggest cunt in the show by far (except Ricky Gervais obviously) but not in a way that I don't like watching him. 

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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21 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Andy is the biggest cunt in the show by far

He is so awful to Erin, but I'm glad he got a bit of love back after the Baby Wah Wah incident.

I really like when they all see him again and Phyllis gives him a big hug, it's really lovely and sums her up as the mother of the office.

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3 hours ago, Nick James said:

Each time I watch the show through, I hate Jim and Pam more, to the point that Jim is quite the cunt throughout. 

He's one of my most hated TV characters of all time to the extent that I struggle to watch the show now because I spend it obsessing over what an absolute twat he is. It's not healthy how much I loathe him.

I also think Andy is a terrible character from a writing standpoint. His personality changes from season to season depending on whether we're meant to root for him or dislike him. I don't think the writers ever really got a handle on who he is supposed to be.

Creed and Ryan are the best anyway (other than Michael obviously).

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Ryan?! Fucking Ryan?!

I also don't mind Robert Kalifornia and think Nellie was the worst addition to the show. I can't stand Kelly either, a pointless character. Dwight will always be my favourite.


I enjoyed the bulk of Pam and Jim apart from in the last season, Pam became very annoying. 

Edited by deathrey
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On 5/8/2023 at 11:00 PM, Lorne Malvo said:

He's a massive prick obviously but a very funny prick. 

Is he though? The show would arguably be completely unaffected if he were not in it at all. He is just such a meh character. Not enough of a prick to really make you laugh out loud but completely unlikable none the less. Dennis from Sunny is a prick but he's a prick that brings a lot to the table, the show would be so much poorer without him. The same can not be said for Ryan.

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I’ve found the more I watch the show, the less I like some of Jim’s pranks on Dwight, one in particular was the one where Jim loudly gives a card number out which Dwight used to buy Pam flowers from Jim, like how’s that a prank?

He’s a bit of a cunt to Ryan as well when he’s temp co manager by sticking him in a box room away from everyone because he’d been a bit too cocky in his other job a season or two earlier when he rocked up at Dunder Miflin

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I keep meaning to give it a watch. I never watched the British one because I don't really like Ricky Gervais, but I hear good things about the American one. 

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We did another rewatch a few months back. Started at season 2 and finished after Michael leaves. Everything either side of that isn't worth it. There are a few good nuggets but on the whole, Nelly, Vickers, the 2 new office kids and the boom mic guy is a real drop of form and a bit of a slog to get though. 

The less said about the character assassination of Andy the better. Was that really down to the writers being pissed off at the Hangover series taking Ed Helms time? 

Jim being pelted with the snowballs by Dwight and being absolutely petrified was the greatest come to jesus moment ever. Proper pro wrestling feel good stuff. 


Edited by Silky Kisser
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