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8 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I mean that's like saying why would someone enjoy Beethoven and Slipknot or something. It's not really an either/or situation. People enjoying a variety of things isn't that unusual.

Yeah that's fair. I suppose I meant to say was that to me that WWE 'sports entertainment' feels so different from AEW 'professional wrestling' that it's no surprise they have such different fanbases with probably limited crossover. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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I just like the wrestling television when it makes me feel something or fills me with childlike wonder. AEW and WWE both do that sometimes and don’t do it at other times. The tribalism and constant comparisons between the two brands are exhausting. You’d think “both shows have something to offer, just watch the stuff you enjoy” would be a redundant statement but for a lot of fans that’s an absurd notion apparently. 

Edited by JLM
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I found this show a bit of a frustrating watch.

- I'm not a fan of multiple tournaments running at once, especially as this tag team one is so low stakes. HOWEVER, the whole thing is probably worth it for Lee/Swerve vs OC/Darby which was such a goddamn tremendous match. Everyone looked fucking amazing in this. Pure joy watching this.

- The number of vignettes/hype videos this week was extraordinary. Felt like half the show. They even ran multiple videos back to back. Very weird and made the show feel disjointed. 

- Jericho completely binning off the JAS and Sammy Guevara story to presumably insert himself into Blood & Guts is the most Chris Jericho move I can think of. Fuck's sake.

- that Cole/MJF at the gym stuff was awful. I found all their stuff this week pretty dreadful actually. NXT-acting from Cole, hokey MJF...this is a World title feud, c'mon lads sort it out.

- They need to find something good for The Acclaimed to do, proper wheel spinning same old shit at the moment. 

- considering the number of great wrestlers on the roster doing nothing at the moment forgive me for not being too excited right now about some flippy 18 year old geek turning up next week.

- the main event was a good, solid match though I don't think it or the post match shenanigans did too much to hype up Blood and Guts.

- they just offhandedly briefly mentioned two mystery 5th men for B&G. Surely hyping that up is the best way to generate excitement for the big show coming up? I don't know if the crew are knackered from travelling to Canada every week and doing so many shows per week but they need to put more effort in.

- also not a huge fan of the Dark Order being involved in this Elite/BCC feud. Why would Dark Order stop Hangman from hitting the BCC (who have previously beaten the shit out of Dark Order) with chairs?

Edited by LaGoosh
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15 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

Because they want to see Hangman taking a kicking for forgetting about DO when he went back to his other mates?

That would make sense if Dark Order's actions resulted in Hangman taking a kicking...which he didn't.

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Cracking opener. Orange Cassidy remains Wrestler of the Year. Keith Lee vs. Darby in a singles is now a dream match. Throw that fucker to the moon, Keith!

Almost as exciting as Kota Ibushi being The Elite’s mystery partner was the idea of Eddie Kingston being the Combat Club’s partner. Loved the idea of him agreeing to it out of loyalty to Mox and Renee, only for the whole thing to fall apart during the match when he catches a glimpse of Claudio and just starts swinging. However, I’ve since seen reports Kingston will be busy with the G1, so he’s out. Shame.

Make CM Punk The Combat Club’s fifth man, you cowards!

Of course Chris Jericho has leeched on to The Elite vs. Combat Club feud. Lad’s a fucking Dementor, sucking the life out of anything hot in the company.

I liked the MJF/Cole stuff. Sure, it’s silly mid-card comedy, but I’ve got more than enough faith in MJF at this point that I can enjoy the fun whilst it lasts, certain it’s going to take a very dark turn eventually. I love insincere, full-of-shit babyface MJF.

I think it’s time for The Acclaimed turn on Daddy Ass. I know they’re still super over as babyfaces, but surely it’s better to do it now, than wait for another six months of doing nothing for them to cool off.

Wheeler Yuta, the greatest little shit of all time. That little strut and dance he’s introduced is perfect. What a prick. Loved watching him get battered.

Jungle Boy is genuinely awkward to watch trying to pull off this heel character. It doesn’t work at all. Proper high school play stuff. Turning him already feels like a mistake.

My man Double J Jeff Jarrett getting sucked into the Matt Hardy Cinematic Universe! Heartbreaking. Is Matt Hardy Tony Khan’s dealer? It’s the only thing that makes sense at this point.

Edited by Supremo
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I don’t think we get Jericho in B&G, I think we get teased Garcia as “the wrestler” joking BCC, then in the end it’s Sammy so they gave someone willing be the thrown off it.


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I think more and more it's pretty clear that MJF needs to turn babyface. The live crowds are absolutely desperate to cheer for him, all they need is a reason. I think a gradual turn from heel to babyface with the eventual end goal of babyface champ MJF vs heel challenger CM Punk is exactly what they should be slowly building towards. 

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13 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think more and more it's pretty clear that MJF needs to turn babyface. The live crowds are absolutely desperate to cheer for him, all they need is a reason. I think a gradual turn from heel to babyface with the eventual end goal of babyface champ MJF vs heel challenger CM Punk is exactly what they should be slowly building towards. 

I think the only reason to have dragged out this odd couple situation with Cole, is to help turn MJF. If the Elite v. CMFTR is really off the table. Then MJF v. Punk III is one of the better options they have.

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Jungle Boy's heel stick reminds of that TV trope of the nerdy kid pretending to be hard and cool to impress a girl, only for it predictably fail when she has enough and fucks off. It's just incredibly see-through and inauthentic, and so I can't buy into the Hook feud at all now.

Edited by Accident Prone
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Found it a very entertaining episode! Having our guys Taz, Excalibur and Tony on comms is sooo fresh and welcoming, in contrast to what I saw/heard on Collision.  What an opener, loving it all round, Cassidy gets it all, Swerve is that guy and Lee played his part well. MJF Cole to win the tournament, to face FTR which will should lock back in with Punk, somehow. Yes, the MJF Cole stuff is predictable, but so silly it makes me smile. Didn't actually mind the Jericho stuff, JAS has been flatline for a while, lets see what him & Callis can do for the next 6 months. I'm still not totally sold with Hangman being back in the Elite, feels a bit tired already, been here done that. But I'm also bit done with Dark Order now, don't really care for them after all this time, not sure where to take it. Also, what a live crowd that was.

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