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56 minutes ago, Chili said:

Look I absolutely love Grado, but they've nearly sold the fucker out already and Vince McMahon didn't need to add Nick Owen & Anne Diamond to Summerslam 1992.

You can’t just sell out then think that’s the job done. You then need to deliver a show or the faith is lost and you’ll never be doing the same again. 1992 and 2023 aren’t comparable worlds in the majority of businesses especially wrestling before it’s taken into account that SummerSlam was the first ever PPV on UK soil from the biggest wrestling company in the world.

Again, it doesn’t have to be Grado but the show needs something different from their norm and from what the card at All Out the next week could have been.


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5 minutes ago, FUM said:

Again, it doesn’t have to be Grado but the show needs something different from their norm and from what the card at All Out the next week could have been.

While I don't disagree about the need to differentiate this from other shows - one of the great weaknesses of WWE is that every show looks and feels exactly the same regardless of location - I don't think Grado is the thing to make the difference to an audience of 80,000+. 

The sentiment I see a lot whenever any talk of British talent being added to the show is brought up, and one I have a lot of sympathy for, is that we've paid a lot of money to see AEW, not British independent wrestlers. Someone like Grado being in a comedy multi-man, or as a surprise pop in a Battle Royal - where they could easily play off the Jarrett stuff if they wanted to - wouldn't be the worst example of that, but it's still a spot that I'd rather see going to someone on the roster. Again, though, I don't think Jarrett/Grado is even happening - as far as I can tell, it's never once been mentioned on AEW TV, and the week they did the TalkSport angle, Jarrett was wrestling on TV, and they did nothing with it. Everything points toward it being a bit of local media daftness, not an angle to build to the biggest show in company history.

I don't think the show needs to add someone like Grado to offer something drastically different from the norm at all - it already has that, by virtue of being at Wembley, being their biggest ever crowd, and being their first UK show. It will look and feel different to every other AEW show, and the company treating it as a major event and not an Insurrextion/Rebellion-level "UK Exclusive" is more than enough for me. 

In terms of British talent on the show - we're probably getting Will Ospreay, who has already been featured on AEW TV, we might get Zack Sabre Jr, who has been on AEW and ROH TV already, we'll almost certainly get Saraya, and might get Kip Sabian or Anthonoy Ogogo. Nigel McGuinness will likely show up. Injuries are unfortunate in terms of who won't be on the show, but maybe Jamie Hayter and PAC can still make an appearance. There'll probably be a UK celebrity or two shown in the front row at least, and maybe a World of Sport era old-timer for good measure. AEW aren't so starved of British representation for a token UK show that they need to book indie talent to make up the numbers.

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More people watched the “shows no one watched” in world of sport than watch aew over here. Grados two doors down show is about to go on bbc1 and I reckon will get a gold traction down south wiyh it’s deadpan humour. 

plus ignoring all the worthiness etc, it’ll be a fucking laugh which at the end of the day is what wrestling is at it’s best being. A fun 8 min comedy match to get the crowd hot for the main show. EASY-EASY-EASY! 

Edited by Louch
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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

I was going to complain that this London topic has gone from moaning about lineups to tickets to bloody Grado.. and then I realised this is the Dynamite thread.

Life is a mystery.

OK, let me take you there 

The four way is fine. Jamie Hayter getting injured obviously thwarted the plan and TK didn't know to pivot. 

I've seen people say they would rather see Shida vs Sakura that's not a Wembley match. Dare i say no match in the women's division that doesn't have Jamie Hayter is a Wembley match 

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11 minutes ago, Louch said:

A fun 8 min comedy match to get the crowd hot for the main show. EASY-EASY-EASY! 

Up until this week's Dynamite I would have said that's the perfect spot for it. Except they've announced MJF & Cole for the ROH tag titles on the pre-show. While it might end up being angle heavy. Every tag match they've had has played into comedy and crowd engagement. I'd expect more of the same.

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34 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

I've seen people say they would rather see Shida vs Sakura that's not a Wembley match. Dare i say no match in the women's division that doesn't have Jamie Hayter is a Wembley match 

The card is probably going to have eleven or twelve matches on it. Not every single one of them is going to be a marquee headliner match, there needs to be interesting midcard stuff to vary up the card. As far as interesting matches go, I'd rather see Shida vs. Sakura, because there's 15 or so years of history they can build on, it's a teacher vs. mentor match, with the added wrinkles of Emi Sakura idolising Freddie Mercury and wanting the opportunity to appear at Wembley because of that, and of her being a veteran who might never get another shot at the belt. I'd take that story over another tournament throwing together different combinations of the same four or five women every month.

But in terms of "Wembley match", if anyone was ever expecting every single match on the card to be a huge, main event level, "Wembley-worthy" match in its own right, they were only ever going to be disappointed. No wrestling show has ever worked on that principle, and nor should it.

It just seems like a lot of people bought tickets to an AEW event and are starting to be disappointed that what they're getting is an AEW event. 

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The card needs cool down matches for everyone to get their breath and take a piss. Having emi come out and do her bit and get a few faces on the show that way could make the show pace better, but let’s face it she’s nowhere near being aew worthy of being on that card of the regulars, never mind even on the regular women talent side 

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9 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

It just seems like a lot of people bought tickets to an AEW event and are starting to be disappointed that what they're getting is an AEW event. 

And as we've established through many pages of various topics - even that has its own interpretation to people.

To some, they want that AEW card where they get mega matches and random crossovers and whatever else.

Others want a solid PPV built on their regular AEW viewing and don't particularly want the random appearances etc.

Despite all this discussion I do think once all the bums are on seats everyone's just going to have a damn good time regardless. It'll be an amazing atmosphere and on the night I don't think ANY of this shit will matter.

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It has surprised me how many people want to see non-AEW people appearing on the AEW show. For me, I've been watching Dynamite, Rampage and now Collision since the beginning, and the people who've been on those shows regularly are the ones I want to see. I want the people from my AEW TV to be on my AEW live show.

I suppose the company has fostered the idea of other wrestlers coming in for one-shots pretty much since the beginning too, though. From the likes of Warhorse during Cody's first TNT run to the New Japan types popping up whenever to Rob Van Dam just this week (that was a good match, wasn't it?). So in a way I guess there is an expectation and maybe people want that at Wembley for a good reason?

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

The card is probably going to have eleven or twelve matches on it. Not every single one of them is going to be a marquee headliner match, there needs to be interesting midcard stuff to vary up the card. As far as interesting matches go, I'd rather see Shida vs. Sakura, because there's 15 or so years of history they can build on, it's a teacher vs. mentor match, with the added wrinkles of Emi Sakura idolising Freddie Mercury and wanting the opportunity to appear at Wembley because of that, and of her being a veteran who might never get another shot at the belt. I'd take that story over another tournament throwing together different combinations of the same four or five women every month.

But in terms of "Wembley match", if anyone was ever expecting every single match on the card to be a huge, main event level, "Wembley-worthy" match in its own right, they were only ever going to be disappointed. No wrestling show has ever worked on that principle, and nor should it.

It just seems like a lot of people bought tickets to an AEW event and are starting to be disappointed that what they're getting is an AEW event. 

When's the last time Emi did the Freddie Mercury deal. Feels like forever. 

I think Sakura is massively underrated but I'd rather see Britt that her on Sunday night. 

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Fucking hell, I've got Hasbro with more points of articulation than Matt Hardy. I'll give credit to the Bucks to clearly doing everything they could, but eesh. That was painful and not fun to watch.

The JAS segment to open, though? That was much, much better than I expected. Angelo Parker and Sammy Guevara both, unexpectedly, came out of it really well.

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