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Only 3 things in life are guaranteed: Death, Taxes and Tony Khan having a 'huge announcement' when things aren't looking too rosy in AEW.

I presume it's to announce the ROH TV stuff as he said Mark Briscoe will be involved in ROH TV.

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They've already announced the ROH tapings and airing on Thursday March 2nd through HonorClub.

Tapings are at the end of the month. Saturday-Sunday with a Dark taping sandwiched in down at Universal Studios. Taping Dark as well I doubt there will be much change from what we've seen previously from there.

As it's being called an important announcement on the social media posts. I'm guessing the video game finally has an official release date.

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They've all been backstage with Brandon filming iirc, they're feeling more and more separate to the rest of the show and I won't be surprised if Kenny doesn't resign. Especially with Ibushi freelancing and opening his own school and I can imagine Kenny not being locked down to any one company either.

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The Trios were their pet project. It was always going to feel a bit of it's own bubble. How this House of Black feud plays out will be telling. At the moment it's a massive black hole. Look at the tag and singles divisions if you added Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, and Kings of the Black Throne to the rotation.

Coming out with the IWGP US title reminded me that Kenny's probably saving his singles matches for NJPW for the time being. The only match he has had in AEW since returning was a tune up at Universal Studios for his match at the Dome.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

They've all been backstage with Brandon filming iirc, they're feeling more and more separate to the rest of the show and I won't be surprised if Kenny doesn't resign. Especially with Ibushi freelancing and opening his own school and I can imagine Kenny not being locked down to any one company either.

I think the fact they’ve not been out with a mic in front of the fans is really piss poor. No wonder no one feels like a star in AEW anymore.

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Dunno what happened but I haven't made it through the last few shows and had to cancel the fite app. It seemed like following the PPV they were finding their groove again and tightening up the show, with guys like The Acclaimed, Starks and Swerve looking to be on a good trajectory. Not anymore. Now I'm getting that alarmingly small time, TNA feeling again that was creeping in pre-Full Gear. (And its not Jeff. He's one of the few highlights of the show). 

People are rightly picking on the storytelling. It's not that there isn't any. It's that its so disjointed and badly paced that it's impossible to keep up with. They don't show you the ongoing issues from the B shows and the in-out cycling of talent constantly kills momentum. It's always been an issue, but before you had Punk and the overarching Hangman/Elite saga to paper the cracks. Now they're relying on a regressed MJF character to carry the show while Danielson does his wrestles. It's tough.

Thats what's so disappointing about The Elites wanking off in their corner. Those videos building up to their return seemed to hint at a big angle for their comeback. A shot in the arm after the Punk debacle. But nothing. No growth or progression. No hook.

(Hey, wtf happened to Jungle Hook anyway?!)

WWEs not doing it for me, but you can't deny the success of the Bloodline angle. I don't know how you look at that and not take anything away from it.

Instead, like clockwork, TK has another MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT. As is typical after a badly received show.


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Blink and you'll miss it but there's just the two Dynamites to go until Revolution. I'd thought there was at least a 3rd Dynamite to go.

  1. MJF v. Danielson
  2. Mox v. Hangman
  3. Samoa Joe v. Wardlow
  4. Christian v. Jungle Boy
  5. Starks v. Jericho
  6. Gunns v. Acclaimed v. XX v. XX
  7. Elite v. House of Black
  8. Swerve v. Keith Lee
  9. Hayter v. Saraya?
  10. Face of the Revolution Ladder match?
  11. Adam Cole v. ?

There's some good stuff in there if you just wanted a good match, but all that together yikes. Everything's ice cold.





Edited by Infinity Land
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AEW has one bad episode and you'd think the sky is falling. They're coming off a very hot streak of great shows, there's no cause for concern unless they're about to fall into one of their usual lulls. I'll start ringing the alarm bells if next week's show is just as bad as this week's, but for now it's just a misfire.

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