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I did some quick calculations based on the women's roster as listed on AEW's website - Jade has wrestled roughly half of the active roster. But the half that she hasn't wrestled includes Britt Baker, Hikaru Shida, Jamie Hayter, Toni Storm, Riho and Saraya. As far as AEW's women's division goes, it's a lot of matches left on the table if this is her done.

The fact that basically her entire run was her winning streak, it means she never challenged for the main women's belt, never had a meaningful story outside of her streak (and if she's just come back to "finish the story" with Statlander, she never will get that story) and never worked with most of the top stars. The comparisons to Cody Rhodes are pretty clear, not just in terms of big matches they missed the boat on, but in having effectively spent the majority of their run in a self-contained Jade-verse that didn't interact with the rest of the show.

In terms of opportunities to become a major women's star, WWE has to be the better option for anyone than AEW, unfortunately. I think AEW assumed that Jade would be a crossover star for them from day one, but they never really leveraged their position on that beyond the Shaq match and a couple of profiles in magazines. WWE could much more easily be a springboard into advertising contracts and acting opportunities, if that's the route she wants to go down. But with the merger, and TV rights deals coming up, it's more of a leap into the unknown that it would have been up until recently. 

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1 minute ago, Zaheer said:

I absolutely cannot STAND when something I love watching (pro wrestling) decide to constantly put on big shows and big matches i might enjoy!


If there's too much wrestling just watch what you like. People referring to AEW as "terrible" of may "fail" when they just put 70,000+ bums in Wembley Stadium makes me laugh.

Don't watch ROH, don't watch Collision. They're running because they work for something or someone - whether it's content, TV rights etc. It would be stupid to remove anything. Even if they're making a loss, as long as they're winning overall (which they are).
Let them handle the business side - you handle watching the content you enjoy.


I genuinely feel no one hates Pro Wrestling more than Pro Wrestling fans.

Sure, let's just strip out any logical reasoning behind being against too much content, and just say we're a bunch of moaners.

A lot of us enjoy the build. The suspense. Allowing things to breathe.

It's not as simple as "OH GOD THERE'S TOO MUCH CONTENT"!"

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11 minutes ago, Zaheer said:

Even if they're making a loss, as long as they're winning overall (which they are).

What does this even mean? It's like something Charlie Sheen would have said back in the day. What are they winning?

14 minutes ago, Zaheer said:

If there's too much wrestling just watch what you like. People referring to AEW as "terrible" of may "fail" when they just put 70,000+ bums in Wembley Stadium makes me laugh.

No one here has described AEW as "terrible", or suggested that they might fail. Everything said on this forum comes from a position of good faith. All criticism of AEW on this board is constructive, as far as I can see. As @DavidB6937 pointed out, wrestling (for a lot of people - and I'd go out on a limb and say most) is not just about the matches, it's about the build and stories told. Just look at how excited people were for Kenny/Hangman, MJF/Cole and Reigns/Zayn. The build played a huge part in this - if WWE had just flung Reigns/Zayn on TV with no story behind it, there wouldn't have been any excitement at all. That actually did happen with MJF/Cole initially - and you'd be hard-pressed to argue that there wasn't significantly more buzz about the rematch. AEW's early years built entirely towards Hangman's redemption. Story matters. 

20 minutes ago, Zaheer said:

Don't watch ROH, don't watch Collision. They're running because they work for something or someone - whether it's content, TV rights etc. It would be stupid to remove anything. Even if they're making a loss, as long as they're winning overall (which they are).
Let them handle the business side - you handle watching the content you enjoy.

A perfect mix of patronising and eye-rolling. This is a discussion forum. We're here to discuss wrestling. If you don't want to hear what other people think, why even post? 

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"You handle watching the content you enjoy" misses the point entirely.

Fact is people DO enjoy AEW.

There's just times where they know they could be better and it could be enjoyed more. Hence the constructive criticism and discussion.

Are we saying that actually no one is allowed an opinion and we either watch it or we don't?

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30 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I suppose it depends on when her contract expires. 

That said, Tony Khan's attitude towards women's wrestling seems pretty clear - it wouldn't shock me if this had indeed been an option. 

All we've got is outside looking in.

From that point of view i'd say if she or AEW were looking for her to leave quietly. There's not much point in coming back from her summer holidays to remind everyone she exists. Double or Nothing would have been a decent way to end. 

Instead there seems to be a willingness to lose properly on the way out. When Adam Cole was finishing up with NXT he signed a short-term deal to cover everyone. What is at most a week's extension in Jade's case doesn't seem like an impossible hurdle. 

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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:


"You handle watching the content you enjoy" misses the point entirely.


And of course, it’s only a problem where you have to watch all of the content in that “Universe” because shows overlap and run concurrently. Sure there is the odd crossover episode but it won’t affect your viewing if you don’t watch the show it’s crossed with. 

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Not that I want to doubt the unimpeachable integrity of wrestling journalists, but it seems awfully odd to bring Jade back for one TV if her contract is up.  Khan may not be the most experienced booker, but he knows just to let stars leave quietly surely.

Big loss to AEW if true.  Their women's division is pretty awful but they've got enough talent and Jade seemed like the lynchpin of the next 12 months of booking to me.  Hayter cannot come back soon enough!


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8 minutes ago, Loki said:

Not that I want to doubt the unimpeachable integrity of wrestling journalists, but it seems awfully odd to bring Jade back for one TV if her contract is up.  Khan may not be the most experienced booker, but he knows just to let stars leave quietly surely.

The founder of Wrestlinginc, Raj Giri, has subsequently quote tweeted Sean Ross Sapp, saying that "from what he's heard" he'd be willing to bet good money that she stays with AEW. So I guess we'll see. 

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8 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Apparently they’re running a BOGOF for Grand Slam next week to try and fill it. Only 6,000 sold so far according to WrestleTix.

Its fucking mad how not even 3 weeks ago they stuck 81,000 in Wembley (now being touted as 72,000, but I digress), but watching the show it’s like it never even happened 

Seen a few WWE drones revelling at the swathes of empty seats at Wednesday’s Dynamite but I feel its just a case of some markets just being oversaturated at present.

Its one thing going to Wembley for a first ever show in Europe, which was obviously going to raise comparisons with the iconic Summerslam 92, and having a potential audience of tens of millions being a realistic train/car/short haul flight away on a Bank Holiday Weekend.

Its another matter altogether when you visit a city for maybe the 3rd or 4th time in a year for a midweek TV taping when you have a competitor also doing a regular rotation.

I know AEW aren’t in New York often so may not apply in this particular case, but I definitely see a situation where Chicago will have become oversaturated soon.

You book 2,000-3,000 seat venues you’re guaranteed to fill and you’re called bush league, yet people will take the piss when you can’t fill proper arenas.

Yes the wrestling fans that we have now will travel further and spend more on wrestling than years past, but they still only take up one seat at a time (as a rule anyway!).

Edited by garynysmon
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7 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

The founder of Wrestlinginc, Raj Giri, has subsequently quote tweeted Sean Ross Sapp, saying that "from what he's heard" he'd be willing to bet good money that she stays with AEW. So I guess we'll see. 

I don't think there's an angle on this or people are being worked. One thing i've been surprised not to see in this discussion: "Contract tampering" Big fuss was made about it online a year ago. Silence today when one of the biggest home grown success stories has been tapped up. Think its a simple case of contract is up. She's finishing up to listen to offers with the potential of leaving wrestling for a bit. Talk to someone with an AEW perspective they're on damage control as she's turning down the chance to sign whatever they've offered. Talk to someone in WWE it's the sales pitch.

2 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

You book 2,000-3,000 seat venues you’re guaranteed to fill and you’re called bush league, yet people will take the piss when you can’t fill proper arenas.

This year they've ran more NBA/NHL sized arenas than before. I don't think that helps. Less need for fans to rush to buy tickets as they know there will be something available week of the show.

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From day one I felt that Jade not only had an amazing look, being in incredible shape and absolutely gorgeous but she just came across as a megastar from early on.

In the ring I feel like she improved at a rapid rate and was also excellent at highlighting her strengths and protecting her weaknesses.

I feel like AEW dropped the ball massively by not tieing her down to a bigger and longer contract as soon as they could and trying to build their entire womens division around her, being a "home grown" talent.

I think if handled properly she can be an absolute megastar in WWE and I think it's a brilliant move for her. 

I really enjoy AEW and I don't know how much is dirt sheet nonsense but the rumours of MJF leaving still seem popular with rumours that his deal ends in January as well they must be shitting himself that he fucks off for a surprise Rumble entry.

I feel like there's a bit of a weird situation unfolding where the early narrative was that "wasted talent" in WWE could jump to AEW and be "used properly" but I'm struggling a little to think of anyone who has done that and really been elevated significantly.

On the opposite I used to feel like the top or promising AEW guys would get lost in the shuffle if they jumped to WWE whereas now for me of Wardlow, Hobbs, MJF, Starks etc. going to WWE would be really intriguing.

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Dragging ourselves back to the wrestling, I thought that Joe-Strong match was really great - Roddy bumped brilliantly and that's the best Joe's looked in ages.

If they really want to continue with the best friends angle, they could do worse than put MJF's title on Samoa Joe for a bit and let MJF and Cole do their tag thing.  There's a lot of good matches Joe could have.

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6 hours ago, Loki said:

If they really want to continue with the best friends angle, they could do worse than put MJF's title on Samoa Joe for a bit and let MJF and Cole do their tag thing.  There's a lot of good matches Joe could have.

My biggest takeaway watching the show was that they should put the belt on Joe next week. Ideally, after Adam Cole accidentally costs MJF the match. It adds a much-needed new, fresh, interesting development to the Cole-MJF storyline, it freshens up the entire promotion at a time when they feel ice cold, it makes for a huge surprise to continue the aura of Grand Slam being a big show even if it’s held in a half-empty building, but most of all; Joe’s just fucking great, isn’t he?

A quiet career resurgence the past nine months or so, it’s been nice to be reminded how brilliant he is. Pure aura. Him screaming into the camera and then posing to close this show sealed the deal. Pull the trigger. Even if it’s only for four months or something, with Max regaining it as a fully fledged babyface early next year. Do what WWE never had the bottle to do. Give Joe the World Title he so obviously deserves. Man’s absolutely boss. Plus, it’s not like he doesn’t have a roster of young, ultra-talented guys to challenge for the Title and carry the load where Joe might not have it anymore. Imagine Kenny Omega against Joe? Or Danielson? Mox? Kingston? Fuck it, kill Darby again, too.

Or, of course, the Irresistible Force could meet the Immovable Object. AEW World Title. Samoa Joe vs. Big Bill.

Edited by Supremo
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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

My biggest takeaway watching the show was that they should put the belt on Joe next week.

I dunno, he just doesn’t feel ‘big’ enough for me at this point. Winning the title on the back of two losses to CM Punk doesn’t quite seem right. 

AEW is a bit lacking when it comes to strong heels right now (which is why I think they should have put Swerve over Sting at All In), but I would favour them having Takeshita demolish MJF at Full Gear or Winter Is Coming. And I mean demolish - kinda like when Cody was beaten by Brodie Lee. The Takeshita/Callis combination works, and Takeshita himself has taken to the heel role fantastically. He’s a nasty bastard, and given that he’s relatively new, the feud options are genuinely interesting and fresh - Takeshita/Moxley, Takeshita/Jericho, Takeshita/Kingston, Takeshita/Page, Takeshita/Danielson, Takeshita/Darby and Takeshita/Cole all feel exciting for various reasons. 

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